feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef ARRAY_CLASS
2 #define ARRAY_CLASS
4 /*****************************************************************************\
5 * *
6 * Name : array *
7 * Author : Chris Koeritz *
8 * *
9 *******************************************************************************
10 * Copyright (c) 1989-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can *
11 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
12 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
13 * the License or (at your option) any later version. This is online at: *
14 * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
15 * Please send any updates to: fred@gruntose.com *
16 \*****************************************************************************/
18 #include "common_outcomes.h"
19 #include "definitions.h"
20 #include "enhance_cpp.h"
21 #include "functions.h"
22 #include "guards.h"
23 #include "outcome.h"
25 #include <string.h>
27 #define DEBUG_ARRAY
28  // uncomment for the noisier debugging version.
30 namespace basis {
52 template <class contents>
53 class array : public virtual root_object
54 {
55 public:
59  SIMPLE_COPY = 0x1,
63  };
79  array(int number = 0, const contents *init = NULL_POINTER,
97  array(const array<contents> &copy_from);
100  virtual ~array();
102  void reset(int number = 0, const contents *initial_contents = NULL_POINTER);
104  /*< If "initial_contents" is not NULL_POINTER, then it must contain an array of
105  "contents" with at least "number" objects in it. If it is NULL_POINTER, then
106  the size of the array is changed but the contents are not. note that
107  any pre-existing elements that were previously out of range might still
108  have their prior contents; the newly available elements are not necessarily
109  "blank". thus, before using them, ensure you store appropriate elements
110  in those positions. */
112  array &operator = (const array<contents> &copy_from);
115  int length() const { return c_active_length; }
118  int last() const { return c_active_length - 1; }
121  int flags() const { return c_flags; }
124  bool exponential() const { return c_flags & EXPONENTIAL_GROWTH; }
127  bool simple() const { return c_flags & SIMPLE_COPY; }
130  const contents &get(int index) const;
134  contents &use(int index);
137  const contents &operator [] (int index) const { return get(index); }
139  contents &operator [] (int index) { return use(index); }
142  outcome put(int index, const contents &to_put);
146  array concatenation(const array &to_concatenate) const;
148  array concatenation(const contents &to_concatenate) const;
151  array &concatenate(const array &to_concatenate);
153  array &concatenate(const contents &to_concatenate);
155  array &concatenate(const contents *to_concatenate, int length);
159  array operator + (const array &to_cat) const
160  { return concatenation(to_cat); }
162  array operator + (const contents &to_concatenate) const
163  { return concatenation(to_concatenate); }
165  array &operator += (const array &to_concatenate)
166  { return concatenate(to_concatenate); }
168  array &operator += (const contents &to_concatenate)
169  { return concatenate(to_concatenate); }
172  const contents *observe() const { return c_offset; }
176  contents *access() { return c_offset; }
179  void swap_contents(array<contents> &other);
184  void snarf(array &new_contents);
189  array subarray(int start, int end) const;
195  outcome insert(int index, int new_indices);
198  outcome overwrite(int index, const array &write_with, int count = -1);
206  outcome stuff(int length, contents *to_stuff) const;
211  outcome resize(int new_size, how_to_copy way = NEW_AT_END);
224  outcome zap(int start, int end);
230  outcome shrink();
233  outcome retrain(int new_size, const contents *to_copy);
239  void shift_data(shift_directions where);
244  // These are gritty internal information methods and should not be used
245  // except by appropriately careful code.
246  int internal_real_length() const { return c_real_length; }
248  int internal_offset() const { return int(c_offset - c_mem_block); }
250  const contents *internal_block_start() const { return c_mem_block; }
252  contents *internal_block_start() { return c_mem_block; }
254  contents * const *internal_offset_mem() const { return &c_offset; }
257 private:
258  int c_active_length;
259  int c_real_length; // the real number of objects that can be stored.
