+echo "Making some important permission changes..."
# fix up the main web storage.
chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www
test_or_die "chown www-data"
group_perm /opt/feistymeow.org
test_or_die "group perms on feisty meow"
+echo "Done with important permission changes."
# some slightly tricky bits start here. we want to massage the vm into the
+echo "Updating developer welcome file."
# only update hello if they've still got the file there. we don't want to
# keep forcing our hellos at people.
if [ -f "$HOME/hello.txt" ]; then
# code below easy at least.
if [ -l /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf ]; then
# the old site is in place still, so let's update that.
+ echo "Updating default web sites to latest version."
a2dissite 000-default
test_or_die "disabling old apache site"
+# clean out some old files that were not checked in in mapsdemo.
+echo Doing some git repository maintenance in fred account.
+# change over to fred folder
+pushd /home/fred
+test_or_die "changing dir to fred's home; what have you done with fred?"
+pushd apps/mapsdemo
+test_or_die "changing dir to mapsdemo app"
+# gets rid of the old version of configs.
+git stash
+test_or_die "stashing mapsdemo changes"
+git stash drop
+test_or_die "dropping mapsdemo stash"
+rpuffer apps
+test_or_die "puffing out apps directory"
# sequel--tell them they're great and show the hello again also.