feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
basis Namespace Reference

The guards collection helps in testing preconditions and reporting errors. More...


class  array
 Represents a sequential, ordered, contiguous collection of objects. More...
class  int_array
 A simple object that wraps a templated array of ints. More...
class  double_array
 An array of double floating point numbers. More...
class  astring
 Provides a dynamically resizable ASCII character string. More...
class  a_sprintf
 a_sprintf is a specialization of astring that provides printf style support. More...
class  base_string
 Defines the base class for all string processing objects in hoople. More...
class  byte_array
 A very common template for a dynamic array of bytes. More...
class  packable
 A base class for objects that can pack into an array of bytes. More...
class  common
 the "common" class defines our common_outcomes. More...
class  attribute
 Defines an attribute base class that supports get and set operations. More...
class  equalizable
 Base class for object that can tell itself apart from other instances. More...
class  orderable
 A base for objects that can be alphabetically (lexicographically) ordered. More...
class  base_logger
 Provides an abstract base for logging mechanisms. More...
class  base_synchronizer
 Interface for a simple form of synchronization. More...
class  clonable
 A clonable object knows how to make copy of itself. More...
class  nameable
 Root object for any class that knows its own name. More...
class  text_formable
 A base class for objects that can provide a synopsis of their current state. More...
class  hoople_standard
 the base class of the most easily used and tested objects in the library. More...
class  text_streamable
 a base for classes that can stream their contents out to a textual form. More...
class  enhance_cpp
class  environment
 Provides access to the system's environment variables. More...
class  mutex
class  auto_synchronizer
 auto_synchronizer simplifies concurrent code by automatically unlocking. More...
class  outcome
 Outcomes describe the state of completion for an operation. More...


typedef bool string_comparator_function(const astring &a, const astring &b)
 returns true if the strings "a" and "b" are considered equal. More...
typedef unsigned char abyte
 A fairly important unit which is seldom defined... More...
typedef char flexichar
typedef unsigned int un_int
 Abbreviated name for unsigned integers. More...
typedef unsigned short un_short
 Abbreviated name for unsigned short integers. More...
typedef unsigned long un_long
 Abbreviated name for unsigned long integers. More...
typedef long int signed_long
 Abbreviated name for signed long integers. More...
typedef long long signed_long_long
 Abbreviated name for signed long long integers. More...
typedef char int8
typedef unsigned char uint8
typedef signed short int16
typedef unsigned short uint16
typedef signed int int32
typedef unsigned int uint32
typedef unsigned long UTF32
typedef unsigned short UTF16
typedef unsigned char UTF8
typedef unsigned char Booleano


enum  root_logging_filters { DEFINE_FILTER =(NEVER_PRINT, -1, "This diagnostic entry should be dropped and never seen") }
 These filter values are the most basic, and need to be known everywhere. More...
enum  ConversionResult { conversionOK , sourceExhausted , targetExhausted , sourceIllegal }
enum  ConversionFlags { strictConversion = 0 , lenientConversion }


