feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 package org.feistymeow.system;
4 import java.io.*;
6 /*
7  * this class supports reading and setting values in the Windows registry.
8  *
9  * some example code came from http://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0480.html
10  * @author Chris Koeritz
11  */
12 public class RegistryEditor {
14  // the values below can be used for the expected type in the registry calls.
15  public static final String STRING_TYPE = "REG_SZ";
16  public static final String DOUBLEWORD_TYPE = "REG_DWORD";
18  // looks up the key provided in the registry and returns true if the key seems to exist.
19  // this is just a check for presence; it could have no subkeys or values under it, but it at
20  // least seems to be there.
21  public static boolean checkKey(String keyName) {
22  try {
23  // make a command to run in windows that will query the value.
24  StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(QUERY_COMMAND);
25  command.append("\"");
26  command.append(keyName);
27  command.append("\"");
28  // start the command running and trap its output.
29  Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command.toString());
30  StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(process.getInputStream());
31  reader.start();
32  process.waitFor(); // let the system call finish up.
33  reader.join(); // let the stream reader finish also.
34  return process.exitValue() == 0;
35  } catch (Exception e) {
36  return false;
37  }
38  }
40  // retrieves the key provided from the registry and selects out the value requested.
41  // it is necessary to know the expected type, such as REG_SZ or REG_DWORD.
42  // the value is always returned as a string and needs to be cast to different types as appropriate.
43  public static String getValue(String keyName, String valueName, String typeExpected) {
44  try {
45  // make a command to run in windows that will query the value.
46  StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(QUERY_COMMAND);
47  command.append("\"");
48  command.append(keyName);
49  command.append("\"");
50  command.append(VALUE_FLAG);
51  command.append(valueName);
52  // start the command running and trap its output.
53  Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command.toString());
54  StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(process.getInputStream());
55  reader.start();
56  process.waitFor(); // let the system call finish up.
57  reader.join(); // let the stream reader finish also.
58  // now grab the results from running the command and extract the answer.
59  String result = reader.getResult();
60  int p = result.indexOf(typeExpected);
61  if (p == -1) return null;
62  // return the result with the stuff before the type chopped off.
63  return result.substring(p + typeExpected.length()).trim();
64  } catch (Exception e) {
65  return null;
66  }
67  }
69  // makes a change to the specified "keyName" value called "valueName". the old value will be replaced
70  // with the "newValue" provided. the key and the value do not have to exist prior to the call, but if
71  // they already did exist, they'll be updated.
72  public static boolean setValue(String keyName, String valueName, String typeExpected, String newValue) {
73  try {
74  // make a command to run in windows that will set the value.
75  StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(SET_COMMAND);
76  command.append("\"");
77  command.append(keyName);
78  command.append("\"");
79  command.append(VALUE_FLAG);
80  command.append(valueName);
81  command.append(TYPE_FLAG);
82  command.append(typeExpected);
83  command.append(FORCE_FLAG);
84  command.append(DATA_FLAG);
85  command.append(newValue);
86  //System.out.println("command to run: " + command);
87  // start the command running and trap its output.
88  Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command.toString());
89  StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(process.getInputStream());
90  reader.start();
91  process.waitFor(); // let the system call finish up.
92  reader.join(); // let the stream reader finish also.
93  return (process.exitValue() == 0); // zero exit is a success.
94  } catch (Exception e) {
95  return false;
96  }
97  }
99  // removes the "valueName" value from the key "keyName". true is returned on success.
100  public static boolean deleteValue(String keyName, String valueName) {
101  try {
102  // make a command to run in windows that will set the value.
103  StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(DELETE_COMMAND);
104  command.append("\"");
105  command.append(keyName);
106  command.append("\"");
107  command.append(VALUE_FLAG);
108  command.append(valueName);
109  command.append(FORCE_FLAG);
110  //System.out.println("command to run: " + command);
111  // start the command running and trap its output.
112  Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command.toString());
113  StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(process.getInputStream());
114  reader.start();
115  process.waitFor(); // let the system call finish up.
116  reader.join(); // let the stream reader finish also.
117  return (process.exitValue() == 0); // zero exit is a success.
118  } catch (Exception e) {
119  return false;
120  }
121  }
123  // removes the entire key "keyName" from the registry. true is returned on success.
124  public static boolean deleteKey(String keyName) {
125  try {
126  // make a command to run in windows that will set the value.
127  StringBuilder command = new StringBuilder(DELETE_COMMAND);
128  command.append("\"");
129  command.append(keyName);
130  command.append("\"");
131  command.append(FORCE_FLAG);
132  //System.out.println("command to run: " + command);
133  // start the command running and trap its output.
134  Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command.toString());
135  StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(process.getInputStream());
136  reader.start();
137  process.waitFor(); // let the system call finish up.
138  reader.join(); // let the stream reader finish also.
139  return (process.exitValue() == 0); // zero exit is a success.
140  } catch (Exception e) {
141  return false;
142  }
143  }
145  // constants used in the registry code for talking to windows' reg application.
146  private static final String QUERY_COMMAND = "reg query ";
147  private static final String VALUE_FLAG = " /v ";
149  private static final String SET_COMMAND = "reg add ";
150  private static final String TYPE_FLAG = " /t ";
151  private static final String DATA_FLAG = " /d ";
152  private static final String FORCE_FLAG = " /f ";
154  private static final String DELETE_COMMAND = "reg delete ";
156  // wrapper class for stream reading came from web example mentioned above.
157  static class StreamReader extends Thread {
158  private InputStream is;
159  private StringWriter sw;
161  StreamReader(InputStream is) {
162  this.is = is;
163  sw = new StringWriter();
164  }
166  public void run() {
167  int c;
168  try {
169  while ((c = is.read()) != -1) sw.write(c);
170  } catch (IOException e) { /*nothing*/ }
171  }
173  String getResult() { return sw.toString(); }
174  }
175 }
static boolean deleteKey(String keyName)
static boolean setValue(String keyName, String valueName, String typeExpected, String newValue)
static boolean checkKey(String keyName)
static String getValue(String keyName, String valueName, String typeExpected)
static boolean deleteValue(String keyName, String valueName)