feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 * Name : astring
3 * Author : Chris Koeritz
4 **
5 * Copyright (c) 1992-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can *
6 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
7 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
8 * the License or (at your option) any later version. This is online at: *
9 * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
10 * Please send any updates to: fred@gruntose.com *
11 */
13 #include "astring.h"
14 #include "definitions.h"
15 #include "functions.h"
16 #include "guards.h"
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <string.h>
22 /*
23 #ifdef _MSC_VER
24  #undef strcasecmp
25  #undef strncasecmp
26  #define strcasecmp strcmpi
27  #define strncasecmp strnicmp
28 #endif
29 */
31 //#define DEBUG_STRING
32  // uncomment for debugging version.
34 #define no_increment
35  // macro just documents a blank parameter in the code.
37 namespace basis {
39 const int LONGEST_SPRINTF = 600; // the longest a simple sprintf can be here.
41 const char CASE_DIFFERENCE = char('A' - 'a');
42  // the measurement of the difference between upper and lower case.
44 // this factor is used to bias dynamic sprintfs for cases where the length
45 // is specified, but the actual string is shorter than that length.
46 const int MAX_FIELD_FUDGE_FACTOR = 64;
48 const abyte empty_char_star[] = { 0 };
49  // used to initialize empty strings.
53 bool astring_comparator(const astring &a, const astring &b) { return a.equal_to(b); }
55 int calculate_proper_length(int repeat) { return negative(repeat)? 1 : repeat + 1; }
60 : c_character_manager(1, empty_char_star),
61  c_held_string((char * const *)c_character_manager.internal_offset_mem())
62 {}
65 : c_character_manager(strlen(initial.observe()) + 1, (abyte *)initial.observe()),
66  c_held_string((char * const *)c_character_manager.internal_offset_mem())
67 {}
69 astring::astring(char initial, int repeat)
70 : c_character_manager(calculate_proper_length(repeat))
71 {
72  if (!initial) initial = ' '; // for nulls, we use spaces.
73  int new_size = c_character_manager.length() - 1;
75  /*hmmm: eclipse was badgering me into adding types on this, but it's not really an error in my code seemingly.
76  * eclipse seems to want a ? type in the last parameter, not a size_t or int. why? doesn't it know size_t?
77  */
78  memset((void *)c_character_manager.access(), (int)initial, (size_t)new_size);
79  c_character_manager.put(new_size, '\0');
80  c_held_string = (char * const *)c_character_manager.internal_offset_mem();
81 }
84 : base_string(),
85  c_character_manager(s1.c_character_manager),
86  c_held_string((char * const *)c_character_manager.internal_offset_mem())
87 {
88 }
90 astring::astring(const char *initial)
91 : c_character_manager(calculate_proper_length(initial? int(strlen(initial)) : 0))
92 {
93  c_character_manager.put(0, '\0');
94  if (!initial) return; // bail because there's no string to copy.
95  strcpy(access(), initial);
96  c_held_string = (char * const *)c_character_manager.internal_offset_mem();
97 }
99 astring::astring(special_flag flag, const char *initial, ...)
100 : c_character_manager(1, empty_char_star),
101  c_held_string((char * const *)c_character_manager.internal_offset_mem())
102 {
103  if (!initial) return;
104  if ( (flag != UNTERMINATED) && (flag != SPRINTF) ) {
105  operator = (astring(astring::SPRINTF, "unknown flag %d", flag));
106  return;
107  }
109  va_list args;
110  va_start(args, initial);
112  if (flag == UNTERMINATED) {
113  // special process for grabbing a string that has no terminating nil.
114  int length = va_arg(args, int); // get the length of the string out.
115  c_character_manager.reset(length, (abyte *)initial);
116  c_character_manager += abyte(0);
117  va_end(args);
118  return;
119  }
121  // only other flag currently supported is sprintf, so we do that...
122  base_sprintf(initial, args);
123  va_end(args);
124 }
126 astring::~astring() { c_held_string = NULL_POINTER; }
128 const astring &astring::empty_string() { return bogonic<astring>(); }
130 void astring::text_form(base_string &state_fill) const { state_fill.assign(*this); }
132 int astring::length() const { return c_character_manager.length() - 1; }
134 byte_array &astring::get_implementation() { return c_character_manager; }
136 char *astring::access() { return (char *)c_character_manager.access(); }
138 char astring::get(int index) const { return (char)c_character_manager.get(index); }
140 const char *astring::observe() const
141 { return (const char *)c_character_manager.observe(); }
143 bool astring::equal_to(const equalizable &s2) const
144 {
145  const astring *s2_cast = cast_or_throw(s2, *this);
146  return comparator(*s2_cast) == 0;
147 }
149 bool astring::less_than(const orderable &s2) const
150 {
151  const astring *s2_cast = dynamic_cast<const astring *>(&s2);
152  if (!s2_cast) throw "error: astring::<: unknown type";
153  return comparator(*s2_cast) < 0;
154 }
156 int astring::comparator(const astring &s2) const
157 { return strcmp(observe(), s2.observe()); }
159 bool astring::equal_to(const char *that) const
160 { return strcmp(observe(), that) == 0; }
162 bool astring::contains(const astring &to_find) const
163 { return (find(to_find, 0) < 0) ? false : true; }
166 { insert(length(), s1); return *this; }
169 {
170  astring copy_of_this(observe());
171  c_character_manager.swap_contents(copy_of_this.c_character_manager);
172 }
174 astring &astring::sprintf(const char *initial, ...)
175 {
176  va_list args;
177  va_start(args, initial);
178  astring &to_return = base_sprintf(initial, args);
179  va_end(args);
180  return to_return;
181 }
183 astring &astring::base_sprintf(const char *initial, va_list &args)
184 {
185  reset();
186  if (!initial) return *this; // skip null strings.