bool astring_comparator (const astring &a, const astring &b)
 implements a string comparator that just does simple astring ==. More...
int calculate_proper_length (int repeat)
char simple_lower (char input)
bool imatches_any (char to_check, const astring &list)
bool matches_any (char to_check, const astring &list)
bool matches_none (char to_check, const astring &list)
void attach (byte_array &packed_form, const char *to_attach)
 Packs a character string "to_attach" into "packed_form". More...
bool detach (byte_array &packed_form, astring &to_detach)
 Unpacks a character string "to_attach" from "packed_form". More...
template<class contents >
void attach_flat (byte_array &target, const contents &attachment)
 attach_flat() places a copy of "attachment" onto the array of bytes. More...
template<class contents >
bool detach_flat (byte_array &source, contents &detached)
 detach_flat() pulls the "detached" object out of the array of bytes. More...
template<class type >
type maximum (type a, type b)
 minimum returns the lesser of two values. More...
template<class type >
type minimum (type a, type b)
 maximum returns the greater of two values. More...
template<class type >
type absolute_value (type a)
 Returns a if a is non-negative, and returns -a otherwise. More...
template<class type >
bool positive (const type &a)
 positive returns true if "a" is greater than zero, or false otherwise. More...
template<class type >
bool non_positive (const type a)
 non_positive returns true if "a" is less than or equal to zero. More...
template<class type >
bool negative (const type &a)
 negative returns true if "a" is less than zero. More...
template<class type >
bool non_negative (const type &a)
 non_negative returns true if "a" is greater than or equal to zero. More...
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator!= (const T1 &x, const T2 &y)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator> (const T1 &x, const T2 &y)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator<= (const T1 &x, const T2 &y)
template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool operator>= (const T1 &x, const T2 &y)
template<class target_type , class source_type >
target_type * cast_or_throw (source_type &to_cast, const target_type &ignored)
 dynamically converts a type to a target type, or throws an exception if it cannot. More...
template<class target_type , class source_type >
const target_type * cast_or_throw (const source_type &to_cast, const target_type &ignored)
 const version of the cast_or_throw template. More...
template<class type >
bool range_check (const type &c, const type &low, const type &high)
 Returns true if "c" is between "low" and "high" inclusive. More...
template<class type >
type square (const type &a)
 Returns the square of the object (which is a * a). More...
template<class type >
void flip_increasing (type &a, type &b)
 Makes sure that two values are in increasing order (a < b). More...
template<class type >
void flip_decreasing (type &a, type &b)
 Makes sure that two values are in decreasing order (a > b). More...
template<class type >
void swap_values (type &a, type &b)
 Exchanges the values held by "a" & "b". More...
template<class type >
type sign (type a)
 Returns the numerical sign of a number "a". More...
template<class contents >
void WHACK (contents *&ptr)
 deletion with clearing of the pointer. More...
template<class type >
type & bogonic ()
 Returns an object that is defined statically. More...
template<class type >
type number_of_packets (type message_size, type packet_size)
 Reports number of packets needed given a total size and the packet size. More...
template<class type >
type last_packet_size (type message_size, type packet_size)
 Tells how many bytes are used within last packet. More...
void format_error (const base_string &class_name, const base_string &func_name, const base_string &error_message, base_string &to_fill)
 writes a string "to_fill" in a nicely formatted manner using the class and function names. More...
void throw_error (const base_string &class_name, const base_string &func_name, const base_string &error_message)
 throws an error that incorporates the class name and function name. More...
void throw_error (const astring &class_name, const astring &func_name, const astring &error_message)
 synonym method using astrings for easier char * handling. More...
template<class contents >
bool in_range (const contents &value, const contents &low, const contents &high)
 Returns true if the value is within the range specified. More...
ConversionResult ConvertUTF32toUTF16 (const UTF32 **sourceStart, const UTF32 *sourceEnd, UTF16 **targetStart, UTF16 *targetEnd, ConversionFlags flags)
ConversionResult ConvertUTF16toUTF32 (const UTF16 **sourceStart, const UTF16 *sourceEnd, UTF32 **targetStart, UTF32 *targetEnd, ConversionFlags flags)
ConversionResult ConvertUTF16toUTF8 (const UTF16 **sourceStart, const UTF16 *sourceEnd, UTF8 **targetStart, UTF8 *targetEnd, ConversionFlags flags)
Booleano isLegalUTF8Sequence (const UTF8 *source, const UTF8 *sourceEnd)
ConversionResult ConvertUTF8toUTF16 (const UTF8 **sourceStart, const UTF8 *sourceEnd, UTF16 **targetStart, UTF16 *targetEnd, ConversionFlags flags)
ConversionResult ConvertUTF32toUTF8 (const UTF32 **sourceStart, const UTF32 *sourceEnd, UTF8 **targetStart, UTF8 *targetEnd, ConversionFlags flags)
ConversionResult ConvertUTF8toUTF32 (const UTF8 **sourceStart, const UTF8 *sourceEnd, UTF32 **targetStart, UTF32 *targetEnd, ConversionFlags flags)


const int LONGEST_SPRINTF = 600
const char CASE_DIFFERENCE = char('A' - 'a')
const abyte empty_char_star [] = { 0 }
const int SECOND_ms = 1000
 Number of milliseconds in a second. More...
const int MINUTE_ms = 60 * SECOND_ms
 Number of milliseconds in a minute. More...
const int HOUR_ms = 60 * MINUTE_ms
 Number of milliseconds in an hour. More...
const int DAY_ms = 24 * HOUR_ms
 Number of milliseconds in a day. More...
const int MINUTE_s = 60
 Number of seconds in a minute. More...
const int HOUR_s = 60 * MINUTE_s
 Number of seconds in an hour. More...
const int DAY_s = 24 * HOUR_s
 Number of seconds in a day. More...
const int KILOBYTE = 1024
 Number of bytes in a kilobyte. More...
 Number of bytes in a megabyte. More...
 Number of bytes in a gigabyte. More...
const double TERABYTE = double(GIGABYTE) * double(KILOBYTE)

Detailed Description

The guards collection helps in testing preconditions and reporting errors.

