- true;
+ return 0
# shows the local changes in a repository.
- true;
+ return 0
# reports any files that are not already known to the upstream repository.
- true
+ return 0
# checks in all the folders in a specified list.
- return 0
-# below has older shards of partial knowledge.
-# reslog=$(git log HEAD..origin/master --oneline)
-# if [[ "${reslog}" != "" ]] ; then
-# git merge origin/master
-# # from very helpful page:
-# #
-# for remote in $( git branch -r | grep -v -- '->' ); do
-# git branch --track ${remote#origin/} $remote 2>/dev/null
-##hmmm: ignoring errors from these, since they are continual.
-##hmmm: if we could find a way to not try to track with a local branch when there's already one present, that would be swell. it's probably simple.
-# done
-##hmmm: well, one time it failed without the fetch. i hope that's because the fetch is actually needed and not because the whole approach is fubar.
-# git fetch --all 2>&1 | grep -v "X11 forwarding request failed" | $TO_SPLITTER
-# test_or_die "git fetch"
-# git pull --all 2>&1 | grep -v "X11 forwarding request failed" | $TO_SPLITTER
-# test_or_die "git pull"
# gets the latest versions of the assets from the upstream repository.
- true
+ return 0
# gets all the updates for a list of folders under revision control.