187  if (!initial[0]) return *this; // skip empty strings.
189  // these accumulate parts of the sprintf format within the loop.
190  char flag_chars[23], width_chars[23], precision_chars[23], modifier_chars[23];
192  // thanks for the inspiration to k&r page 156.
193  for (const char *traverser = initial; *traverser; traverser++) {
194 #ifdef DEBUG_STRING
195  printf("index=%d, char=%c\n", traverser - initial, *traverser);
196 #endif
198  if (*traverser != '%') {
199  // not a special character, so just drop it in.
200  *this += *traverser;
201  continue;
202  }
203  traverser++; // go to the next character.
204 #ifdef DEBUG_STRING
205  printf("index=%d, char=%c\n", traverser - initial, *traverser);
206 #endif
207  if (*traverser == '%') {
208  // capture the "%%" style format specifier.
209  *this += *traverser;
210  continue;
211  }
212  bool failure = false;
213  // becomes set to true if something didn't match in a necessary area.
215  seek_flag(traverser, flag_chars, failure);
216  if (failure) {
217  *this += '%';
218  *this += flag_chars;
219  continue;
220  }
221  seek_width(traverser, width_chars);
222  seek_precision(traverser, precision_chars);
223  seek_modifier(traverser, modifier_chars);
224  get_type_character(traverser, args, *this, flag_chars,
225  width_chars, precision_chars, modifier_chars);
226  }
227  return *this;
228 }
230 void astring::seek_flag(const char *&traverser, char *flag_chars, bool &failure)
231 {
232  flag_chars[0] = '\0';
233  failure = false;
234  bool keep_going = true;
235  while (!failure && keep_going) {
236  switch (*traverser) {
237  case '-': case '+': case ' ': case '\011': case '#':
238  flag_chars[strlen(flag_chars) + 1] = '\0';
239  flag_chars[strlen(flag_chars)] = *traverser++;
240  break;
241  default:
242  // we found a character that doesn't belong in the flags.
243  keep_going = false;
244  break;
245  }
246  }
247 #ifdef DEBUG_STRING
248  if (strlen(flag_chars)) printf("[flag=%s]\n", flag_chars);
249  else printf("no flags\n");
250 #endif
251 }
253 void astring::seek_width(const char *&traverser, char *width_chars)
254 {
255  width_chars[0] = '\0';
256  bool no_more_nums = false;
257  bool first_num = true;
258  while (!no_more_nums) {
259  char wideness[2] = { *traverser, '\0' };
260  if (first_num && (wideness[0] == '0')) {
261  strcpy(width_chars, wideness);
262  traverser++;
263  } else if (first_num && (wideness[0] == '*') ) {
264  strcpy(width_chars, wideness);
265  traverser++;
266  no_more_nums = true;
267  } else if ( (wideness[0] <= '9') && (wideness[0] >= '0') ) {
268  // a failure?
269  strcat(width_chars, wideness);
270  traverser++;
271  } else no_more_nums = true;
272  first_num = false;
273  }
274 #ifdef DEBUG_STRING
275  if (strlen(width_chars)) printf("[width=%s]\n", width_chars);
276  else printf("no widths\n");
277 #endif
278 }
280 void astring::seek_precision(const char *&traverser, char *precision_chars)
281 {
282  precision_chars[0] = '\0';
283  if (*traverser != '.') return;
284  strcpy(precision_chars, ".");
285  traverser++;
286  bool no_more_nums = false;
287  bool first_num = true;
288  while (!no_more_nums) {
289  char preciseness[2] = { *traverser, '\0' };
290  if (first_num && (preciseness[0] == '0')) {
291  strcat(precision_chars, preciseness);
292  traverser++;
293  no_more_nums = true;
294  } else if (first_num && (preciseness[0] == '*') ) {
295  strcat(precision_chars, preciseness);
296  traverser++;
297  no_more_nums = true;
298  } else if ( (preciseness[0] <= '9') && (preciseness[0] >= '0') ) {
299  strcat(precision_chars, preciseness);
300  traverser++;
301  } else no_more_nums = true;
302  first_num = false;
303  }
304 #ifdef DEBUG_STRING
305  if (strlen(precision_chars)) printf("[precis=%s]\n", precision_chars);
306  else printf("no precision\n");
307 #endif
308 }
310 void astring::seek_modifier(const char *&traverser, char *modifier_chars)
311 {
312  modifier_chars[0] = '\0';
313  switch (*traverser) {
314  case 'F': case 'N': case 'h': case 'l': case 'L': {
315  modifier_chars[strlen(modifier_chars) + 1] = '\0';
316  modifier_chars[strlen(modifier_chars)] = *traverser++;
317  break;
318  }
319  }
320 #ifdef DEBUG_STRING
321  if (strlen(modifier_chars)) printf("[mod=%s]\n", modifier_chars);
322  else printf("no modifiers\n");
323 #endif
324 }
326 void astring::get_type_character(const char * &traverser, va_list &args,
327  astring &output_string, const char *flag_chars, const char *width_chars,
328  const char *precision_chars, const char *modifier_chars)
329 {
330  char formatting[120];
331  strcpy(formatting, "%");
332  strcat(formatting, flag_chars);
333  strcat(formatting, width_chars);
334  strcat(formatting, precision_chars);
335  strcat(formatting, modifier_chars);
336  char tmposh[2] = { *traverser, '\0' };
337  strcat(formatting, tmposh);
338 #ifdef DEBUG_STRING
339  printf("format: %s\n", formatting);
340 #endif
342  enum argument_size { bits_8, bits_16, bits_32, bits_64, bits_80 };
343  bool ints_are_32_bits;
344 #ifdef __WIN32__
345  ints_are_32_bits = true;
346 #elif defined(__OS2__)
347  ints_are_32_bits = true;
348 #elif defined(__MSDOS__)
349  ints_are_32_bits = false;
350 #elif defined(__WIN32__)
351  ints_are_32_bits = false;
352 #else
353  ints_are_32_bits = true;
354 #endif
355  argument_size next_argument;
356  bool use_dynamic_sprintf = false; // for dynamic printing of strings only.
