feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 package org.feistymeow.algorithms;
3 import java.util.ArrayList;
4 import java.util.Arrays;
5 import java.util.Comparator;
6 import java.util.Vector;
12 {
14  {
16  }
18  public static class Point
19  {
20  Point(double x, double y)
21  {
22  this.x = x;
23  this.y = y;
24  }
26  double x, y;
27  }
29  public static class Rectangle
30  {
31  Rectangle(Point ul, Point lr)
32  {
33  this.ul = ul;
34  this.lr = lr;
35  }
37  Point ul, lr;
38  }
40  public static boolean doesPointOverlap(Point p, Rectangle r)
41  {
42  return p.x <= r.lr.x && p.x >= r.ul.x && p.y <= r.lr.y && p.y >= r.ul.y;
43  }
45  public static boolean doRectanglesOverlap(Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2)
46  {
47  return doesPointOverlap(r1.ul, r2) || doesPointOverlap(r1.lr, r2) || doesPointOverlap(r2.ul, r1) || doesPointOverlap(r2.lr, r1);
48  }
53  public static Vector<Rectangle> findOverlapBruteForce(Vector<Rectangle> list)
54  {
55  // terrible brute force algorithm below.
56  for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
57  for (int j = i; j < list.size(); j++) {
58  if (doRectanglesOverlap(list.get(i), list.get(j))) {
59  ArrayList<Rectangle> toReturn = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
60  toReturn.add(list.get(i));
61  toReturn.add(list.get(j));
62  }
63  }
64  }
65  return null;
66  }
68  public static class SortedElement
69  {
70  double value; // the key.
71  boolean lowerEdge; // is this the left side?
72  Rectangle source; // where did this value come from.
74  public SortedElement(double value, boolean lowerEdge, Rectangle source)
75  {
76  this.value = value;
77  this.lowerEdge = lowerEdge;
78  this.source = source;
79  }
80  }
82  public static class SortedElementComparator implements Comparator<SortedElement>
83  {
84  @Override
85  public int compare(SortedElement k1, SortedElement k2)
86  {
87  SortedElementKey key1 = new SortedElementKey(k1.value);
88  return key1.compareTo(new SortedElementKey(k2.value));
89  }
91  Double value;
92  }
94  public static class SortedElementKey implements Comparable<SortedElementKey>
95  {
96  public SortedElementKey(double key)
97  {
98  this.key = key;
99  }
101  @Override
102  public int compareTo(SortedElementKey k2)
103  {
104  return (key == k2.key) ? 0 : (key < k2.key) ? -1 : 1;
105  }
107  double key;
108  }
115  public static Vector<Rectangle> findOverlap(Vector<Rectangle> list)
116  {
117  // first phase, produce a sorted list of the x coordinates of the rectangles.
118  // this completes in O(n log(n)) time.
119  ArrayList<SortedElement> xEdges = new ArrayList<SortedElement>();
120  for (Rectangle r : list) {
121  xEdges.add(new SortedElement(r.lr.x, true, r));
122  xEdges.add(new SortedElement(r.ul.x, false, r));
123  }
124  // we're assuming this is an efficient sort; i've heard rumors that it's a heapsort.
125  // if so we're good. if not, we'd write our own heapsort (see feisty meow nucleus sorts.h).
126  xEdges.sort(new SortedElementComparator());
128  // second phase, crawl across the sorted list and build up a binary search tree
129  // with the y coordinates from the rectangles. we will use this to check for
130  // intersections.
131  BinarySearchTree<SortedElementKey, SortedElement> bst = new BinarySearchTree<SortedElementKey, SortedElement>();
133  for (SortedElement scanner : xEdges) {
134  Rectangle source = scanner.source;
135  if (scanner.lowerEdge) {
136  // for x, this is the left edge.
137  // search for compatible top and bottom.
139 //that means what? a value that is less than or equal the top and gte the bottom?
140 //we can traverse the tree manually, looking for any in the range we want, but that means
141  //digging in and changing the bst to allow us to single step downwards, or some such.
143  //hmmm: POSTPONE. i want to do more things on the board, and this problem's gone WAY overtime.
144 //hmmm: need to fix this implementation; it is bustard.
147  // we want to add the two y components of the rectangle to our tree.
148  bst.insert(new SortedElementKey(source.lr.y), new SortedElement(source.lr.y, true, source));
149  bst.insert(new SortedElementKey(source.ul.y), new SortedElement(source.ul.y, false, source));
150  } else {
151  // for x, this is the right edge.
152  // we will remove from the bst the two values for our top and bottom y.
153  bst.delete(new SortedElementKey(source.lr.y));
154  bst.delete(new SortedElementKey(source.ul.y));
157  }
159 //what is missing?
162  }
165  return null;
166  }
168  public static void main(String[] argv)
169  {
170  Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1));
171  Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(new Point(3, 2), new Point(4, 3));
172  Rectangle r3 = new Rectangle(new Point(2, 3), new Point(3, 4));
173  Rectangle r4 = new Rectangle(new Point(5, 6), new Point(7, 9));
175  Vector<Rectangle> list1 = new Vector<Rectangle>(Arrays.asList(r1, r2, r3));
176  Vector<Rectangle> list2 = new Vector<Rectangle>(Arrays.asList(r1, r2));
177  Vector<Rectangle> list3 = new Vector<Rectangle>(Arrays.asList(r1, r3, r4));
179 // RectangleIntersector secto = new RectangleIntersector();
181  Vector<Rectangle> answer1 = RectangleIntersector.findOverlap(list1);
182  Vector<Rectangle> answer2 = RectangleIntersector.findOverlap(list2);
183  Vector<Rectangle> answer3 = RectangleIntersector.findOverlap(list3);
185  if (answer1 == null) {
186  System.out.println("FAILURE: test 1 did not find intersection in list");
187  } else {
188  System.out.println("OKAY: test 1 found intersections " + answer1.get(0) + " " + answer1.get(1));
189  }
190  if (answer2 != null) {
191  System.out.println("FAILURE: test 2 found an intersection in list that has none");
192  } else {
193  System.out.println("OKAY: test 2 no intersections found");
194  }
195  if (answer3 != null) {
196  System.out.println("FAILURE: test 3 found an intersection in list that has none");
197  } else {
198  System.out.println("OKAY: test 3 no intersections found");
199  }
200  }
202 }
static Vector< Rectangle > findOverlap(Vector< Rectangle > list)
static boolean doesPointOverlap(Point p, Rectangle r)
static boolean doRectanglesOverlap(Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2)
static Vector< Rectangle > findOverlapBruteForce(Vector< Rectangle > list)