+++ /dev/null
-source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/launch_feisty_meow.sh"
-echo "Updating walrus and musix from surya: raw mode without syncthing!"
-for currdir in basement imaginations musix walrus; do
- sep
- echo "synching $currdir folder..."
- rsync -avz surya:/z/$currdir/* /z/$currdir/
--- /dev/null
+source "$FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/launch_feisty_meow.sh"
+synch_host="$1"; shift
+if [ -z "$synch_host" ]; then
+ echo This script requires a hostname where we expect to find archives.
+ exit 1
+echo "Updating our local archives from $synch_host: this is very raw mode, without syncthing!" | splitter
+for currdir in basement imaginations musix walrus; do
+ sep
+ echo "synching $currdir folder from $synch_host..."
+ rsync -avz "$synch_host":/z/$currdir/* /z/$currdir/