# locates a process given a search pattern to match in the process list.
function psfind() {
+ local -a patterns=("${@}")
+ mkdir $TEST_TEMP/grid_logs &>/dev/null
local PID_DUMP="$(mktemp "$TMP/zz_pidlist.XXXXXX")"
local PIDS_SOUGHT=()
- local patterns=($*)
if [ "$OS" == "Windows_NT" ]; then
# needs to be a windows format filename for 'type' to work.
if [ ! -d c:/tmp ]; then
# we 'type' the file to get rid of the unicode result from wmic.
cmd $flag type "$tmppid" >$PID_DUMP
\rm "$tmppid"
- local CR='\r' # embedded carriage return.
+ local CR='
+' # embedded carriage return.
local appropriate_pattern="s/^.* *\([0-9][0-9]*\)[ $CR]*\$/\1/p"
for i in "${patterns[@]}"; do
+ local -a PIDS_SOUGHT+=($(cat $PID_DUMP \
| grep -i "$i" \
- | sed -n -e "$appropriate_pattern")
+ | sed -n -e "$appropriate_pattern"))
if [ ${#PIDS_SOUGHT[*]} -ne 0 ]; then
# we want to bail as soon as we get matches, because on the same
# platform, the same set of patterns should work to find all
# user wants to find, and just pluck the process ids out of the
# results.
for i in "${patterns[@]}"; do
+ local -a PIDS_SOUGHT=($(cat $PID_DUMP \
| sed -e '1d' \
| grep -i "$i" \
- | sed -n -e "$appropriate_pattern")
+ | sed -n -e "$appropriate_pattern"))
if [ ${#PIDS_SOUGHT[*]} -ne 0 ]; then
# we want to bail as soon as we get matches, because on the same
# platform, the same set of patterns should work to find all