A simple primitive class that encapsulates OS support for mutual exclusion.

It also provides checking of boundary conditions, macros for causing immediate program exit, and other sentinels for constructing preconditions and postconditions.

The word "mutex" is an abbreviation for "mutual exclusion". The mutex provides a simple synchronization object that supports the programming of critical sections. It is guaranteed to be safe for threads, but it is only useful within one application rather than between multiple applications. The mutex_base is hardly ever used directly; instead the mutex class should be used.

Typedef Documentation

◆ abyte

typedef unsigned char basis::abyte

A fairly important unit which is seldom defined...

Definition at line 51 of file definitions.h.

◆ Booleano

typedef unsigned char basis::Booleano

Definition at line 123 of file utf_conversion.h.

◆ flexichar

typedef char basis::flexichar

Definition at line 58 of file definitions.h.

◆ int16

typedef signed short basis::int16

Definition at line 110 of file definitions.h.

◆ int32

typedef signed int basis::int32

Definition at line 112 of file definitions.h.

◆ int8

typedef char basis::int8

Definition at line 108 of file definitions.h.

◆ signed_long

typedef long int basis::signed_long

Abbreviated name for signed long integers.

Definition at line 68 of file definitions.h.

◆ signed_long_long

typedef long long basis::signed_long_long

Abbreviated name for signed long long integers.

Definition at line 70 of file definitions.h.

◆ string_comparator_function

typedef bool basis::string_comparator_function(const astring &a, const astring &b)

returns true if the strings "a" and "b" are considered equal.

this provides a prototype for the equality operation, which allows the notion of equality to be redefined according to a particular function's implementation.

Definition at line 449 of file astring.h.

◆ uint16

typedef unsigned short basis::uint16

Definition at line 111 of file definitions.h.

◆ uint32

typedef unsigned int basis::uint32

Definition at line 113 of file definitions.h.

◆ uint8

typedef unsigned char basis::uint8

Definition at line 109 of file definitions.h.

◆ un_int

typedef unsigned int basis::un_int

Abbreviated name for unsigned integers.

Definition at line 62 of file definitions.h.

◆ un_long

typedef unsigned long basis::un_long

Abbreviated name for unsigned long integers.

Definition at line 66 of file definitions.h.

◆ un_short

typedef unsigned short basis::un_short

Abbreviated name for unsigned short integers.

Definition at line 64 of file definitions.h.

◆ UTF16

typedef unsigned short basis::UTF16

Definition at line 121 of file utf_conversion.h.

◆ UTF32

typedef unsigned long basis::UTF32

Definition at line 120 of file utf_conversion.h.

◆ UTF8

typedef unsigned char basis::UTF8

Definition at line 122 of file utf_conversion.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ConversionFlags


Definition at line 143 of file utf_conversion.h.

◆ ConversionResult


Definition at line 136 of file utf_conversion.h.

◆ root_logging_filters

These filter values are the most basic, and need to be known everywhere.


Definition at line 84 of file contracts.h.

Function Documentation

◆ absolute_value()

template<class type >
type basis::absolute_value ( type  a)

◆ astring_comparator()

bool basis::astring_comparator ( const astring a,
const astring b 

implements a string comparator that just does simple astring ==.

Definition at line 53 of file astring.cpp.

References basis::astring::equal_to().

Referenced by nodes::symbol_tree::find().

◆ attach()

◆ attach_flat()

template<class contents >
void basis::attach_flat ( byte_array target,
const contents &  attachment 

attach_flat() places a copy of "attachment" onto the array of bytes.

Definition at line 116 of file byte_array.h.

References basis::array< contents >::concatenate().

◆ bogonic()

template<class type >
type& basis::bogonic ( )

Returns an object that is defined statically.

Thus the returned object will never be recreated once this function is called within the same scope of memory (within a dynamic library or application). This is useful for templates that want to have access to a bogus element whose contents don't matter. NOTE: bogonic is not thread safe!

