feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 /*
5 Name : tcpip_stack
6 Author : Chris Koeritz
7 *******************************************************************************
8 * Copyright (c) 1991-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can *
9 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
10 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
11 * the License or (at your option) any later version. This is online at: *
12 * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
13 * Please send any updates to: fred@gruntose.com *
14 \*****************************************************************************/
16 #include "tcpip_definitions.h"
18 #include <basis/byte_array.h>
19 #include <basis/contracts.h>
22 // forward declarations.
23 struct sockaddr;
25 namespace sockets {
27 // forward declarations.
28 class internet_address;
29 class machine_uid;
30 class machine_uid_array;
37 class tcpip_stack : public virtual basis::root_object
38 {
39 public:
40  tcpip_stack();
41  virtual ~tcpip_stack();
43  bool healthy() const { return _healthy; }
44  // returns true if the stack seems to be functioning properly.
46  DEFINE_CLASS_NAME("tcpip_stack");
48  static basis::astring tcpip_error_name(int error_value);
49  // returns the name for the "error_value" specified, according to the
50  // WinSock 1.1 specification.
52  basis::astring hostname() const;
53  // gets the string form of the host's name for tcp/ip.
55  machine_uid this_host(int location_type) const;
56  // returns the unique identifier of "this" host given the "location_type"
57  // of interest. the type should be a member of the machine_uid::
58  // known_location_types enum.
60  static sockaddr convert(const internet_address &to_convert);
61  // returns a low-level address created from our style of address.
62  static internet_address convert(const sockaddr &to_convert);
63  // returns our style address from the low-level address.
66  // finds the ip address for a "hostname". the array will have zero
67  // length on failure. on success, the "full_host" will have the
68  // possibly more authoratitative name for the host.
70  bool resolve_any(const basis::astring &name, internet_address &resolved) const;
71  // translates "name" into a resolved form, where "name" can be either a
72  // hostname or an ip address. true is returned on success.
75  // returns a string form of the IP address for "hostname" or an empty
76  // string if hostname cannot be found.
78  bool enumerate_adapters(structures::string_array &ip_addresses, bool add_local = false) const;
79  // returns a list of the ip addresses that TCP/IP reports for this machine.
80  // if there's more than one address, then this machine is multi-homed,
81  // which could be due to an active dialup networking session or due to
82  // there being more than one network interface. if the function returns
83  // false, then tcp/ip failed to report any addresses at all. if the
84  // "add_local" parameter is true, then the localhost IP address is added
85  // to the list also.
87  internet_address fill_and_resolve(const basis::astring &machine, int port,
88  bool &worked) const;
89  // creates an address for TCP/IP given the "machine" and the "port".
90  // the "machine" can either be in dotted number notation or can be a
91  // hostname. a special value of "local" or the empty string in "machine"
92  // causes _this_ host to be used in the address. otherwise, if the
93  // "machine" is a textual hostname, then it is plugged into the returned
94  // address and resolved if possible. if the resolution of the "machine"
95  // is successful, then "worked" is set to true.
97  bool enumerate_adapters(machine_uid_array &ip_addresses,
98  bool add_local = false) const;
99  // similar to other function of same name but provides a list of
100  // machine_uid objects.
102 private:
103  bool _healthy; // records if stack started properly.
105  static bool initialize_tcpip();
106  // starts up the socket mechanisms. true is returned on success. if
107  // true is returned, each call to initialize must be paired with a call
108  // to deinitialize.
110  static void deinitialize_tcpip();
111  // shuts down the socket mechanisms.
112 };
119 {
120 public:
121  enum outcomes {
122  DEFINE_API_OUTCOME(NO_CONNECTION, -27, "The connection was dropped or "
123  "could not be made"),
124  DEFINE_API_OUTCOME(NO_SERVER, -28, "The server is not responding to "
125  "requests"),
126  DEFINE_API_OUTCOME(NO_ANSWER, -29, "The server does not seem to be "
127  "listening for connections"),
128  DEFINE_API_OUTCOME(SHUTDOWN, -30, "The object has been shut down or was "
129  "never started up"),
130  DEFINE_API_OUTCOME(ALREADY_SETUP, -31, "The object has already been setup"),
131  DEFINE_API_OUTCOME(MEDIUM_ERROR, -32, "The communications medium is in an "
132  "unusable state currently"),
133  DEFINE_API_OUTCOME(BAD_MODE, -33, "The transport cannot operate in the "
134  "mode specified"),
135  DEFINE_API_OUTCOME(ALREADY_CONNECTED, -34, "This object is already "
136  "connected"),
137  DEFINE_API_OUTCOME(WRONG_ENTITY, -35, "This is the wrong entity type for "
138  "the request"),
139  DEFINE_API_OUTCOME(IPC_ERROR, -36, "An error has occurred in interprocess "
140  "communication"),
141  DEFINE_API_OUTCOME(TOO_NOISY, -37, "The communications medium is currently "
142  "too noisy to be used"),
143  DEFINE_API_OUTCOME(COMM_ERROR, -38, "There was an unspecified "
144  "communication error")
145  };
147  static const char *outcome_name(const basis::outcome &to_name);
148  // returns a string representation of the outcome "to_name" if it's a
149  // member of the communication_commons::outcomes enum.
150 };
152 } //namespace.
154 #endif
Provides a dynamically resizable ASCII character string.
Definition: astring.h:35
A very common template for a dynamic array of bytes.
Definition: byte_array.h:36
Outcomes describe the state of completion for an operation.
Definition: outcome.h:31
Defines our communication related outcome values.
Definition: tcpip_stack.h:119
static const char * outcome_name(const basis::outcome &to_name)
Definition: tcpip_stack.cpp:59
this type of address describes a destination out on the internet.
Helpful functions for interacting with TCP/IP stacks.
Definition: tcpip_stack.h:38
static basis::astring tcpip_error_name(int error_value)
internet_address fill_and_resolve(const basis::astring &machine, int port, bool &worked) const
basis::byte_array full_resolve(const basis::astring &hostname, basis::astring &full_host) const
basis::astring hostname() const
machine_uid this_host(int location_type) const
bool resolve_any(const basis::astring &name, internet_address &resolved) const
bool healthy() const
Definition: tcpip_stack.h:43
basis::astring dns_resolve(const basis::astring &hostname) const
bool enumerate_adapters(structures::string_array &ip_addresses, bool add_local=false) const
static sockaddr convert(const internet_address &to_convert)
An array of strings with some additional helpful methods.
Definition: string_array.h:32
Provides access to the operating system's socket methods.
Definition: base_address.h:26