feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*****************************************************************************\
2 * *
3 * Name : windows firewall wrapper *
4 * Author : Chris Koeritz *
5 * *
6 *******************************************************************************
7 * Copyright (c) 2009-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can *
8 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
9 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
10 * the License or (at your option) any later version. This is online at: *
11 * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
12 * Please send any updates to: fred@gruntose.com *
13 \*****************************************************************************/
15 #include "windows_firewall.h"
18 #include <basis/functions.h>
20 using namespace portable;
22 // so far this is a good assumption about where to find netsh.
23 astring netsh_app() { return env_string("WINDIR") + "/System32/netsh.exe"; }
25 int windows_firewall::poke_firewall_hole(const astring &program_name,
26  const astring &exception_name, const astring &hole_description)
27 {
28  astring cmdline;
29 #ifdef __WIN32__
30  known_operating_systems kind = determine_OS();
31  if ( (kind == WIN_SRV2K8) || (kind == WIN_VISTA) ) {
32  // newer style firewall with advfirewall.
33 //::MessageBox(0, "poke app srv2k8", "yodel", MB_OK);
34  cmdline = a_sprintf("-c advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"%s\" dir=in "
35  "action=allow program=\"%s\" enable=yes profile=any "
36  "description=\"%s\"", exception_name.s(), program_name.s(),
37  hole_description.s());
38  } else {
39  // older xp style firewall (if that).
40 //::MessageBox(0, "poke app xp", "yodel", MB_OK);
41  cmdline = a_sprintf("-c firewall add allowedprogram program=\"%s\" "
42  "name=\"%s\" mode=enable scope=all profile=all", program_name.s(),
43  exception_name.s());
44  }
46  basis::u_int kid_id;
47  basis::u_int to_return = launch_process::run(netsh_app(), cmdline,
48  portable::AWAIT_APP_EXIT | portable::HIDE_APP_WINDOW
49  | portable::SHELL_EXECUTE, kid_id);
50  return to_return;
51 #else
52  if (!program_name || !exception_name || !hole_description) {} // no problem.
53  return 1; // failure on this platform.
54 #endif
55 }
57 int windows_firewall::remove_firewall_hole(const astring &program_name,
58  const astring &exception_name)
59 {
60 #ifdef __WIN32__
61  astring cmdline;
63  known_operating_systems kind = determine_OS();
64  if ( (kind == WIN_SRV2K8) || (kind == WIN_VISTA) ) {
65 //::MessageBox(0, "removing app srv2k8", "yodel", MB_OK);
66  // newer style firewall with advfirewall.
67  cmdline = a_sprintf("-c advfirewall firewall delete rule name=\"%s\" ",
68  exception_name.s());
69  } else {
70 //::MessageBox(0, "removing app xp", "yodel", MB_OK);
71  // older xp style firewall (if that).
72  cmdline = a_sprintf("-c firewall delete allowedprogram program=\"%s\" "
73  "profile=all", program_name.s());
74  }
76  basis::u_int kid_id;
77  basis::u_int to_return = launch_process::run(netsh_app(), cmdline,
78  portable::AWAIT_APP_EXIT | portable::HIDE_APP_WINDOW
79  | portable::SHELL_EXECUTE, kid_id);
80  return to_return;
81 #else
82  if (!program_name || !exception_name) {} // no problem.
83  return 1; // failure on this platform.
84 #endif
85 }
88  const astring &exception_name, const astring &hole_description,
89  const astring &protocol)
90 {
91 #ifdef __WIN32__
92  astring cmdline;
94  known_operating_systems kind = determine_OS();
95  if ( (kind == WIN_SRV2K8) || (kind == WIN_VISTA) ) {
96  // newer style firewall with advfirewall.
97 //::MessageBox(0, "poke port srv2k8", "yodel", MB_OK);
98  cmdline = a_sprintf("-c advfirewall firewall add rule name=\"%s\" dir=in "
99  "action=allow protocol=\"%s\" enable=yes profile=any "
100  "description=\"%s\" localport=%d",
101  exception_name.s(), protocol.s(), hole_description.s(), port_number);
102  } else {
103  // older xp style firewall (if that).
104 //::MessageBox(0, "poke port xp", "yodel", MB_OK);
105  cmdline = a_sprintf("-c firewall add portopening port=%d "
106  "name=\"%s\" protocol=%s mode=enable scope=all profile=all",
107  port_number, exception_name.s(), protocol.s());
108  }
110  basis::u_int kid_id;
111  basis::u_int to_return = launch_process::run(netsh_app(), cmdline,
112  portable::AWAIT_APP_EXIT | portable::HIDE_APP_WINDOW
113  | portable::SHELL_EXECUTE, kid_id);
114  return to_return;
115 #else
116  if (!port_number || !exception_name || !protocol || !hole_description) {} // no problem.
117  return 1; // failure on this platform.
118 #endif
119 }
122  const astring &exception_name, const astring &protocol)
123 {
124 #ifdef __WIN32__
125  astring cmdline;
127  known_operating_systems kind = determine_OS();
128  if ( (kind == WIN_SRV2K8) || (kind == WIN_VISTA) ) {
129 //::MessageBox(0, "removing port srv2k8", "yodel", MB_OK);
130  // newer style firewall with advfirewall.
131  cmdline = a_sprintf("-c advfirewall firewall delete rule name=\"%s\" "
132  "localport=%d protocol=%s", exception_name.s(),
133  port_number, protocol.s());
134  } else {
135 //::MessageBox(0, "removing port xp", "yodel", MB_OK);
136  // older xp style firewall (if that).
137  cmdline = a_sprintf("-c firewall delete portopening protocol=%s "
138  "port=%d profile=all", protocol.s(), port_number);
139  }
141  basis::u_int kid_id;
142  basis::u_int to_return = launch_process::run(netsh_app(), cmdline,
143  portable::AWAIT_APP_EXIT | portable::HIDE_APP_WINDOW
144  | portable::SHELL_EXECUTE, kid_id);
145  return to_return;
146 #else
147  if (!port_number || !exception_name || !protocol) {} // no problem.
148  return 1; // failure on this platform.
149 #endif
150 }
static int remove_firewall_hole(const astring &program_name, const astring &exception_name)
static int poke_firewall_hole(const astring &program_name, const astring &exception_name, const astring &hole_description)
astring netsh_app()