Definition at line 129 of file functions.h.

◆ calculate_proper_length()

int basis::calculate_proper_length ( int  repeat)

Definition at line 55 of file astring.cpp.

References negative().

◆ cast_or_throw() [1/2]

template<class target_type , class source_type >
const target_type* basis::cast_or_throw ( const source_type &  to_cast,
const target_type &  ignored 

const version of the cast_or_throw template.

Definition at line 78 of file functions.h.

◆ cast_or_throw() [2/2]

template<class target_type , class source_type >
target_type* basis::cast_or_throw ( source_type &  to_cast,
const target_type &  ignored 

dynamically converts a type to a target type, or throws an exception if it cannot.

Definition at line 68 of file functions.h.

Referenced by basis::astring::equal_to(), structures::version::equal_to(), and structures::version::less_than().

◆ ConvertUTF16toUTF32()

ConversionResult basis::ConvertUTF16toUTF32 ( const UTF16 **  sourceStart,
const UTF16 sourceEnd,
UTF32 **  targetStart,
UTF32 targetEnd,
ConversionFlags  flags 

◆ ConvertUTF16toUTF8()

ConversionResult basis::ConvertUTF16toUTF8 ( const UTF16 **  sourceStart,
const UTF16 sourceEnd,
UTF8 **  targetStart,
UTF8 targetEnd,
ConversionFlags  flags 

◆ ConvertUTF32toUTF16()

ConversionResult basis::ConvertUTF32toUTF16 ( const UTF32 **  sourceStart,
const UTF32 sourceEnd,
UTF16 **  targetStart,
UTF16 targetEnd,
ConversionFlags  flags 

◆ ConvertUTF32toUTF8()

ConversionResult basis::ConvertUTF32toUTF8 ( const UTF32 **  sourceStart,
const UTF32 sourceEnd,
UTF8 **  targetStart,
UTF8 targetEnd,
ConversionFlags  flags 

◆ ConvertUTF8toUTF16()

ConversionResult basis::ConvertUTF8toUTF16 ( const UTF8 **  sourceStart,
const UTF8 sourceEnd,
UTF16 **  targetStart,
UTF16 targetEnd,
ConversionFlags  flags 

◆ ConvertUTF8toUTF32()

ConversionResult basis::ConvertUTF8toUTF32 ( const UTF8 **  sourceStart,
const UTF8 sourceEnd,
UTF32 **  targetStart,
UTF32 targetEnd,
ConversionFlags  flags 

◆ detach()

◆ detach_flat()

template<class contents >
bool basis::detach_flat ( byte_array source,
contents &  detached 

detach_flat() pulls the "detached" object out of the array of bytes.

Definition at line 121 of file byte_array.h.

References basis::array< contents >::length(), basis::array< contents >::observe(), and basis::array< contents >::zap().

◆ flip_decreasing()

template<class type >
void basis::flip_decreasing ( type &  a,
type &  b 

Makes sure that two values are in decreasing order (a > b).

Definition at line 99 of file functions.h.

◆ flip_increasing()

template<class type >
void basis::flip_increasing ( type &  a,
type &  b 

Makes sure that two values are in increasing order (a < b).

Definition at line 95 of file functions.h.

Referenced by geometric::rectangle< numeric_type >::order().

◆ format_error()

void basis::format_error ( const base_string class_name,
const base_string func_name,
const base_string error_message,
base_string to_fill 

writes a string "to_fill" in a nicely formatted manner using the class and function names.

Definition at line 21 of file guards.cpp.

Referenced by throw_error().

◆ imatches_any()

bool basis::imatches_any ( char  to_check,
const astring list 

Definition at line 615 of file astring.cpp.

References basis::astring::length(), and simple_lower().

◆ in_range()

template<class contents >
bool basis::in_range ( const contents &  value,
const contents &  low,
const contents &  high 

Returns true if the value is within the range specified.

Definition at line 38 of file guards.h.

◆ isLegalUTF8Sequence()

Booleano basis::isLegalUTF8Sequence ( const UTF8 source,
const UTF8 sourceEnd 

Definition at line 389 of file utf_conversion.cpp.

◆ last_packet_size()

template<class type >
type basis::last_packet_size ( type  message_size,
type  packet_size 

Tells how many bytes are used within last packet.

