source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/"
source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/rev_control/"
+# turn off occasionally troublesome setting before checkin.
+unset GIT_SSH
dir="$1"; shift
pushd "$dir" &>/dev/null
test_or_die "changing to directory: $dir"
+test_or_die "generating revision control file list"
+popd &>/dev/null
-#switch this to the perform revctrl with a do_git_careful_update
-# get everything from the origin.
-git fetch origin
-test_or_die "running git fetch origin"
-#these are all shots in the dark.
-# use our careful updater!
-git remote update
-# get everything from the origin.
-git fetch --all
-# merge the changes in.
-git merge --no-ff --all
-# turn off occasionally troublesome setting before checkin.
-unset GIT_SSH
+perform_revctrl_action_on_file "$tempfile" do_careful_git_update
+test_or_die "doing a careful git update on: $tempfile"
-# send the little boat down the stream to the dependent repository.
+# send our little boat down the stream to the dependent repository.
git push downstream master
test_or_die "running the git push downstream"