============== Quick Start Guide for the Feisty Meow Codebase Commands that can be typed in a console or terminal are are prefixed with "$". (Do not include the dollar sign when copying and pasting commands.) Information that varies by platform is prefixed with a '|' character. This documentation assumes that the code is stored in the default location: /opt/feistymeow.org/feistymeow If you have stored it elsewhere, then please adapt the commands accordingly. ============== How to get the feisty meow codebase | On Microsoft Windows, install the Cygwin tools as documented here: | /opt/feistymeow.org/feisty_meow/documentation/cygwin_install_list.txt (local file) or | https://feistymeow.org/feisty_meow/documentation/cygwin_install_list.txt (web) Retrieve a clone of the feisty meow codebase: $ git clone git://feistymeow.org/feisty_meow ============== How to load the feisty meow script environment Set up the feisty_meow scripts; this is only needed once, when you first get the codebase. $ bash /opt/feistymeow.org/feisty_meow/scripts/core/reconfigure_feisty_meow.sh Connect the feisty meow scripts to your login script (in ~/.bashrc). Note that this actually modifies ~/.bashrc. This step is only needed once. $ bash /opt/feistymeow.org/feisty_meow/scripts/core/connect_feisty_meow.sh | For the root user, you can pass a flag '--root' to the connect_feisty_meow | script. This will add an alias for 'feistyme' which loads the feisty meow | scripts on demand (instead of automatically upon login). Load the script environment into the current shell. This can be done for any new shell. This is idempotent, so it does no harm to run it again. Note that you should not need this step if you connected feisty meow to ~/.bashrc above. $ source /opt/feistymeow.org/feisty_meow/scripts/core/launch_feisty_meow.sh When the feisty meow script environment loaded, many new aliases and functions are available for use. These come from the $FEISTY_MEOW_SCRIPTS folder. There is a list of feisty meow script commands available at: https://feistymeow.org/feisty_meow/documentation/feisty_meow_command_reference.txt ============== How to install the feisty meow script dependencies A couple of perl modules are required by some of the scripts (including the differ utility and the feisty meow customization system). They can be installed with either apt-get or CPAN. Install using apt-get (on Ubuntu or Debian-based OS): $ sudo apt-get install libfile-which-perl libtext-diff-perl or Install using perl's CPAN: $ sudo cpan install Text::Diff File::Which or on Cygwin (MS-Windows), install with apt-cyg: $ apt-cyg install perl-File-Which perl-Text-Diff ============== How to update the feisty meow codebase to the latest online version This assumes that a somewhat current version of feisty meow is already installed and the scripts are loaded (see above section for how to load). The command below retrieves the latest version of feisty meow codebase from the online repository and regenerates the scripts. $ rpuffer $FEISTY_MEOW_APEX ; regenerate ============== How to install the build dependencies for feisty meow These dependencies are used for building the applications, tools and tests in the "nucleus", "octopi", "graphiq" and other C++ collections. | Ubuntu / Debian: | $ sudo apt-get install build-essential librtmp-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libssl-dev | Centos / Redhat / Fedora: | $ sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ openssl-devel.x86_64 curl-devel The "kona" collection depends on Java version 8 or better. | Ubuntu: | Set up the java PPA archive as described here: | https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/java ============== How to build the feisty meow codebase Run the following command to build the feisty meow libraries and applications. $ produce_feisty_meow After the build is complete, the feisty meow applications can be found in the folder pointed at by the $FEISTY_MEOW_BINARIES environment variable. ============== How to clean up the files generated by the build This command cleans out all the generated files: $ whack_build clean ============== What are the feisty meow dependencies? The feisty meow scripts depend on these scripting languages and tools: bash perl (including Text::Diff and File::Which) python gnumake The feisty meow libraries and applications depend on these tools: Gnu C++ RTMP streams (?still? not sure.) Curl Open SSL The feisty meow "kona" library depends on these languages: Java ============== Bug reporting Report bugs at the feisty meow trac site: https://trac.feistymeow.org/projects/feistymeow/report Email fred@gruntose.com for authorization to write up new bug reports. There is also a github mirror of feisty meow at: https://github.com/fredhamster/feisty_meow The github repository will accept bug reports without an authorization process. ============== More information is available at the official site: https://feistymeow.org ==============