feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 package org.gffs.application;
3 import java.io.File;
4 import java.io.IOException;
5 import java.net.URISyntaxException;
6 import java.net.URL;
8 import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
9 import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
10 import org.gffs.filesystem.FileSystemHelper;
17 public class ProgramTools
18 {
19  public static Log _logger = LogFactory.getLog(ProgramTools.class);
25  public static String showLastFewOnStack(int howManyFrames)
26  {
27  StackTraceElement[] elements = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
28  StringBuilder toReturn = new StringBuilder();
29  /*
30  * don't start at the very first frame; we want to skip backwards to the direct caller of this function.
31  */
32  int startFrame = 3;
33  int endFrame = Math.min(howManyFrames + 3, elements.length - 1);
34  for (int i = startFrame; i < endFrame; i++) {
35  if (toReturn.length() != 0) {
36  toReturn.append("\n<= ");
37  }
38  toReturn.append(getStackFrame(i));
39  }
40  return toReturn.toString();
41  }
46  public static String getStackFrame(int which)
47  {
48  StackTraceElement[] elements = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
49  /* a little self-protection to avoid accessing missing parts of the array. */
50  if (which >= elements.length)
51  which = elements.length - 1;
52  return elements[which].toString();
53  }
61  static public String getInstallationDirectory()
62  {
63  String appPath = null;
64  // see if we can intuit our location from living in a jar.
65  URL url = ProgramTools.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
66  try {
67  // get the app path but switch back slashes to forward ones.
68  appPath = new File(url.toURI().getSchemeSpecificPart()).toString().replace('\\', '/');
69  } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
70  String msg = "failed to convert code source url to app path: " + url;
71  _logger.error(msg);
72  throw new RuntimeException(msg);
73  }
74  if (_logger.isTraceEnabled())
75  _logger.trace("got source path as: " + appPath);
76  if (appPath.endsWith(".jar")) {
77  // we need to chop off the jar file part of the name.
78  int lastSlash = appPath.lastIndexOf("/");
79  // if (lastSlash < 0)
80  // lastSlash = appPath.lastIndexOf("\\");
81  if (lastSlash < 0) {
82  String msg = "could not find a slash character in the path: " + appPath;
83  _logger.error(msg);
84  throw new RuntimeException(msg);
85  }
86  appPath = appPath.substring(0, lastSlash);
87  if (_logger.isTraceEnabled())
88  _logger.trace("truncated path since inside jar: " + appPath);
89  }
90  appPath = appPath.concat("/..");
92  if (_logger.isTraceEnabled())
93  _logger.trace("jar-intuited startup bundle path: " + appPath);
95  File startupDir = new File(appPath);
96  if (!startupDir.exists() || !startupDir.isDirectory()) {
97  throw new RuntimeException(
98  "the location where we believe the installation is running from does not actually exist as a directory.");
99  }
101  //hmmm: below may not be very general since it does osgi? but it will work if people use a bundles dir.
103  /*
104  * make sure we can find our own bundles directory, which is a crucial thing for osgi. if we can't find it, then we really don't know
105  * where home is.
106  */
107  File testingBundlesDir = new File(startupDir, "bundles");
108  File testingExtDir = new File(startupDir, "ext");
109  String lastStartupDirState = "not-equal"; // a string we should never see as a full path.
111  while (!testingBundlesDir.exists() || !testingExtDir.exists()) {
112  if (_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
113  if (_logger.isTraceEnabled())
114  _logger.debug("failed to find bundles directory at '" + startupDir.getAbsolutePath() + "', popping up a level.");
115  }
117  if (lastStartupDirState.equals(FileSystemHelper.sanitizeFilename(startupDir.getAbsolutePath()))) {
118  throw new RuntimeException(
119  "caught the startup directory not changing, which means we have hit the root and failed to find our bundles and ext directories.");
120  }
121  // reset for next time.
122  lastStartupDirState = FileSystemHelper.sanitizeFilename(startupDir.getAbsolutePath());
124  // pop up a level, since we didn't find our bundles directory.
125  startupDir = new File(startupDir, "..");
126  testingBundlesDir = new File(startupDir, "bundles");
127  testingExtDir = new File(startupDir, "ext");
129  if (startupDir.getParent() == null) {
130  throw new RuntimeException("failed to find the bundles and ext directories after hitting top of file system paths.");
131  }
132  }
134  // we successfully found the bundles directory, even if we may have had to jump a few hoops.
135  if (_logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
136  _logger.debug("successfully found bundles directory under path: " + appPath);
137  }
139  // now resolve the path to an absolute location without relative components.
140  try {
141  appPath = FileSystemHelper.sanitizeFilename(startupDir.getCanonicalPath());
142  } catch (IOException e) {
143  _logger.error("could not open osgi directory: " + appPath);
144  }
145  if (_logger.isTraceEnabled())
146  _logger.debug("startup path after resolution with File: " + appPath);
147  return appPath;
148  }
149 }
static String getInstallationDirectory()
static String showLastFewOnStack(int howManyFrames)
static String getStackFrame(int which)
static String sanitizeFilename(String toClean)