183 bool skip_or_ignore(
iterator &where,
int count);
iterators allow the list to be traversed.
void jump_head()
set the iterator to the head.
void jump_tail()
set the iterator to the tail.
void next()
synonym for ++.
void previous()
synonyms for –.
iterator(const doubly_linked_list *mgr, node *start)
opens up an iterator on a list.
bool is_tail() const
returns true if the cursor is at the tail of the list.
bool is_head() const
returns true if the cursor is at the head of the list.
node * access()
obtain access to the current element.
const node * observe()
peek at the current element.
bool operator==(const iterator &to_compare) const
returns true if the two iterators are at the same position.
void operator--()
go to previous item.
void operator++()
go to next item.
Implements a guarded, doubly linked list structure.
bool backward(iterator &where, int count)
moves the list pointer "count" items towards the head.
iterator tail() const
returns an iterator located at the tail of the list.
bool forward(iterator &where, int count)
moves the list pointer "count" items towards the tail.
int elements() const
returns the number of items currently in the list.
int index(const iterator &it) const
returns the zero-based index of the cursor's position from the head.
bool empty() const
returns true if the list is empty.
invalidates all contents of the list and destroys all child nodes.
int items_from_head(const iterator &where) const
Returns the number of elements between the current item and the head.
constructs a blank list.
iterator head() const
returns an iterator located at the head of the list.
node * remove(iterator &where)
extracts the current item from "where" and repairs the hole.
void append(iterator &where, node *new_node)
adds a "new_node" into the list immediately after "where".
void zap(iterator &where)
wipes out the item at "where", including its contents.
int items_from_tail(const iterator &where) const
Returns the number of elements between the current item and the tail.
void zap_all()
destroys all the list elements and makes the list empty.
void insert(iterator &where, node *new_node)
places a "new_node" immediately before the current node in the list.
bool set_index(iterator &to_set, int new_index)
positions the iterator "to_set" at the index specified.
An object representing the interstitial cell in most linked data structures.