357  // get the type character first and ensure it's valid.
358  switch (*traverser) {
359  case 'd': case 'i': case 'o': case 'u': case 'x': case 'X':
360  next_argument = bits_16;
361  if (ints_are_32_bits) next_argument = bits_32;
362  break;
363  case 'f': case 'e': case 'g': case 'E': case 'G':
364  next_argument = bits_64;
365  break;
366  case 'c':
367  next_argument = bits_8;
368  break;
369  case 's':
370  next_argument = bits_32;
371  use_dynamic_sprintf = true;
372  break;
373  case 'n':
374  next_argument = bits_32; //?????
375  break;
376  case 'p':
377  next_argument = bits_32; //????
378  break;
379  default:
380  // this is an error; the character is not recognized, so spew out
381  // any characters accumulated so far as just themselves.
382 #ifdef DEBUG_STRING
383  printf("failure in type char: %c\n", *traverser);
384 #endif
385  output_string += formatting;
386  return;
387  }
388 /* hmmm: not supported yet.
389  if (width_chars && (width_chars[0] == '*')) {
390  }
391  if (precision_chars && (precision_chars[0] == '*')) {
392  }
393 */
394  if (strlen(modifier_chars)) {
395  switch (modifier_chars[0]) {
396  case 'N': // near pointer.
397  next_argument = bits_16;
398  if (ints_are_32_bits) next_argument = bits_32;
399  break;
400  case 'F': // far pointer.
401  next_argument = bits_32;
402  break;
403  case 'h': // short int.
404  next_argument = bits_16;
405  break;
406  case 'l': // long.
407  next_argument = bits_32;
408  break;
409  case 'L': // long double;
410  next_argument = bits_80;
411  break;
412  default:
413  // a failure has occurred because the modifier character is not
414  // one of the recognized values. everything is just spewed out.
415 #ifdef DEBUG_STRING
416  printf("failure in modifier: %s\n", modifier_chars);
417 #endif
418  output_string += formatting;
419  return;
420  }
421  }
422  // action time: the output string is given a tasty value.
423  char temp[LONGEST_SPRINTF];
424  char *temp2 = NULL_POINTER; // for dynamic only.
425  switch (next_argument) {
426 //hmmm: this switch is where support would need to be added for having two
427 // arguments (for the '*' case).
428  case bits_8: case bits_16:
429  if (ints_are_32_bits) ::sprintf(temp, formatting, va_arg(args, long));
430  else ::sprintf(temp, formatting, va_arg(args, int));
431  break;
432  case bits_32:
433  if (use_dynamic_sprintf) {
434  // currently we only do dynamic sprintf for strings.
435  char *to_print = va_arg(args, char *);
436  // check if it's valid and if we really need to do it dynamically.
437  if (!to_print) {
438  // bogus string; put in a complaint.
439  use_dynamic_sprintf = false;
440  ::sprintf(temp, "{error:parm=NULL_POINTER}");
441  } else if (strlen(to_print) < LONGEST_SPRINTF - 2) {
442  // we're within our bounds, plus some safety room, so just do a
443  // regular sprintf.
444  use_dynamic_sprintf = false;
445  ::sprintf(temp, formatting, to_print);
446  } else {
447  // it's too long, so we definitely need to do it dynamically.
448  temp2 = new char[strlen(to_print) + MAX_FIELD_FUDGE_FACTOR];
449  ::sprintf(temp2, formatting, to_print);
450  }
451  } else ::sprintf(temp, formatting, va_arg(args, void *));
452  break;
453  case bits_64:
454  ::sprintf(temp, formatting, va_arg(args, double));
455  break;
456  case bits_80:
457  ::sprintf(temp, formatting, va_arg(args, long double));
458  break;
459  }
460  if (use_dynamic_sprintf) {
461  output_string += temp2;
462  delete [] temp2;
463  } else output_string += temp;
464 }
466 //hmmm: de-redundify this function, which is identical to the constructor.
467 void astring::reset(special_flag flag, const char *initial, ...)
468 {
469  reset(); // clear the string out.
470  if (!initial) return;
471  if ( (flag != UNTERMINATED) && (flag != SPRINTF) ) {
472  operator = (astring(astring::SPRINTF, "unknown flag %d", flag));
473  return;
474  }
476  va_list args;
477  va_start(args, initial);
479  if (flag == UNTERMINATED) {
480  // special process for grabbing a string that has no terminating nil.
481  int length = va_arg(args, int); // get the length of the string out.
482  c_character_manager.reset(length, (abyte *)initial);
483  c_character_manager += abyte(0);
484  va_end(args);
485  return;
486  }
488  // only other flag currently supported is sprintf, so we do that...
