<provider copy-of="extension" id="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.UserLanguageSettingsProvider"/>
<provider-reference id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ReferencedProjectsLanguageSettingsProvider" ref="shared-provider"/>
<provider-reference id="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.MBSLanguageSettingsProvider" ref="shared-provider"/>
- <provider class="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.language.settings.providers.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector" console="false" env-hash="-1260941817250426252" id="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector" keep-relative-paths="false" name="CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings" parameter="${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} -E -P -v -dD "${INPUTS}"" prefer-non-shared="true">
+ <provider class="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.language.settings.providers.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector" console="false" env-hash="-1260495321477850252" id="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector" keep-relative-paths="false" name="CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings" parameter="${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} -E -P -v -dD "${INPUTS}"" prefer-non-shared="true">
<language-scope id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.gcc"/>
<language-scope id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.g++"/>
<provider copy-of="extension" id="org.eclipse.cdt.ui.UserLanguageSettingsProvider"/>
<provider-reference id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ReferencedProjectsLanguageSettingsProvider" ref="shared-provider"/>
<provider copy-of="extension" id="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.GCCBuildCommandParser"/>
- <provider class="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.language.settings.providers.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector" console="false" env-hash="-1260941817250426252" id="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector" keep-relative-paths="false" name="CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings" parameter="${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} -E -P -v -dD "${INPUTS}"" prefer-non-shared="true">
+ <provider class="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.language.settings.providers.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector" console="false" env-hash="-1260495321477850252" id="org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.GCCBuiltinSpecsDetector" keep-relative-paths="false" name="CDT GCC Built-in Compiler Settings" parameter="${COMMAND} ${FLAGS} -E -P -v -dD "${INPUTS}"" prefer-non-shared="true">
<language-scope id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.gcc"/>
<language-scope id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.g++"/>
int execute();
int print_instructions_and_exit() {
-%s: This utility requires a directory name on the command line.\n\
-The subdirectories under that directory will be shown. If a second paramter\n\
-is provided, it is taken as a pattern that will be used to show the files in\n\
-those directories also. Otherwise, just the tree of directories is shown.\n\
+%s: This utility shows the sub-directory structure for a chosen directory.\n\
+It expects a directory name to be provided on the command line. If no\n\
+directory is provided, then the current directory is assumed. The sub-\n\
+directories under the chosen directory will be displayed on the console in a\n\
+stylized textual tree. If a second parameter is provided, it is taken as a\n\
+file pattern that causes matching files to be displayed. Without a pattern,\n\
+just the directory tree is shown.\n\
+For example:\n\
+ dirtree\n\
+ => shows the directory structure of the current directory.\n\
+ dirtree udon\n\
+ => shows the structure of directory 'udon'\n\
+ dirtree soba \"*.txt\"\n\
+ => displays all text files and sub-directories of 'soba'\n\
", filename(application::_global_argv[0]).basename().raw().s()));
return 23;
int dirtree::execute()
astring path;
- if (application::_global_argc < 2) {
- return print_instructions_and_exit();
- }
- path = application::_global_argv[1];
+//hmmm: we really need an abstraction to do some checking if they want --help;
+// this comparison way of doing it is lame.
+astring helpword = astring("--help");
+ if (application::_global_argc <= 1) {
+ // plug in our default path if they gave us no parameters.
+ path = ".";
+ } else {
+ // they gave us some parameters. but are they asking for help?
+ if (helpword == astring(application::_global_argv[1])) {
+ return print_instructions_and_exit();
+ } else {
+ // this seems like a serious path request.
+ path = application::_global_argv[1];
+ }
+ }
// check if we should show any of the files.
bool show_files = false;
astring pattern;
- if (application::_global_argc >= 3)
+ if (application::_global_argc >= 3) {
pattern = application::_global_argv[2];
+ }
if (pattern.t()) {
show_files = true;
if (!dir.good()) {
continuable_error(class_name(), "tree construction",
"the directory could not be read");
- return 82;
+ return print_instructions_and_exit();
dir_tree_iterator *ted = dir.start(directory_tree::prefix);
directory_tree::depth(*ted, depth);
directory_tree::children(*ted, kids);
astring name_to_log = curr.basename().raw();
- if (!depth)
+ if (!depth) {
name_to_log = curr.raw();
+ }
LOG(hier_prefix(depth, kids) + name_to_log);
if (show_files) {
astring names;
if (names.length()) {
astring split;
string_manipulation::split_lines(names, split, depth * 2 + 2);
+ // strip eol chars off the string we got back, since we already add that in log.
+ while (parser_bits::is_eol(split[split.end()])) {
+ split.zap(split.end(), split.end());
+ }