260  contents *c_mem_block;
261  contents *c_offset;
262  int c_flags;
264  outcome allocator_reset(int initial_elements, int blocking);
269 };
274 class int_array : public array<int>
275 {
276 public:
277  int_array(int number = 0, const int *initial_contents = 0)
278  : root_object(),
279  array<int>(number, initial_contents, SIMPLE_COPY | EXPONE) {}
284 };
289 class double_array : public array<double>
290 {
291 public:
292  double_array(int len = 0, double *data = NULL_POINTER)
293  : root_object(),
294  array<double>(len, data, SIMPLE_COPY | EXPONE) {}
295  double_array(const array<double> &to_copy) : array<double>(to_copy) {}
296 };
300 // implementation code, much longer methods below...
302 // GOALS:
303 //
304 // 1) provide a slightly smarter allocation method for C arrays and other
305 // contiguous-storage container classes with better speed and reduced memory
306 // fragmentation through pre-allocation. this can reduce memory thrashing
307 // when doing appends and inserts that can be granted with previously
308 // allocated, but unused, space.
309 // 2) clean-up bounds failure cases in functions that return a reference by
310 // always having at least one bogus element in the array for returns. this
311 // really just requires that we never allow our hidden real length of the
312 // array to be zero.
314 template <class contents>
315 array<contents>::array(int num, const contents *init, int flags)
316 : root_object(), c_active_length(0), c_real_length(0), c_mem_block(NULL_POINTER), c_offset(NULL_POINTER), c_flags(flags)
317 {
318  if (c_flags > 7) {
319 #ifdef DEBUG_ARRAY
320  throw "error: array::constructor: error in parameters! still passing a block size?";
321 #endif
322  c_flags = EXPONE | FLUSH_INVISIBLE;
323  // drop simple copy, since the caller doesn't know what they're doing.
324  }
326  allocator_reset(num, 1); // get some space.
327  retrain(num, init); // plug in their contents.
328 }
330 template <class contents>
332 : root_object(), c_active_length(0), c_real_length(0), c_mem_block(NULL_POINTER), c_offset(NULL_POINTER), c_flags(cf.c_flags)
333 {
334  allocator_reset(cf.c_active_length, 1); // get some space.
335  operator = (cf); // assignment operator does the rest.
336 }
338 template <class contents>
340 {
341  c_offset = NULL_POINTER;
342  if (c_mem_block) delete [] c_mem_block;
343  c_mem_block = NULL_POINTER;
344  c_active_length = 0;
345  c_real_length = 0;
346 }
348 template <class contents>
349 void array<contents>::reset(int num, const contents *init)
350 { retrain(num, init); }
352 template <class contents>
354 {
355  if (this == &cf) return *this;
356  c_flags = cf.c_flags; // copy the flags coming in from the other object.
357  // prepare the array for retraining...
358  c_offset = c_mem_block; // slide the offset back to the start.
359  c_active_length = 0; // the length gets reset also.
360  retrain(cf.c_active_length, cf.observe());
361  return *this;
362 }
364 template <class contents>
365 contents &array<contents>::use(int index)
366 {
367  bounds_return(index, 0, this->last(), bogonic<contents>());
368  return this->access()[index];
369 }
371 template <class contents>
372 const contents &array<contents>::get(int index) const
373 {
374  bounds_return(index, 0, this->last(), bogonic<contents>());
375  return this->observe()[index];
376 }
378 template <class contents>
380 {
381  // check whether there's anything to concatenate.
382  if (!s1.length()) return *this;
383  if (this == &s1) {
384  // make sure they don't concatenate this array to itself.
385  return concatenate(array<contents>(*this));
386  }
387  int old_len = this->length();
388  resize(this->length() + s1.length(), NEW_AT_END);
389  overwrite(old_len, s1);
390  return *this;
391 }
393 template <class contents>
394 array<contents> &array<contents>::concatenate(const contents &to_concatenate)
395 {
396  resize(this->length() + 1, NEW_AT_END);
397  if (!this->simple())
398  this->access()[this->last()] = to_concatenate;
399  else
400  memcpy(&(this->access()[this->last()]), &to_concatenate, sizeof(contents));
401  return *this;
402 }
404 template <class contents>
405 array<contents> &array<contents>::concatenate(const contents *to_concatenate,
406  int length)
407 {
408  if (!length) return *this; // nothing to do.