489  base_sprintf(initial, args);
490  va_end(args);
491 }
493 void astring::pad(int len, char padding)
494 {
495  if (length() >= len) return;
496  byte_array pad(len - length());
497  memset(pad.access(), padding, pad.length());
498  operator += (astring(UNTERMINATED, (char *)pad.observe(), pad.length()));
499 }
501 void astring::trim(int len)
502 {
503  if (length() <= len) return;
504  zap(len, end());
505 }
508 {
509  if (this != &s1)
510  c_character_manager = s1.c_character_manager;
511  return *this;
512 }
515 {
516  reset();
517  *this += s1;
518  return *this;
519 }
521 void astring::zap(int position1, int position2)
522 {
523  bounds_return(position1, 0, end(), );
524  bounds_return(position2, 0, end(), );
525  c_character_manager.zap(position1, position2);
526 }
529 {
530  for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
531  if ( (get(i) >= 'A') && (get(i) <= 'Z') )
532  c_character_manager.put(i, char(get(i) - CASE_DIFFERENCE));
533 }
536 {
537  for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
538  if ( (get(i) >= 'a') && (get(i) <= 'z') )
539  c_character_manager.put(i, char(get(i) + CASE_DIFFERENCE));
540 }
543 {
544  astring to_return(*this);
545  to_return.to_lower();
546  return to_return;
547 }
550 {
551  astring to_return(*this);
552  to_return.to_upper();
553  return to_return;
554 }
556 void astring::copy(char *array_to_stuff, int how_many) const
557 {
558  if (!array_to_stuff) return;
559  array_to_stuff[0] = '\0';
560  if ( (how_many <= 0) || (length() <= 0) ) return;
561  strncpy(array_to_stuff, observe(), (size_t)minimum(how_many, int(length())));
562  array_to_stuff[minimum(how_many, int(length()))] = '\0';
563 }
565 bool astring::iequals(const astring &that) const
566 { return strcasecmp(observe(), that.observe()) == 0; }
568 bool astring::iequals(const char *that) const
569 { return strcasecmp(observe(), that) == 0; }
571 int astring::ifind(char to_find, int position, bool reverse) const
572 { return char_find(to_find, position, reverse, false); }
574 int astring::find(char to_find, int position, bool reverse) const
575 { return char_find(to_find, position, reverse, true); }
577 int astring::find_any(const char *to_find, int position, bool reverse) const
578 { return char_find_any(to_find, position, reverse, true); }
580 int astring::ifind_any(const char *to_find, int position, bool reverse) const
581 { return char_find_any(to_find, position, reverse, false); }
583 int astring::find_non_match(const char *to_find, int position,
584  bool reverse) const
585 { return char_find_any(to_find, position, reverse, false, true); }
587 char simple_lower(char input)
588 {
589  if ( (input <= 'Z') && (input >= 'A') ) return input - CASE_DIFFERENCE;
590  return input;
591 }
593 int astring::char_find(char to_find, int position, bool reverse,
594  bool case_sense) const
595 {
596  if (position < 0) return common::OUT_OF_RANGE;
597  if (position > end()) return common::OUT_OF_RANGE;
598  if (reverse) {
599  for (int i = position; i >= 0; i--) {
600  if (case_sense && (get(i) == to_find)) return i;
601  else if (simple_lower(get(i)) == simple_lower(to_find)) return i;
602  }
603  } else {
604  if (case_sense) {
605  const char *const pos = strchr(observe() + position, to_find);
606  if (pos) return int(pos - observe());
607  } else {
608  for (int i = position; i < length(); i++)
609  if (simple_lower(get(i)) == simple_lower(to_find)) return i;
610  }
611  }
612  return common::NOT_FOUND;
613 }
615 bool imatches_any(char to_check, const astring &list)
616 {
617  for (int i = 0; i < list.length(); i++)
618  if (simple_lower(to_check) == simple_lower(list[i])) return true;
619  return false;
620 }
622 bool matches_any(char to_check, const astring &list)
623 {
624  for (int i = 0; i < list.length(); i++)
625  if (to_check == list[i]) return true;
626  return false;
627 }
629 bool matches_none(char to_check, const astring &list)
630 {
631  bool saw_match = false;
632  for (int i = 0; i < list.length(); i++)
633  if (to_check == list[i]) {
634  saw_match = true;
635  break;
636  }
637  return !saw_match;
638 }
640 int astring::char_find_any(const astring &to_find, int position, bool reverse,
641  bool case_sense, bool invert_find) const
642 {
643  if (position < 0) return common::OUT_OF_RANGE;
644  if (position > end()) return common::OUT_OF_RANGE;
645  if (reverse) {
646  for (int i = position; i >= 0; i--) {
647  if (!invert_find) {
648  if (case_sense && matches_any(get(i), to_find)) return i;
649  else if (imatches_any(get(i), to_find)) return i;
650  } else {
651 //printf("rev posn=%d char=%c", i, get(i));
652  // case-sensitivity is not used for inverted finds.
653  if (matches_none(get(i), to_find)) return i;
654  }
655  }
656  } else {
657  for (int i = position; i < length(); i++) {
658  if (!invert_find) {
659  if (case_sense && matches_any(get(i), to_find)) return i;
660  else if (imatches_any(get(i), to_find)) return i;
661  } else {
662  // case-sensitivity is not used for inverted finds.
663 //printf("fwd posn=%d char=%c", i, get(i));
664  if (matches_none(get(i), to_find)) return i;
665  }
666  }
667  }
668  return common::NOT_FOUND;
669 }
671 int astring::find(const astring &to_find, int posn, bool reverse) const
672 { return str_find(to_find, posn, reverse, true); }
674 int astring::ifind(const astring &to_find, int posn, bool reverse) const
675 { return str_find(to_find, posn, reverse, false); }
677 int astring::str_find(const astring &to_find, int posn, bool reverse,
678  bool case_sense) const
679 {
680  bounds_return(posn, 0, end(), common::OUT_OF_RANGE);
681  if (!to_find.length()) return common::BAD_INPUT;
683  // skip some steps by finding the first place that the first character of
684  // the string resides in our string.
685  if (case_sense)
686  posn = find(to_find[0], posn, reverse);
687  else posn = ifind(to_find[0], posn, reverse);
688  if (posn < 0) return common::NOT_FOUND;
690 //hmmm: there is a better way to do this loop in terms of the number of
691 // comparisons performed. knuth morris pratt algorithm?
