- #
+ # fix up bind so that we think of any address with cakelampvm.com on the end
+ # as being on the vm. this is already true for some specific sites, but we
+ # want the wildcard enabled to ease the use of DNS for windows folks.
+ grep -q "\*[[:blank:]]*IN A[[:blank:]]*" /etc/bind/cakelampvm.com.conf
+ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+ # already present.
+ echo the bind settings for wildcard domains off of cakelampvm.com seems to already be present. good deal.
+ else
+ echo "
+ ; our bind magic, a wildcard domain, for all other sites with cakelampvm.com
+ ; in the domain. this forces any other sites besides the ones above to route
+ ; to the actual vm IP address, which currently is singular and very fixated.
+ * IN A
+ IN HINFO "linux vm" "ubuntu"
+ " >> /etc/bind/cakelampvm.com.conf
+ restart_bind
+ ##############
+ ##############
# sequel--tell them they're great and show the hello again also.