feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 package org.gffs.compression;
3 import java.io.File;
4 import java.io.FileInputStream;
5 import java.io.FileOutputStream;
6 import java.io.IOException;
7 import java.util.Iterator;
9 import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveEntry;
10 import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveOutputStream;
11 import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar.TarArchiveOutputStream;
12 import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.zip.ZipArchiveOutputStream;
13 import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.gzip.GzipCompressorOutputStream;
14 import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
15 import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
16 import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.IOFileFilter;
17 import org.apache.commons.io.filefilter.TrueFileFilter;
18 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
19 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
21 public class PackTar
22 {
23  static private Log _logger = LogFactory.getLog(PackTar.class);
28  public static String stripOutPrefix(String prefix, String longName) throws IOException
29  {
30  int indy = longName.indexOf(prefix, 0);
31  if (indy < 0)
32  throw new IOException("failure to find prefix in string, prefix=" + prefix + " and string=" + longName);
33  return longName.substring(indy + prefix.length());
34  }
42  public static void compressArchive(ArchiveOutputStream tarOut, String prefix, File source) throws IOException
43  {
44  _logger.debug("entered into compress archive on source " + source + " prefix " + prefix + " and tarout " + tarOut);
46  if (!source.exists()) {
47  // Don't unpack into an existing directory.
48  String msg = "Directory " + source.getAbsolutePath() + " doesn't exist yet. Cannot pack.";
49  _logger.error(msg);
50  throw new IOException(msg);
51  }
53  // traverse the whole tree of the directory (or just write this directly if it's a file).
54  if (source.isFile()) {
55  String choppedName = stripOutPrefix(prefix, source.getPath());
56  if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
57  _logger.debug("adding a file to the archive (chopped): " + choppedName);
58  ArchiveEntry f = tarOut.createArchiveEntry(source, choppedName);
59  tarOut.putArchiveEntry(f);
60  IOUtils.copy(new FileInputStream(source), tarOut);
61  tarOut.closeArchiveEntry();
62  } else if (source.isDirectory()) {
63  // traverse the directory tree at just this height and add everything recursively.
65  if (_logger.isDebugEnabled())
66  _logger.debug("iterating over a directory to add its contents to the archive: " + source);
68  Iterator<File> spidey = FileUtils.iterateFiles(source, new IOFileFilter()
69  {
70  @Override
71  public boolean accept(File arg0)
72  {
73  return true;
74  }
76  @Override
77  public boolean accept(File arg0, String arg1)
78  {
79  return true;
80  }
81  }, TrueFileFilter.INSTANCE);
83  File item = null;
84  while (spidey.hasNext()) {
85  item = spidey.next();
87  if (_logger.isTraceEnabled())
88  _logger.debug("recursing on item: " + item);
90  compressArchive(tarOut, prefix, item);
91  }
92  } else {
93  String msg = "source is not a file or directory although it exists. unknown how to process.";
94  _logger.error(msg);
95  throw new IOException(msg);
96  }
98  }
103  public static String findAppropriatePrefix(String toChop)
104  {
105  if (toChop.endsWith("/"))
106  return toChop; // already ready.
107  else
108  return toChop + "/"; // add a slash on the end.
109  }
111  public synchronized static void compressTarGZ(File tarFile, File dest) throws IOException
112  {
113  TarArchiveOutputStream tarOut = new TarArchiveOutputStream(new GzipCompressorOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tarFile)));
114  compressArchive(tarOut, findAppropriatePrefix(dest.getPath()), dest);
115  tarOut.close();
116  }
118  public synchronized static void compressTar(File tarFile, File dest) throws IOException
119  {
120  TarArchiveOutputStream tarOut = new TarArchiveOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tarFile));
121  compressArchive(tarOut, findAppropriatePrefix(dest.getPath()), dest);
122  tarOut.close();
123  }
125  public synchronized static void compressZip(File zipFile, File dest) throws IOException
126  {
127  ZipArchiveOutputStream tarOut = new ZipArchiveOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile));
128  compressArchive(tarOut, findAppropriatePrefix(dest.getPath()), dest);
129  tarOut.close();
130  }
132  static public void main(String[] args) throws Throwable
133  {
134  // future: could use our cool code above to handle any archive type they pass.
135  if (args.length != 2) {
136  System.err.println("USAGE: PackTar {tar.gz file} {source location}");
137  System.exit(1);
138  }
140  try {
141  PackTar.compressTarGZ(new File(args[0]), new File(args[1]));
142  } catch (Throwable t) {
143  _logger.error("failed to compress tar file " + args[0] + " from " + args[1]);
144  System.exit(1);
145  }
147  System.out.println("successfully compressed archive file " + args[0] + " from " + args[1]);
148  }
150 }
static void main(String[] args)
Definition: PackTar.java:132
static void compressArchive(ArchiveOutputStream tarOut, String prefix, File source)
Definition: PackTar.java:42
static synchronized void compressZip(File zipFile, File dest)
Definition: PackTar.java:125
static String findAppropriatePrefix(String toChop)
Definition: PackTar.java:103
static synchronized void compressTarGZ(File tarFile, File dest)
Definition: PackTar.java:111
static synchronized void compressTar(File tarFile, File dest)
Definition: PackTar.java:118
static String stripOutPrefix(String prefix, String longName)
Definition: PackTar.java:28