692  if (case_sense) {
693 //hmmm: this could use strncmp too?
694  if (reverse) {
695  if (posn > length() - to_find.length())
696  posn = length() - to_find.length();
697  for (int i = posn; i >= 0; i--)
698  if (!memcmp((void *)&observe()[i], (void *)to_find.observe(),
699  to_find.length()))
700  return i;
701  } else {
702  const int find_len = to_find.length();
703  const int str_len = length();
704  const char first_char = to_find[0];
705  bounds_return(posn, 0, str_len - find_len, common::OUT_OF_RANGE);
706  for (int i = posn - 1;
707  ( ( (i = find(first_char, i + 1)) >= 0)
708  && (str_len - i >= find_len) ); no_increment) {
709  if (!memcmp((void *)&observe()[i], (void *)to_find.observe(),
710  to_find.length()))
711  return i;
712  }
713  }
714  } else {
715  // not case-sensitive.
716  if (reverse) {
717  if (posn > length() - to_find.length())
718  posn = length() - to_find.length();
719  for (int i = posn; i >= 0; i--)
720  if (!strncasecmp(&observe()[i], to_find.observe(), to_find.length()))
721  return i;
722  } else {
723  bounds_return(posn, 0, length() - to_find.length(), common::OUT_OF_RANGE);
724  for (int i = posn; i < length() - to_find.length() + 1; i++)
725  if (!strncasecmp(&observe()[i], to_find.observe(), to_find.length()))
726  return i;
727  }
728  }
729  return common::NOT_FOUND;
730 }
733 {
734  astring to_return(*this);
735  to_return += s1;
736  return to_return;
737 }
739 char &astring::operator [] (int position)
740 {
741  if (position < 0) position = 0;
742  if (position > end()) position = 0;
743  abyte &found = c_character_manager.use(position);
744  char &to_return = *((char *)(&found));
745  return to_return;
746 }
748 const char &astring::operator [] (int position) const
749 {
750  if (position < 0) position = 0;
751  if (position > end()) position = 0;
752  const abyte &found = c_character_manager.get(position);
753  const char &to_return = *((const char *)(&found));
754  return to_return;
755 }
757 int astring::convert(int default_value) const
758 {
759  if (!length()) return default_value;
760  int to_return;
761  int fields = sscanf(observe(), "%d", &to_return);
762  if (fields < 1) return default_value;
763  return to_return;
764 }
766 long astring::convert(long default_value) const
767 {
768  if (!length()) return default_value;
769  long to_return;
770  int fields = sscanf(observe(), "%ld", &to_return);
771  if (fields < 1) return default_value;
772  return to_return;
773 }
775 float astring::convert(float default_value) const
776 {
777  if (!length()) return default_value;
778  float to_return;
779  int fields = sscanf(observe(), "%f", &to_return);
780  if (fields < 1) return default_value;
781  return to_return;
782 }
784 double astring::convert(double default_value) const
785 {
786  if (!length()) return default_value;
787  double to_return;
788  int fields = sscanf(observe(), "%lf", &to_return);
789  if (fields < 1) return default_value;
790  return to_return;
791 }
794 {
795  if (!s1) return *this;
796  int len = length();
797  c_character_manager.insert(len, int(strlen(s1)));
798  memmove((char *)&c_character_manager[len], s1, int(strlen(s1)));
799  return *this;
800 }
803 {
804  int len = length();
805  c_character_manager.insert(len, 1);
806  c_character_manager.put(len, s1);
807  return *this;
808 }
810 bool astring::compare(const astring &to_compare, int start_first,
811  int start_second, int count, bool case_sensitive) const
812 {
813  bounds_return(start_first, 0, end(), false);
814  bounds_return(start_second, 0, to_compare.end(), false);
815  bounds_return(start_first + count, start_first, length(), false);
816  bounds_return(start_second + count, start_second, to_compare.length(), false);
818  if (!case_sensitive) {
819  return !strncasecmp(&observe()[start_first],
820  &to_compare.observe()[start_second], count);
821  } else {
822  return !memcmp((void *)&observe()[start_first],
823  (void *)&to_compare.observe()[start_second], count);
824  }
825 }
827 /*
828 int astring::icompare(const char *to_compare, int length_in) const
829 {
830  if (!length_in) return 0; // nothing is equal to nothing.
831  int real_len = length_in;
832  // if they're passing a negative length, we use the full length.
833  if (negative(length_in))
834  real_len = length();
835  // if we have no length, make the obvious returns now.
836  int to_compare_len = int(strlen(to_compare));
837  if (!real_len) return to_compare_len? -1 : 0;
838  // if the second string is empty, it's always less than the non-empty.
839  if (!to_compare_len) return 1;
840  int to_return = strncasecmp(observe(), to_compare, real_len);
841  if (negative(length_in) && !to_return && (to_compare_len > length()) ) {
842  // catch special case for default length when the two are equal except
843  // that the second string is longer--this means the first is less than
844  // second, not equal.
845  return -1;
846  } else
847  return to_return;
848 }
849 */
851 /*
852 bool astring::oy_icompare(const astring &to_compare, int start_first,
853  int start_second, int count) const
854 {
855  bounds_return(start_first, 0, end(), false);
856  bounds_return(start_second, 0, to_compare.end(), false);
857  bounds_return(start_first + count, start_first, length(), false);
858  bounds_return(start_second + count, start_second, to_compare.length(), false);
859  const char *actual_first = this->observe() + start_first;
860  const char *actual_second = to_compare.observe() + start_second;
861  return !strncasecmp(actual_first, actual_second, count);
862 }
863 */
865 bool astring::substring(astring &target, int start, int bender) const
866 {
867  target.reset();
868  if (bender < start) return false;
869  const int last = end(); // final position that's valid in the string.