Definition at line 144 of file functions.h.

◆ matches_any()

bool basis::matches_any ( char  to_check,
const astring list 

Definition at line 622 of file astring.cpp.

References basis::astring::length().

◆ matches_none()

bool basis::matches_none ( char  to_check,
const astring list 

Definition at line 629 of file astring.cpp.

References basis::astring::length().

◆ maximum()

template<class type >
type basis::maximum ( type  a,
type  b 

◆ minimum()

◆ negative()

template<class type >
bool basis::negative ( const type &  a)

negative returns true if "a" is less than zero.

Definition at line 43 of file functions.h.

Referenced by structures::hash_table< key_type, contents >::acquire(), structures::hash_table< key_type, contents >::add(), mathematics::averager< contents >::averager(), bookmark_tree::break_name(), textual::byte_formatter::bytes_to_string(), filesystem::filename_list::calculate_progress(), calculate_proper_length(), synchronic::list_manager::clone_object(), sockets::spocket::connect(), synchronic::list_manager::consume(), cromp::cromp_server::disconnect_entity(), processes::state_machine::duration_override(), structures::bit_vector::empty(), filesystem::filename::extension(), structures::hash_table< key_type, contents >::find(), cromp::cromp_server::find_entity(), processes::configured_applications::find_program(), octopi::octopus_request_id::from_text(), structures::static_memory_gremlin::get(), configuration::application_configuration::get_cmdline_from_proc(), cromp::cromp_server::get_from_client(), sockets::internet_address::has_ip_address(), sockets::sequence_tracker::have_seen(), sockets::tcpip_stack::hostname(), synchronic::list_manager::is_listed(), sockets::span_manager::make_missing_list(), sockets::span_manager::make_received_list(), processes::transition_map::make_transition(), basis::array< contents >::overwrite(), textual::byte_formatter::parse_dump(), nodes::symbol_tree::prune(), processes::transition_map::pulse(), configuration::application_configuration::query_for_process_info(), sockets::span_manager::received_sequence(), octopi::octopus::remove_tentacle(), basis::astring::replace(), basis::astring::replace_all(), structures::bit_vector::resize(), filesystem::filename::rootname(), configuration::ini_configurator::sections(), application::command_line::separate_command_line(), sockets::raw_socket::set_broadcast(), sockets::raw_socket::set_keep_alive(), sockets::raw_socket::set_nagle_algorithm(), sockets::raw_socket::set_non_blocking(), sockets::raw_socket::set_reuse_address(), timely::timer_driver::set_timer(), application::shared_memory::shared_memory(), textual::string_manipulation::split_lines(), strain_out_html_codes(), textual::parser_bits::substitute_env_vars(), timely::time_stamp::text_form(), processes::transition_map::time_slice(), synchronic::list_manager::update(), structures::version::version(), structures::bit_vector::whole(), structures::hash_table< key_type, contents >::zap(), synchronic::list_manager::zap(), and timely::timer_driver::zap_timer().

◆ non_negative()

◆ non_positive()

template<class type >
bool basis::non_positive ( const type  a)

non_positive returns true if "a" is less than or equal to zero.

Definition at line 41 of file functions.h.

◆ number_of_packets()

template<class type >
type basis::number_of_packets ( type  message_size,
type  packet_size 

Reports number of packets needed given a total size and the packet size.

This returns the number of packets needed to contain a contiguous array of characters with size "message_size" when the number of characters per packet is "packet_size".

Definition at line 137 of file functions.h.

Referenced by structures::bit_vector::bit_vector(), structures::bit_vector::get(), and structures::bit_vector::resize().

◆ operator!=()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool basis::operator!= ( const T1 &  x,
const T2 &  y 

Definition at line 53 of file functions.h.

◆ operator<=()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool basis::operator<= ( const T1 &  x,
const T2 &  y 

Definition at line 59 of file functions.h.

◆ operator>()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool basis::operator> ( const T1 &  x,
const T2 &  y 

Definition at line 56 of file functions.h.

◆ operator>=()

template<class T1 , class T2 >
bool basis::operator>= ( const T1 &  x,
const T2 &  y 

Definition at line 62 of file functions.h.

◆ positive()

template<class type >
bool basis::positive ( const type &  a)

positive returns true if "a" is greater than zero, or false otherwise.

Definition at line 39 of file functions.h.

