where files were modified, and did not get synched, where directories were
moved, and did not get synched. it's still worthless even after 4 releases of
ubuntu, because the bugs i've seen go all the way back to ubuntu 10.04.
really sad, because i need a feature like this, but i also need it to be 100%
reliable for the files i put into it.
&snarf_by_pattern($snarf_file_base, "$root", "list");
&snarf_by_pattern($snarf_file_base, "$root", "task");
-# backup additional items from our Ubuntu One folder.
-&snarf_by_pattern($snarf_file_base, "$root", "notes", "Ubuntu One");
+# backup additional folders we care about.
+###ubuntu one retired because of complete unreliability.
+#&snarf_by_pattern($snarf_file_base, "$root", "notes", "Ubuntu One");