409  const int old_len = this->length();
410  resize(this->length() + length, NEW_AT_END);
411  if (!this->simple())
412  for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
413  this->access()[old_len + i] = to_concatenate[i];
414  else
415  memcpy(&(this->access()[old_len]), to_concatenate,
416  length * sizeof(contents));
417  return *this;
418 }
420 template <class contents>
422 {
423  // tailor the return array to the new size needed.
424  array<contents> to_return(this->length() + s1.length(), NULL_POINTER, s1.c_flags);
425  to_return.overwrite(0, *this); // put the first part into the new array.
426  to_return.overwrite(this->length(), s1); // add the second segment.
427  return to_return;
428 }
430 template <class contents>
432 {
433  array<contents> to_return(this->length() + 1, NULL_POINTER, c_flags);
434  to_return.overwrite(0, *this);
435  if (!this->simple())
436  to_return.access()[to_return.last()] = s1;
437  else
438  memcpy(&(to_return.access()[to_return.last()]), &s1, sizeof(contents));
439  return to_return;
440 }
442 template <class contents>
444 {
445  bounds_return(start, 0, this->last(), array<contents>(0, NULL_POINTER, c_flags));
446  bounds_return(end, 0, this->last(), array<contents>(0, NULL_POINTER, c_flags));
447  if (start > end) return array<contents>(0, NULL_POINTER, c_flags);
448  return array<contents>(end - start + 1, &(this->observe()[start]), c_flags);
449 }
451 template <class contents>
453 {
454  if (this == &other) return; // already swapped then, i suppose.
455  swap_values(this->c_active_length, other.c_active_length);
456  swap_values(this->c_real_length, other.c_real_length);
457  swap_values(this->c_offset, other.c_offset);
458  swap_values(this->c_mem_block, other.c_mem_block);
459  swap_values(this->c_flags, other.c_flags);
460 }
462 template <class contents>
464 {
465  if (!c_mem_block) return common::OUT_OF_MEMORY;
466  if (c_active_length == c_real_length) return common::OKAY; // already just right.
467  array new_holder(*this);
468  // create a copy of this object that is just the size needed.
469  swap_contents(new_holder);
470  // swap this object with the copy, leaving the enlarged version behind
471  // for destruction.
472  return common::OKAY;
473 }
475 template <class contents>
476 outcome array<contents>::stuff(int lengthx, contents *to_stuff) const
477 {
478  if (!lengthx || !this->length()) return common::OKAY;
479  int copy_len = minimum(lengthx, this->length());
480  if (!this->simple()) {
481  for (int i = 0; i < copy_len; i++)
482  to_stuff[i] = this->observe()[i];
483  } else {
484  memcpy(to_stuff, this->observe(), copy_len * sizeof(contents));
485  }
486  return common::OKAY;
487 }
489 template <class contents>
491  const array<contents> &write_with, int count)
492 {
493  if (!count) return common::OKAY;
494  if ( (this == &write_with) || !this->length() || !write_with.length())
495  return common::BAD_INPUT;
496  bounds_return(position, 0, this->last(), common::OUT_OF_RANGE);
497  if ( negative(count) || (count > write_with.length()) )
498  count = write_with.length();
499  if (position > this->length() - count)
500  count = this->length() - position;
501  if (!this->simple()) {
502  for (int i = position; i < position + count; i++)
503  this->access()[i] = write_with.observe()[i - position];
504  } else {
505  memcpy(&(this->access()[position]), write_with.observe(),
506  count * sizeof(contents));
507  }
508  return common::OKAY;
509 }
511 template <class contents>
512 outcome array<contents>::allocator_reset(int initial, int blocking)
513 {
514 // FUNCDEF("allocator_reset")
515  if (blocking < 1) {
516 #ifdef DEBUG_ARRAY
517  throw "error: array::allocator_reset: has bad block size";
518 #endif
519  blocking = 1;
520  }
521  if (initial < 0) initial = 0; // no antimatter arrays.