◆ range_check()

template<class type >
bool basis::range_check ( const type &  c,
const type &  low,
const type &  high 

◆ sign()

template<class type >
type basis::sign ( type  a)

Returns the numerical sign of a number "a".

Definition at line 107 of file functions.h.

◆ simple_lower()

char basis::simple_lower ( char  input)

Definition at line 587 of file astring.cpp.


Referenced by imatches_any().

◆ square()

template<class type >
type basis::square ( const type &  a)

◆ swap_values()

template<class type >
void basis::swap_values ( type &  a,
type &  b 

Exchanges the values held by "a" & "b".

Definition at line 103 of file functions.h.

Referenced by basis::array< contents >::swap_contents().

◆ throw_error() [1/2]

void basis::throw_error ( const astring class_name,
const astring func_name,
const astring error_message 

synonym method using astrings for easier char * handling.

Definition at line 40 of file guards.cpp.

References throw_error().

◆ throw_error() [2/2]

void basis::throw_error ( const base_string class_name,
const base_string func_name,
const base_string error_message 

throws an error that incorporates the class name and function name.

Definition at line 32 of file guards.cpp.

References format_error().

Referenced by throw_error().


template<class contents >
void basis::WHACK ( contents *&  ptr)

deletion with clearing of the pointer.

this function simplifies the two step process of deleting a pointer and then clearing it to NULL_POINTER. this makes debugging a bit easier since an access of NULL_POINTER should always cause a fault, rather than looking like a possibly valid object.

Definition at line 121 of file functions.h.

References NULL_POINTER.

Referenced by structures::hash_table< key_type, contents >::acquire(), octopi::entity_data_bin::acquire_for_any(), structures::hash_table< key_type, contents >::add(), octopi::file_transfer_tentacle::add_correspondence(), octopi::entity_data_bin::add_item(), processes::thread_cabinet::add_thread(), cromp::cromp_client::decrypt_package_as_needed(), cromp::cromp_server::disable_servers(), cromp::cromp_server::enable_servers(), processes::safe_callback::end_availability(), octopi::tentacle::enqueue(), octopi::octopus::evaluate(), cromp::cromp_client::login(), cromp::cromp_common::open_common(), octopi::file_transfer_tentacle::periodic_actions(), octopi::tentacle::propel_arm(), crypto::rsa_crypto::public_key(), structures::static_memory_gremlin::put(), octopi::reconstituter(), nodes::packable_tree::recursive_unpack(), configuration::ini_configurator::refresh(), octopi::file_transfer_tentacle::refresh_now(), filesystem::directory_tree::remove_path(), octopi::octopus::remove_tentacle(), structures::hash_table< key_type, contents >::reset(), filesystem::directory_tree::reset(), filesystem::directory_tree::throw_out(), loggers::file_logger::truncate(), filesystem::directory_tree::unpack(), nodes::tree::iterator::whack(), cromp::cromp_server::wrap_infoton(), structures::hash_table< key_type, contents >::zap(), octopi::octopus::zap_tentacle(), structures::bit_vector::~bit_vector(), crypto::blowfish_crypto::~blowfish_crypto(), bookmark_tree::~bookmark_tree(), broadcast_spocket_tester::~broadcast_spocket_tester(), filesystem::byte_filer::~byte_filer(), application::command_line::~command_line(), application::command_parameter::~command_parameter(), configuration::config_watcher::~config_watcher(), configuration::configlet::~configlet(), configuration::configuration_list::~configuration_list(), processes::configured_applications::~configured_applications(), cromp::cromp_client::~cromp_client(), cromp::cromp_common::~cromp_common(), cromp::cromp_security::~cromp_security(), cromp::cromp_server::~cromp_server(), filesystem::directory::~directory(), filesystem::directory_tree::~directory_tree(), nodes::doubly_linked_list::~doubly_linked_list(), octopi::encryption_tentacle::~encryption_tentacle(), octopi::entity_data_bin::~entity_data_bin(), octopi::entity_registry::~entity_registry(), processes::ethread::~ethread(), loggers::file_logger::~file_logger(), octopi::file_transfer_tentacle::~file_transfer_tentacle(), structures::hash_table< key_type, contents >::~hash_table(), processes::heartbeat::~heartbeat(), filesystem::huge_file::~huge_file(), octopi::infoton::~infoton(), configuration::ini_configurator::~ini_configurator(), configuration::ini_parser::~ini_parser(), configuration::ini_roller::~ini_roller(), structures::int_hash< contents >::~int_hash(), application::launch_manager::~launch_manager(), processes::letter::~letter(), synchronic::list_manager::~list_manager(), sockets::machine_uid::~machine_uid(), sockets::machine_uid_array::~machine_uid_array(), processes::mailbox::~mailbox(), structures::memory_limiter::~memory_limiter(), menu_base::~menu_base(), menu_item::~menu_item(), nodes::node::~node(), octopi::octopus::~octopus(), octopi::octopus_entity::~octopus_entity(), nodes::path::~path(), structures::pointer_hash< contents >::~pointer_hash(), processes::post_office::~post_office(), processes::process_control::~process_control(), processes::process_entry::~process_entry(), sockets::range_limiter::~range_limiter(), sockets::raw_socket::~raw_socket(), processes::rendezvous::~rendezvous(), processes::safe_callback::~safe_callback(), processes::safe_roller::~safe_roller(), configuration::section_manager::~section_manager(), octopi::security_infoton::~security_infoton(), sockets::sequence_tracker::~sequence_tracker(), application::shared_memory::~shared_memory(), octopi::simple_entity_registry::~simple_entity_registry(), application::singleton_application::~singleton_application(), sockets::socket_minder::~socket_minder(), sockets::span_manager::~span_manager(), sockets::spocket::~spocket(), spocket_tester::~spocket_tester(), processes::state_machine::~state_machine(), structures::static_memory_gremlin::~static_memory_gremlin(), application::stdio_redirecter::~stdio_redirecter(), timely::stopwatch::~stopwatch(), configuration::string_configlet::~string_configlet(), sockets::subnet_calculator::~subnet_calculator(), structures::symbol_table< contents >::~symbol_table(), nodes::symbol_tree::~symbol_tree(), configuration::system_values::~system_values(), configuration::table_configurator::~table_configurator(), octopi::tentacle::~tentacle(), processes::thread_cabinet::~thread_cabinet(), sockets::throughput_counter::~throughput_counter(), timely::timer_driver::~timer_driver(), processes::transition_map::~transition_map(), nodes::tree::~tree(), configuration::variable_tokenizer::~variable_tokenizer(), structures::version::~version(), versions::version_checker::~version_checker(), versions::version_ini::~version_ini(), write_build_config::~write_build_config(), and textual::xml_generator::~xml_generator().

