export DEFINITIONS # ensure that the macros get passed down to the subprocesses. include cpp/variables.def PROJECT = Source_Documentation TYPE = application FIRST_TARGETS += build_docs include cpp/rules.def build_docs: # @echo the defs are $(DEFINITIONS) @echo Regenerating documentation for feisty meow with doxygen. This could take a while... $(HIDESH) -c '\ doxygen $(wildcard *.config) &> "$$TEMPORARIES_PILE/doxygen_run_$$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S").log"; \ if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then \ echo failed to run doxygen on our configuration file.; \ echo perhaps doxygen is not properly installed?; \ echo these are the ubuntu install steps:; \ echo sudo apt install doxygen graphviz; \ fi \ ' @echo ...done regenerating the feisty meow docs. clean_docs: @echo dropping code_guide contents. $(HIDESH) -c '\ for dir in ../production/code_guide; do \ for patt in html map md5 png js css ttf dot ; do \ rm -f $$dir/*.$$patt; \ done; \ done \ '