522  if (c_mem_block) {
523  // remove old contents.
524  delete [] c_mem_block;
525  c_mem_block = NULL_POINTER;
526  c_offset = NULL_POINTER;
527  }
528  c_active_length = initial; // reset the length to the reporting size.
529  c_real_length = initial + blocking; // compute the real length.
530  if (c_real_length) {
531  c_mem_block = new contents[c_real_length];
532  if (!c_mem_block) {
533  // this is an odd situation; memory allocation didn't blow out an
534  // exception, but the memory block is empty. let's consider that
535  // a fatal error; we can't issue empty objects.
536  throw common::OUT_OF_MEMORY;
537  }
538  c_offset = c_mem_block; // reset offset to start of array.
539  }
540  return common::OKAY;
541 }
543 template <class contents>
545 {
546  if (where == TO_LEFT) {
547  // we want to end up with the data jammed up against the left edge. thus
548  // we need the offset to be zero bytes from start.
549  if (c_offset == c_mem_block)
550  return; // offset already at start, we're done.
551  // well, we need to move the data.
552  if (simple()) {
553  memmove(c_mem_block, c_offset, c_active_length * sizeof(contents));
554  } else {
555  for (contents *ptr = c_offset; ptr < c_offset + c_active_length; ptr++)
556  c_mem_block[ptr - c_offset] = *ptr;
557  }
558  c_offset = c_mem_block; // we've ensured that this is correct.
559  if (c_flags & FLUSH_INVISIBLE) {
560  // we need to clean up what might have had contents previously.
561 // for (contents *p = c_mem_block + c_active_length; p < c_mem_block + c_real_length; p++)
562 // *p = contents();
563  }
564  } else {
565  // we want to move the data to the right, so the offset should be the
566  // difference between the real length and the length.
567  if (c_offset == c_mem_block + c_real_length - c_active_length)
568  return; // the offset is already the right size.
569  if (simple()) {
570  memmove(&c_mem_block[c_real_length - c_active_length], c_offset, c_active_length * sizeof(contents));
571  } else {
572  for (int i = c_real_length - 1; i >= c_real_length - c_active_length; i--)
573  c_mem_block[i] = c_offset[i - c_real_length + c_active_length];
574  }
575  c_offset = c_mem_block + c_real_length - c_active_length; // we've now ensured this.
576  if (c_flags & FLUSH_INVISIBLE) {
577  // we need to clean up the space on the left where old contents might be.
578 // for (contents *p = c_mem_block; p < c_offset; p++)
579 // *p = contents();
580  }
581  }
582 }
584 template <class contents>
586 {
588  if (new_size < 0) new_size = 0; // we stifle this.
589  if (new_size == c_active_length) {
590  // nothing much to do.
591  return common::OKAY;
592  }
593  // okay, now we at least know that the sizes are different. we save all the
594  // old information about the array prior to this resizing.
595  contents *old_s = c_mem_block; // save the old contents...
596  const int old_len = c_active_length; // and length.
597  contents *old_off = c_offset; // and offset.
598  bool delete_old = false; // if true, old memory is whacked once it's copied.
600 //hmmm: wasn't there a nice realization that we could bail out early in
601 // the case where the size is already suffcient? there seems to be
602 // an extraneous copy case here.
603 // also it would be nice to have better, more descriptive names for the
604 // variables here since they are not lending themselves to understanding
605 // the algorithm.
607  // we check whether there's easily enough space in the array already.
608  // if not, then we have some more decisions to make.
609  if (c_real_length - (old_off - old_s) < new_size) {
610  // well, there's not enough space with the current space and offset.
611  if (c_real_length < new_size) {
612  // there's really not enough space overall, no fooling. we now will
613  // create a new block.
614  c_mem_block = NULL_POINTER; // zero out the pointer so reset doesn't delete it.
