-# change to the home directory so we can find our files.
+source $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS/core/functions.sh
TEMPO_FILE="$(mktemp "$TMP/zz_feistypack.XXXXXX")"
# specify where we keep the file until we're ready to move it.
# shortcut for the lengthy exclude parameter.
export XC='--exclude='
-# zip up hoople2, but exclude the file names we never want to see.
-tar -czf $TEMPO_FILE feisty_meow $XC"*/*.tar.gz" $XC"*/*.zip" $XC"*/waste/*" $XC"*/logs/*" $XC"*/binaries/*" $XC"*/.git/*"
+parent_dir="$(dirname "$FEISTY_MEOW_DIR")"
+base_dir="$(basename "$FEISTY_MEOW_DIR")"
+pushd $parent_dir
-date_string="$(date +"%Y_%b_%e_%H%M" | sed -e 's/ //g')"
+# zip up hoople2, but exclude the file names we never want to see.
+tar -czf $TEMPO_FILE $base_dir $XC"*/*.tar.gz" $XC"*/*.zip" $XC"*/waste/*" $XC"*/logs/*" $XC"*/binaries/*" $XC"*.git*"
# now move the newest version into its resting place. this prepares the
# feisty_meow package for uploading.
-mv -v $TEMPO_FILE $WEB_DIR/feistymeow.org/releases/feisty_meow_codebase_${date_string}.tar.gz
+mv -v $TEMPO_FILE $WEB_DIR/feistymeow.org/releases/feisty_meow_codebase_$(date_stringer).tar.gz