870  bounds_return(start, 0, last, false);
871  bounds_return(bender, 0, last, false);
872  target.reset(UNTERMINATED, observe() + start, bender - start + 1);
873  return true;
874 }
876 astring astring::substring(int start, int end) const
877 {
878  astring to_return;
879  substring(to_return, start, end);
880  return to_return;
881 }
883 astring astring::middle(int start, int count)
884 { return substring(start, start + count - 1); }
887 { return substring(0, count - 1); }
890 { return substring(end() - count + 1, end()); }
892 void astring::insert(int position, const astring &to_insert)
893 {
894  bounds_return(position, 0, length(), );
895  if (this == &to_insert) {
896  astring copy_of_me(to_insert);
897  insert(position, copy_of_me); // not recursive because no longer == me.
898  } else {
899  c_character_manager.insert(position, to_insert.length());
900  c_character_manager.overwrite(position, to_insert.c_character_manager,
901  to_insert.length());
902  }
903 }
905 bool astring::replace(const astring &tag, const astring &replacement)
906 {
907  int where = find(tag);
908  if (negative(where)) return false;
909  zap(where, where + tag.end());
910  insert(where, replacement);
911  return true;
912 }
914 bool astring::replace_all(const astring &to_replace, const astring &new_string)
915 {
916  bool did_any = false;
917  for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
918  int indy = find(to_replace, i);
919  if (negative(indy)) break; // get out since there are no more matches.
920  i = indy; // update our position to where we found the string.
921  zap(i, i + to_replace.length() - 1); // remove old string.
922  insert(i, new_string); // plug the new string into the old position.
923  i += new_string.length() - 1; // jump past what we replaced.
924  did_any = true;
925  }
926  return did_any;
927 }
929 bool astring::replace_all(char to_replace, char new_char)
930 {
931  bool did_any = false;
932  for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
933  if (get(i) == to_replace) {
934  put(i, new_char);
935  did_any = true;
936  }
937  }
938  return did_any;
939 }
941 bool astring::matches(const astring &match_list, char to_match)
942 {
943  for (int i = 0; i < match_list.length(); i++)
944  if (to_match == match_list.get(i)) return true;
945  return false;
946 }
948 void astring::strip(const astring &strip_list, how_to_strip way)
949 {
950  if (way & FROM_FRONT)
951  while (length() && matches(strip_list, get(0)))
952  zap(0, 0);
954  if (way & FROM_END)
955  while (length() && matches(strip_list, get(end())))
956  zap(end(), end());
957 }
959 int astring::packed_size() const { return length() + 1; }
961 void astring::pack(byte_array &target) const
962 { attach(target, (char *)c_character_manager.observe()); }
965 { return detach(source, *this); }
970 /*
971 int astring::slow_strncasecmp(const char *first, const char *second, int length)
972 {
973  int len1 = int(strlen(first));
974  int len2 = int(strlen(second));
975  if (!length) return 0; // no characters are equal to none.
976  if (!len1 && !len2) return 0; // equal as empty.
977  if (!len1 && len2) return -1; // first < second.
978  if (len1 && !len2) return 1; // first > second.
979  if (positive(length)) {
980  len1 = minimum(length, len1);
981  len2 = minimum(length, len2);
982  }
983  for (int i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
984  if (i > len2 - 1) return 1; // first > second, had more length.
985  if (simple_lower(first[i]) < simple_lower(second[i]))
986  return -1; // first < second.
987  if (simple_lower(first[i]) > simple_lower(second[i]))
988  return 1; // first > second.
989  }
990  // at this point we know second is equal to first up to the length of
991  // first.
992  if (len2 > len1) return -1; // second was longer and therefore greater.
993  return 0; // equal.
994 }
995 */
1003 a_sprintf::a_sprintf(const char *initial, ...)
1004 : astring()
1005 {
1006  if (!initial) return;
1007  va_list args;
1008  va_start(args, initial);
1009  base_sprintf(initial, args);
1010  va_end(args);
1011 }
1015 void attach(byte_array &packed_form, const char *to_attach)
1016 {
1017  const int len = int(strlen(to_attach));
1018  const int old_pos = packed_form.last();
1019  packed_form.insert(old_pos + 1, len + 1);
1020  memmove((char *)packed_form.observe() + old_pos + 1, to_attach, len + 1);
1021 }
1023 bool detach(byte_array &packed_form, astring &to_detach)
1024 {
1025  if (!packed_form.length()) return false;
1026  // locate the zero termination if possible.
1027  const void *zero_posn = memchr(packed_form.observe(), '\0',
1028  packed_form.length());
1029  // make sure we could find the zero termination.
1030  if (!zero_posn) {
1031  // nope, never saw a zero. good thing we checked.
1032  to_detach.reset();
1033  return false;
1034  }
1035  // set the string up using a standard constructor since we found the zero
1036  // position; we know the string constructor will be happy.
1037  to_detach = (char *)packed_form.observe();
1038  // compute the length of the string we found based on the position of the
1039  // zero character.
1040  int find_len = int((abyte *)zero_posn - packed_form.observe());
1041  // whack the portion of the array that we consumed.
1042  packed_form.zap(0, find_len);
1043  return true;
1044 }
1048 // contract fulfillment area.