615  delete_old = true;
616  int blocking = 1;
617  if (exponential()) blocking = new_size + 1;
618  outcome ret = allocator_reset(new_size, blocking);
619  if (ret != common::OKAY) {
620  // failure, but don't forget to whack the old glob.
621 #ifdef DEBUG_ARRAY
622  throw "error: array::resize: saw array reset failure";
623 #endif
624  delete [] old_s;
625  return ret;
626  }
627  // fall out to the copying phase, now that we have some fresh memory.
628  } else {
629  // there is enough space if we shift some things around.
630  const int size_difference = new_size - c_active_length;
631  // we compute how much space has to be found in the array somewhere
632  // to support the new larger size.
633  if (way == DONT_COPY) {
634  // simplest case; just reset the offset appropriately so the new_size
635  // will fit.
636  c_offset = c_mem_block;
637  c_active_length = new_size;
638  } else if (way == NEW_AT_BEGINNING) {
639  // if the new space is at the beginning, there are two cases. either
640  // the new size can be accomodated by the current position of the
641  // data or the data must be shifted to the right.
642  if (c_offset - c_mem_block < size_difference) {
643  // we need to shift the data over to the right since the offset isn't
644  // big enough for the size increase.
645  shift_data(TO_RIGHT); // resets the offset appropriately.
646  }
647  // now we know that the amount of space prior to the real data
648  // is sufficient to hold what new space is needed. we just need to
649  // shift the offset back somewhat.
650  c_offset -= size_difference;
651  c_active_length = new_size;
652  } else {
653  // better only be three ways to do this; we're now assuming the new
654  // space should be at the end (NEW_AT_END).
655  // now that we're here, we know there will be enough space if we shift
656  // the block to the left, but we DO NEED to do this. if we didn't need
657  // to shift the data, then we would find that:
658  // c_real_length - old_off >= new_size
659  // which is disallowed by the guardian conditional around this area.
660  shift_data(TO_LEFT); // resets the offset for us.
661  c_active_length = new_size;
662  }
663  // we have ensured that we had enough space and we have already shifted
664  // the data around appropriately. we no longer need to enter the next
665  // block where we would copy data around if we had to. it has become
666  // primarily for cases where either we have to copy data because we
667  // have new storage to fill or where we are shrinking the array.
668  return common::OKAY;
669  }
670  }
672  // the blob of code below is offset invariant. by the time we reach here,
673  // the array should be big enough and the offset should be okay.
674  c_active_length = new_size; // set length to the new reporting size.
675  if (way != DONT_COPY) {
676  int where = 0; // offset for storing into new array.
677  bool do_copy = false; // if true, then we need to move the data around.
678  contents *loopc_offset_old = old_off; // offset into original object.
679  // we should only have to copy the memory in one other case besides our
680  // inhabiting new memory--when we are asked to resize with the new stuff
681  // at the beginning of the array. if the new space is at the end, we're
682  // already looking proper, but if the new stuff is at the beginning, we
683  // need to shift existing stuff downwards.
684  if (way == NEW_AT_BEGINNING) {
685  where = new_size - old_len; // move up existing junk.
686  if (where) do_copy = true; // do copy, since it's not immobile.
687  if (where < 0) {
688  // array shrank; we need to do the loop differently for starting
689  // from the beginning. we skip to the point in the array that our
690  // suffix needs to start at.
691  loopc_offset_old -= where;
692  where = 0; // reset where so we don't have negative offsets.
693  }
694  }
695  const int size_now = minimum(old_len, c_active_length);
696  if (delete_old || do_copy) {
697  contents *offset_in_new = c_offset + where;
698  contents *posn_in_old = loopc_offset_old;
699  if (simple()) {
700  // memmove should take care of intersections.
701  memmove(offset_in_new, posn_in_old, size_now * sizeof(contents));
702  } else {
703  // we need to do the copies using the object's assignment operator.
