-- "Being Right Here: A Dzogchen Treasure Text of Nuden Dorje entitled 'The
Mirror of Clear Meaning' with commentary by James Low", published by Snow
Lion Publications
+groundhog daze:
+ this is an event that can be caused by strong intoxication of various sorts.
+the sufferer passes out while seated at a table, such that he or she then has
+their head thud down onto the table. after a brief rest, the unlucky person
+wakes up again, and starts to rise off the table. when the head rises to a
+certain point, where blood pressure starts to increase, the effect of the
+intoxication takes over again, and they pass out once more. bam. hence, the
+head repeatedly banging into the table: a groundhog daze.
+ i have seen this happen. it's not fun to watch. well, maybe a little.
+ --fred t. hamster