1051 {
1052  const astring *cast = dynamic_cast<const astring *>(&s);
1053  if (cast) *this += *cast;
1054  else *this += astring(s.observe());
1055  return *this;
1056 }
1059 {
1060  *this += c;
1061  return *this;
1062 }
1065 {
1066  const astring *cast = dynamic_cast<const astring *>(&s);
1067  if (cast) *this = *cast;
1068  else *this = astring(s.observe());
1069  return *this;
1070 }
1073 {
1074  *this = s;
1075  return *this;
1076 }
1078 bool astring::sub_string(base_string &target, int start, int end) const
1079 {
1080  astring *cast = dynamic_cast<astring *>(&target);
1081  if (!cast) throw "error: astring::sub_string: unknown type";
1082  return substring(*cast, start, end);
1083 }
1085 bool astring::sub_compare(const base_string &to_compare, int start_first,
1086  int start_second, int count, bool case_sensitive) const
1087 {
1088  const astring *cast = dynamic_cast<const astring *>(&to_compare);
1089  if (cast) return compare(*cast, start_first, start_second, count, case_sensitive);
1090  else return compare(astring(to_compare.observe()), start_first, start_second,
1091  count, case_sensitive);
1092 }
1094 void astring::insert(int position, const base_string &to_insert)
1095 {
1096  const astring *cast = dynamic_cast<const astring *>(&to_insert);
1097  if (cast) this->insert(position, *cast);
1098  else this->insert(position, astring(to_insert.observe()));
1099 }
1101 } //namespace.
#define no_increment
Definition: astring.cpp:34
outcome put(int index, const contents &to_put)
Stores an object at the index "index" in the array.
Definition: array.h:834
outcome insert(int index, int new_indices)
Adds "new_indices" new positions for objects into the array at "index".
Definition: array.h:803
void reset(int number=0, const contents *initial_contents=NULL_POINTER)
Resizes this array and sets the contents from an array of contents.
Definition: array.h:349
const contents * observe() const
Returns a pointer to the underlying C array of data.
Definition: array.h:172
outcome overwrite(int index, const array &write_with, int count=-1)
Stores the array "write_with" into the current array at the "index".
Definition: array.h:490
const contents & get(int index) const
Accesses individual objects stored in "this" at the "index" position.
Definition: array.h:372
contents * access()
A non-constant access of the underlying C-array. BE REALLY CAREFUL.
Definition: array.h:175
contents *const * internal_offset_mem() const
Gritty Internal: the start of the actual stored data.
Definition: array.h:253
int length() const
Returns the current reported length of the allocated C array.
Definition: array.h:115
outcome zap(int start, int end)
Deletes from "this" the objects inclusively between "start" and "end".
Definition: array.h:769
void swap_contents(array< contents > &other)
Exchanges the contents of "this" and "other".
Definition: array.h:452
contents & use(int index)
A non-constant version of get(); the returned object can be modified.
Definition: array.h:365
int last() const
Returns the last valid element in the array.
Definition: array.h:118
Provides a dynamically resizable ASCII character string.
Definition: astring.h:35
virtual ~astring()
destroys any storage for the string.
Definition: astring.cpp:126
const char * s() const
synonym for observe. the 's' stands for "string", if that helps.
Definition: astring.h:113
astring & operator=(const astring &s)
Sets the contents of this string to "s".
Definition: astring.cpp:507
astring lower() const
like to_lower(), but returns a new string rather than modifying this.
Definition: astring.cpp:542
astring middle(int start, int count)
returns the middle of the string from "start" with "count" characters.
Definition: astring.cpp:883
static bool matches(const astring &match_list, char to_match)
returns true if "to_match" is found in the "match_list" string.
Definition: astring.cpp:941
void pack(byte_array &target) const
stores this string in the "target". it can later be unpacked again.
Definition: astring.cpp:961
bool replace(const astring &tag, const astring &replacement)
replaces the first occurrence of "tag" text with the "replacement".
Definition: astring.cpp:905
int packed_size() const
Reports the size required to pack this string into a byte array.
Definition: astring.cpp:959
int ifind_any(const char *to_find, int position=0, bool reverse=false) const
searches case-insensitively for any of the characters in "to_find".
Definition: astring.cpp:580
void trim(int length)
shortens the string to "length" if it's longer than that.
Definition: astring.cpp:501
byte_array & get_implementation()
Definition: astring.cpp:134
virtual base_string & assign(const base_string &s)
Sets the contents of this string to "s".
Definition: astring.cpp:1064
virtual char get(int index) const
a constant peek at the string's internals at the specified index.
Definition: astring.cpp:138
astring operator+(const astring &s) const
Returns the concatenation of "this" and "s".
Definition: astring.cpp:732
int convert(int default_value) const
Converts the string into a corresponding integer.
Definition: astring.cpp:757
astring & operator+=(const astring &s)
Modifies "this" by concatenating "s" onto it.
Definition: astring.cpp:165
void copy(char *to_stuff, int count) const
Copies a maximum of "count" characters from this into "to_stuff".
Definition: astring.cpp:556
virtual void zap(int start, int end)
Deletes the characters between "start" and "end" inclusively.
Definition: astring.cpp:521
constructs an empty string.
Definition: astring.cpp:59
bool substring(astring &target, int start, int end) const
a version that stores the substring in an existing "target" string.
Definition: astring.cpp:865
void strip(const astring &strip_list, how_to_strip way=FROM_BOTH_SIDES)
strips all chars from "strip_list" out of "this" given the "way".
Definition: astring.cpp:948
static const astring & empty_string()
useful wherever empty strings are needed, e.g., function defaults.
Definition: astring.cpp:128
astring & base_sprintf(const char *s, va_list &args)
Definition: astring.cpp:183
void shrink()
changes all occurrences of "to_replace" into "new_string".
Definition: astring.cpp:168
astring & sprintf(const char *s,...)
similar to the SPRINTF constructor, but works on an existing string.
Definition: astring.cpp:174
virtual base_string & concatenate_string(const base_string &s)
Modifies "this" by concatenating "s" onto it.
Definition: astring.cpp:1050
void to_upper()
to_upper does the opposite of to_lower (that is, q becomes Q).