704  if (new_size >= old_len) {
705  for (int i = size_now - 1; i >= 0; i--)
706  offset_in_new[i] = posn_in_old[i];
707  } else {
708  for (int i = 0; i < size_now; i++)
709  offset_in_new[i] = posn_in_old[i];
710  }
711  }
713  // we only want to flush the obscured elements when we aren't already
714  // inhabiting new space.
715  if ( (c_flags & FLUSH_INVISIBLE) && !delete_old) {
716  // clear out the space that just went out of scope. we only do this
717  // for the flushing mode and when we aren't starting from a fresh
718  // pointer (i.e., delete_old isn't true).
719  if (new_size < old_len) {
720 // for (contents *p = posn_in_old; p < offset_in_new; p++)
721 // *p = contents();
722  }
723  }
724  }
725  }
726  if (delete_old) delete [] old_s;
727  return common::OKAY;
728 }
730 template <class contents>
731 outcome array<contents>::retrain(int new_len, const contents *to_set)
732 {
734  if (new_len < 0) new_len = 0; // stifle that bad length.
735 #ifdef DEBUG_ARRAY
736  if (to_set && (c_mem_block >= to_set) && (c_mem_block < to_set + new_len) ) {
737  throw "error: array::retrain: ranges overlap in retrain!";
738  }
739 #endif
740  outcome ret = resize(new_len, DONT_COPY);
741  if (ret != common::OKAY) return ret;
742 #ifdef DEBUG_ARRAY
743  if (new_len != c_active_length) {
744  throw "error: array resize set the wrong length";
745  }
746 #endif
747  if (to_set) {
748  if (simple())
749  memcpy(c_offset, to_set, c_active_length * sizeof(contents));
750  else
751  for (int i = 0; i < c_active_length; i++)
752  c_offset[i] = to_set[i];
753  } else {
754  if (c_flags & FLUSH_INVISIBLE) {
755  // no contents provided, so stuff the space with blanks.
756 // for (int i = 0; i < c_active_length; i++) c_offset[i] = contents();
757  }
758  }
759  if (c_flags & FLUSH_INVISIBLE) {
760 // for (contents *ptr = c_mem_block; ptr < c_offset; ptr++)
761 // *ptr = contents();
762 // for (contents *ptr = c_offset + c_active_length; ptr < c_mem_block + c_real_length; ptr++)
763 // *ptr = contents();
764  }
765  return common::OKAY;
766 }
768 template <class contents>
769 outcome array<contents>::zap(int position1, int position2)
770 {
771  if (position1 > position2) return common::OKAY;
772  bounds_return(position1, 0, c_active_length - 1, common::OUT_OF_RANGE);
773  bounds_return(position2, 0, c_active_length - 1, common::OUT_OF_RANGE);
774  if (!position1) {
775  // if they're whacking from the beginning, we just reset the offset.
776  c_offset += position2 + 1;
777  c_active_length -= position2 + 1;
778  return common::OKAY;
779  }
780  const int difference = position2 - position1 + 1;
781  // copy from just above position2 down into position1.
782  if (simple()) {
783  if (c_active_length - difference - position1 > 0)
784  memmove(&c_offset[position1], &c_offset[position1 + difference],
785  (c_active_length - difference - position1) * sizeof(contents));
786  } else {
787  for (int i = position1; i < c_active_length - difference; i++)
788  c_offset[i] = c_offset[i + difference];
789  }
791  outcome ret = resize(c_active_length - difference, NEW_AT_END);
792  // chop down to new size.
793 #ifdef DEBUG_ARRAY
794  if (ret != common::OKAY) {
795  throw "error: array::zap: resize failure";
796  return ret;
797  }
798 #endif
799  return ret;
800 }
802 template <class contents>
803 outcome array<contents>::insert(int position, int elem_to_add)
804 {
805  if (position < 0) return common::OUT_OF_RANGE;
806  if (position > this->length())
807  position = this->length();
808  if (elem_to_add < 0) return common::OUT_OF_RANGE;
809  how_to_copy how = NEW_AT_END;
810  if (position == 0) how = NEW_AT_BEGINNING;
811  resize(this->length() + elem_to_add, how);
813  // if the insert wasn't at the front, we have to copy stuff into the new
814  // locations.
