# when passed a list of things, this will return the unique items from that list as an echo.
function uniquify()
-## # change the eol character so things are easier.
-sep >>~/uniquify.out
-echo "$(date): list before uniquify: $*" >>~/uniquify.out
-## IFS=' '
- # do the uniquification.
- local chewed="$(echo $* | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq)"
- echo $chewed
-echo "$(date): list after uniquify: $chewed" >>~/uniquify.out
-## # return the former eol characters to their place.
+ # do the uniquification: split the space separated items into separate lines, then
+ # sort the list, then run the uniq tool on the list. results will be packed back onto
+ # one line when invoked like: local fredlist="$(uniquify a b c e d a e f a e d b)"
+ echo $* | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq
# sets the variable in parameter 1 to the value in parameter 2, but only if