Definition: astring.cpp:535
virtual void text_form(base_string &state_fill) const
Provides a text view of all the important info owned by this object.
Definition: astring.cpp:130
bool iequals(const astring &that) const
returns true if this is case-insensitively equal to "that".
Definition: astring.cpp:565
astring left(int count)
returns the left "count" characters from the string.
Definition: astring.cpp:886
void insert(int position, const astring &to_insert)
Copies "to_insert" into "this" at the "position".
Definition: astring.cpp:892
void pad(int length, char padding=' ')
makes the string "length" characters long.
Definition: astring.cpp:493
virtual base_string & concatenate_char(char c)
concatenater for single characters.
Definition: astring.cpp:1058
void reset()
clears out the contents string.
Definition: astring.h:202
int find_non_match(const char *to_find, int position=0, bool reverse=false) const
searches for any character that is not in "to_find" and returns index.
Definition: astring.cpp:583
bool equal_to(const char *that) const
returns true if "that" is equal to this.
Definition: astring.cpp:159
int end() const
returns the index of the last (non-null) character in the string.
Definition: astring.h:86
virtual bool less_than(const orderable &s2) const
Definition: astring.cpp:149
virtual int comparator(const astring &s2) const
helps to fulfill orderable contract.
Definition: astring.cpp:156
char & operator[](int position)
accesses individual characters in "this" string.
Definition: astring.cpp:739
int find_any(const char *to_find, int position=0, bool reverse=false) const
searches for any of the characters in "to_find".
Definition: astring.cpp:577
astring right(int count)
returns the right "count" characters from the string.
Definition: astring.cpp:889
virtual void put(int position, char to_put)
stores the character "to_put" at index "position" in the string.
Definition: astring.h:138
bool replace_all(char to_replace, char new_char)
changes all occurrences of "to_replace" with "new_char".
Definition: astring.cpp:929
int length() const
Returns the current length of the string.
Definition: astring.cpp:132
bool unpack(byte_array &source)
retrieves a string (packed with pack()) from "source" into this string.
Definition: astring.cpp:964
virtual char * access()
provides access to the actual string held.
Definition: astring.cpp:136
astring upper() const
like to_upper(), but returns a new string rather than modifying this.
Definition: astring.cpp:549
bool compare(const astring &to_compare, int start_first, int start_second, int count, bool case_sensitive) const
Compares "this" string with "to_compare".
Definition: astring.cpp:810
virtual bool sub_string(base_string &target, int start, int end) const
Gets the segment of "this" between the indices "start" and "end".
Definition: astring.cpp:1078
int find(char to_find, int position=0, bool reverse=false) const
Locates "to_find" in "this".
Definition: astring.cpp:574
bool contains(const astring &to_find) const
Returns true if "to_find" is contained in this string or false if not.
Definition: astring.cpp:162
virtual bool sub_compare(const base_string &to_compare, int start_first, int start_second, int count, bool case_sensitive) const
Compares "this" string with "to_compare".
Definition: astring.cpp:1085
int ifind(char to_find, int position=0, bool reverse=false) const
like the find() methods above, but case-insensitive.
Definition: astring.cpp:571
virtual const char * observe() const
observes the underlying pointer to the zero-terminated string.
Definition: astring.cpp:140
void to_lower()
to_lower modifies "this" by replacing capitals with lower-case.
Definition: astring.cpp:528
virtual base_string & upgrade(const char *s)
Sets the contents of this string to "s".
Definition: astring.cpp:1072
Defines the base class for all string processing objects in hoople.
Definition: base_string.h:28
virtual const char * observe() const =0
observes the underlying pointer to the zero-terminated string.
virtual base_string & assign(const base_string &s)=0
Sets the contents of this string to "s".
A very common template for a dynamic array of bytes.
Definition: byte_array.h:36
Base class for object that can tell itself apart from other instances.
Definition: contracts.h:44
A base for objects that can be alphabetically (lexicographically) ordered.
Definition: contracts.h:57
Constants and objects used throughout HOOPLE.
The value representing a pointer to nothing.
Definition: definitions.h:32
#define bounds_return(value, low, high, to_return)
Verifies that "value" is between "low" and "high", inclusive.
Definition: guards.h:48
The guards collection helps in testing preconditions and reporting errors.
Definition: array.h:30
char simple_lower(char input)
Definition: astring.cpp:587
Definition: astring.cpp:46
Definition: astring.cpp:39
const abyte empty_char_star[]
Definition: astring.cpp:48
unsigned char abyte
A fairly important unit which is seldom defined...
Definition: definitions.h:51
void attach(byte_array &packed_form, const char *to_attach)
Packs a character string "to_attach" into "packed_form".
Definition: astring.cpp:1015
bool matches_any(char to_check, const astring &list)
Definition: astring.cpp:622
target_type * cast_or_throw(source_type &to_cast, const target_type &ignored)
dynamically converts a type to a target type, or throws an exception if it cannot.
Definition: functions.h:68
bool detach(byte_array &packed_form, astring &to_detach)
Unpacks a character string "to_attach" from "packed_form".
Definition: astring.cpp:1023
bool matches_none(char to_check, const astring &list)
Definition: astring.cpp:629
bool imatches_any(char to_check, const astring &list)
Definition: astring.cpp:615
Definition: astring.cpp:41
type minimum(type a, type b)
maximum returns the greater of two values.
Definition: functions.h:29
bool negative(const type &a)
negative returns true if "a" is less than zero.
Definition: functions.h:43
bool astring_comparator(const astring &a, const astring &b)
implements a string comparator that just does simple astring ==.
Definition: astring.cpp:53
int calculate_proper_length(int repeat)
Definition: astring.cpp:55