+#hmmm: extract to core somewhere...
+# locates a parent directory of a certain name, if possible. returns success
+# (as zero) if the directory was found, and failure if there was no parent
+# named as requested. sets a global variable PARENT_DIR_FOUND to the full
+# directory name that matched, including the name being sought (but omitting
+# any deeper directories than that).
+function find_named_parent_dir()
+ local dir_name_sought="$1"; shift
+ # clear any previous global result.
+ # check for degenerate case of parameter count.
+ if [ -z "$dir_name_sought" ]; then
+ echo "
+find_named_parent_dir: requires a directory name parameter, which will be
+sought out above the current directory. the return value indicates whether
+the requested name was found or not.
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # loop upwards in dir hierarchy to find the name.
+ while true; do
+ local currdir="$(\pwd)"
+ if [ "$currdir" == "/" ]; then
+ # we climbed out of all subdirs. this is a failure case.
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # get the base part of our name to check on success.
+ local base="$(basename "$currdir")"
+ if [ "$base" == "$dir_name_sought" ]; then
+ # yes, that is the right name. success case. save our result.
+ export PARENT_DIR_FOUND="$currdir"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ done
# tries to find an appropriate config file for the application.
function locate_config_file()
app_dirname="$(basename $(find "$appsdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d) )"
exit_on_error "Guessing application folder"
- # if more than one folder, force user to choose.
- # Reference:
- holdps3="$PS3"
- PS3='Please pick a folder for site initialization: '
- options=( $(find "$appsdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec basename {} ';') "Quit")
- select app_dirname in "${options[@]}"; do
- case $app_dirname in
- "Quit") echo ; echo "Quitting from the script."; return 1; ;;
- *) echo ; echo "You picked folder '$app_dirname'" ; break; ;;
- esac
- done
- if [ -z "$app_dirname" ]; then
- echo "The folder was not provided. This script needs a directory name"
- echo "within which to initialize the site."
- return 1
+ # there's more than one folder in apps...
+ # if we can find an avenger5 directory above our current PWD, then that might tell us our name.
+ if find_named_parent_dir "avenger5"; then
+ # we can grab a name above the avenger5 location. let's try that.
+ app_dirname="$(basename "$(dirname $PARENT_DIR_FOUND)" )"
+ else
+ # well, we couldn't guess a directory based on our current location,
+ # so ask the user to choose.
+ # Reference:
+ holdps3="$PS3"
+ PS3='Please pick a folder for site initialization: '
+ options=( $(find "$appsdir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec basename {} ';') "Quit")
+ select app_dirname in "${options[@]}"; do
+ case $app_dirname in
+ "Quit") echo ; echo "Quitting from the script."; return 1; ;;
+ *) echo ; echo "You picked folder '$app_dirname'" ; break; ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [ -z "$app_dirname" ]; then
+ echo "The folder was not provided. This script needs a directory name"
+ echo "within which to initialize the site."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ PS3="$holdps3"
- PS3="$holdps3"
test_app_folder "$appsdir" "$app_dirname"
exit_on_error "Testing application folder: $app_dirname"