815  if (how == NEW_AT_END) {
816  const contents simple_default_object = contents();
817  if (!this->simple()) {
818  for (int i = this->last(); i >= position + elem_to_add; i--)
819  this->access()[i] = this->observe()[i - elem_to_add];
820  for (int j = position; j < position + elem_to_add; j++)
821  this->access()[j] = simple_default_object;
822  } else {
823  memmove(&(this->access()[position + elem_to_add]),
824  &(this->observe()[position]), (this->length() - position
825  - elem_to_add) * sizeof(contents));
826  for (int j = position; j < position + elem_to_add; j++)
827  memcpy(&this->access()[j], &simple_default_object, sizeof(contents));
828  }
829  }
830  return common::OKAY;
831 }
833 template <class contents>
834 outcome array<contents>::put(int index, const contents &to_put)
835 {
836  bounds_return(index, 0, this->last(), common::OUT_OF_RANGE);
837  if (!this->simple())
838  this->access()[index] = to_put;
839  else
840  memcpy(&(this->access()[index]), &to_put, sizeof(contents));
841  return common::OKAY;
842 }
844 template <class contents>
846 {
847  if (this == &new_contents) return; // no blasting own feet off.
848  reset(); // trash our current storage.
849  swap_contents(new_contents);
850 }
852 /*
854 class char_star_array : public array<char *>
855 {
856 public:
857  char_star_array() : array<char *>(0, NULL_POINTER, SIMPLE_COPY | EXPONE
859  ~char_star_array() {
860  // clean up all the memory we're holding.
861  for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
862  delete [] (use(i));
863  }
864  }
865 };
866 */
868 } //namespace
870 #undef static_class_name
872 #endif
#define access
Definition: Xos2defs.h:10
Represents a sequential, ordered, contiguous collection of objects.
Definition: array.h:54
the flags specify how the array treats its contents and its length.
Definition: array.h:57
Definition: array.h:61
the contents can be memcpy'd and are not deep.
Definition: array.h:59
length is doubled when reallocation happens.
Definition: array.h:60
blanks out allocated but inaccessible elements.
Definition: array.h:62
do nothing extra; only valid by itself.
Definition: array.h:58
int flags() const
Provides the raw flags value, without interpreting what it means.
Definition: array.h:121
Definition: array.h:67
Definition: array.h:67
Definition: array.h:67
outcome put(int index, const contents &to_put)
Stores an object at the index "index" in the array.
Definition: array.h:834
outcome insert(int index, int new_indices)
Adds "new_indices" new positions for objects into the array at "index".
Definition: array.h:803
void reset(int number=0, const contents *initial_contents=NULL_POINTER)
Resizes this array and sets the contents from an array of contents.
Definition: array.h:349
outcome shrink()
Cuts loose any allocated space that is beyond the real length.
Definition: array.h:463
const contents * observe() const
Returns a pointer to the underlying C array of data.
Definition: array.h:172
virtual ~array()
destroys the memory allocated for the objects.
Definition: array.h:339
outcome overwrite(int index, const array &write_with, int count=-1)
Stores the array "write_with" into the current array at the "index".
Definition: array.h:490
array & concatenate(const array &to_concatenate)
Appends the array "to_concatenate" onto "this" and returns "this".
Definition: array.h:379
array subarray(int start, int end) const
Returns the array segment between the indices "start" and "end".
Definition: array.h:443
const contents & get(int index) const
Accesses individual objects stored in "this" at the "index" position.
Definition: array.h:372
const contents & operator[](int index) const
Synonym for get that provides the expected array indexing syntax.
Definition: array.h:137
const contents * internal_block_start() const
Gritty Internal: constant peek at the real allocated pointer.
Definition: array.h:249
array operator+(const array &to_cat) const
Synonym for concatenation.
