--- /dev/null
+the files starting with "license--" are for objects that have been
+released as full-permission in osgrid and second life...
+ this license applies to objects that are completely free to copy,
+ share, disassemble, etc in any simulator grid.
+ this license applies to objects that have been freed for osgrid only.
+ users within non-open grids such as second life do not have any rights to
+ these objects beyond their being available for sale by fred huffhines.
+ second life restricts user freedoms, and thus we must keep our copyrights
+ from being trampled upon by them (see second life's third party viewer
+ rules for more details).
+ this is a record of public domain license on a set of clock scripts by
+ beezle warburton.
+ this is a record of license being granted to use timeless prototype's door
+ scripts within other grids besides SL (where they were already open source).