Variable Documentation


const char basis::CASE_DIFFERENCE = char('A' - 'a')

Definition at line 41 of file astring.cpp.

Referenced by simple_lower(), basis::astring::to_lower(), and basis::astring::to_upper().

◆ DAY_ms

const int basis::DAY_ms = 24 * HOUR_ms

Number of milliseconds in a day.

Definition at line 123 of file definitions.h.

◆ DAY_s

const int basis::DAY_s = 24 * HOUR_s

Number of seconds in a day.

Definition at line 128 of file definitions.h.

◆ empty_char_star

const abyte basis::empty_char_star[] = { 0 }

Definition at line 48 of file astring.cpp.



Number of bytes in a gigabyte.

Definition at line 136 of file definitions.h.

◆ HOUR_ms

const int basis::HOUR_ms = 60 * MINUTE_ms

Number of milliseconds in an hour.

Definition at line 122 of file definitions.h.

◆ HOUR_s

const int basis::HOUR_s = 60 * MINUTE_s

Number of seconds in an hour.

Definition at line 127 of file definitions.h.



const int basis::LONGEST_SPRINTF = 600

Definition at line 39 of file astring.cpp.


const int basis::MAX_FIELD_FUDGE_FACTOR = 64

Definition at line 46 of file astring.cpp.



Number of bytes in a megabyte.

Definition at line 135 of file definitions.h.

Referenced by octopi::recursive_file_copy::copy_hierarchy().


const int basis::MINUTE_ms = 60 * SECOND_ms

Number of milliseconds in a minute.

Definition at line 121 of file definitions.h.


const int basis::MINUTE_s = 60

Number of seconds in a minute.

Definition at line 126 of file definitions.h.


const int basis::SECOND_ms = 1000


const double basis::TERABYTE = double(GIGABYTE) * double(KILOBYTE)

Definition at line 137 of file definitions.h.