Definition: array.h:159
array & concatenate(const contents *to_concatenate, int length)
Concatenates a C-array "to_concatenate" onto "this" and returns "this".
Definition: array.h:405
Definition: array.h:235
Definition: array.h:235
contents * access()
A non-constant access of the underlying C-array. BE REALLY CAREFUL.
Definition: array.h:175
contents *const * internal_offset_mem() const
Gritty Internal: the start of the actual stored data.
Definition: array.h:253
array concatenation(const contents &to_concatenate) const
Returns the concatenation of "this" and the object "to_concatenate".
Definition: array.h:431
array concatenation(const array &to_concatenate) const
Returns the concatenation of "this" and the array "to_concatenate".
Definition: array.h:421
array & operator+=(const array &to_concatenate)
Synonym for concatenate that modifies "this".
Definition: array.h:165
outcome retrain(int new_size, const contents *to_copy)
Resizes the C array and stuffs it with the contents in "to_copy".
Definition: array.h:731
bool simple() const
Reports whether the templated object is a simple type or not.
Definition: array.h:127
outcome resize(int new_size, how_to_copy way=NEW_AT_END)
Changes the size of the C array to "new_size".
Definition: array.h:585
int length() const
Returns the current reported length of the allocated C array.
Definition: array.h:115
outcome zap(int start, int end)
Deletes from "this" the objects inclusively between "start" and "end".
Definition: array.h:769
void swap_contents(array< contents > &other)
Exchanges the contents of "this" and "other".
Definition: array.h:452
outcome stuff(int length, contents *to_stuff) const
Copies at most "length" elements from this into the array "to_stuff".
Definition: array.h:476
array & concatenate(const contents &to_concatenate)
Appends the object "to_concatenate" onto "this" and returns "this".
Definition: array.h:394
array(const array< contents > &copy_from)
copies the contents & sizing information from "copy_from".
Definition: array.h:331
bool exponential() const
Returns true if this allocator will grow exponentially on resize.
Definition: array.h:124
int internal_real_length() const
Gritty Internal: the real allocated length.
Definition: array.h:245
contents & use(int index)
A non-constant version of get(); the returned object can be modified.
Definition: array.h:365
void shift_data(shift_directions where)
The valid portion of the array is moved to the left or right.
Definition: array.h:544
int internal_offset() const
Gritty Internal: the offset from real start to stored data.
Definition: array.h:247
array & operator=(const array< contents > &copy_from)
Copies the array in "copy_from" into this.
Definition: array.h:353
array(int number=0, const contents *init=NULL_POINTER, int flags=EXPONENTIAL_GROWTH|FLUSH_INVISIBLE)
Constructs an array with room for "number" objects.
Definition: array.h:315
int last() const
Returns the last valid element in the array.
Definition: array.h:118
void snarf(array &new_contents)
Drops "this" array's contents into the dustbin and uses "new_contents".
Definition: array.h:845
An array of double floating point numbers.
Definition: array.h:290
double_array(int len=0, double *data=NULL_POINTER)
Definition: array.h:292
double_array(const array< double > &to_copy)
Definition: array.h:295
A simple object that wraps a templated array of ints.
Definition: array.h:275
int_array(int number=0, const int *initial_contents=0)
Constructs an array of "number" integers.
Definition: array.h:277
Outcomes describe the state of completion for an operation.
Definition: outcome.h:31
Constants and objects used throughout HOOPLE.
The value representing a pointer to nothing.
Definition: definitions.h:32
#define bounds_return(value, low, high, to_return)
Verifies that "value" is between "low" and "high", inclusive.
Definition: guards.h:48
The guards collection helps in testing preconditions and reporting errors.
Definition: array.h:30
void swap_values(type &a, type &b)
Exchanges the values held by "a" & "b".
Definition: functions.h:103
type minimum(type a, type b)
maximum returns the greater of two values.
Definition: functions.h:29
bool negative(const type &a)
negative returns true if "a" is less than zero.
Definition: functions.h:43