feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*****************************************************************************\
2 * *
3 * Name : process_entry *
4 * Author : Chris Koeritz *
5 * *
6 *******************************************************************************
7 * Copyright (c) 2000-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can *
8 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
9 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
10 * the License or (at your option) any later version. This is online at: *
11 * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
12 * Please send any updates to: fred@gruntose.com *
13 \*****************************************************************************/
15 #include "process_entry.h"
17 #include <basis/array.h>
18 #include <basis/astring.h>
19 #include <filesystem/filename.h>
21 using namespace basis;
22 using namespace filesystem;
24 namespace processes {
26 process_entry::process_entry()
27 : _process_id(0),
28  _references(0),
29  _threads(0),
30  _parent_process_id(0),
31  _module16(0),
32  _process_path(new astring)
33 {}
36 : _process_id(0),
37  _references(0),
38  _threads(0),
39  _parent_process_id(0),
40  _module16(0),
41  _process_path(new astring)
42 {
43  operator =(to_copy);
44 }
47 {
48  WHACK(_process_path);
49 }
52 {
53  fill = text_form();
54 }
57 {
58  if (&to_copy == this) return *this;
59  _process_id = to_copy._process_id;
60  _references = to_copy._references;
61  _threads = to_copy._threads;
63  *_process_path = *to_copy._process_path;
64  _module16 = to_copy._module16;
65  return *this;
66 }
68 const astring &process_entry::path() const { return *_process_path; }
70 void process_entry::path(const astring &new_path)
71 { *_process_path = new_path; }
74 {
75 #ifdef __UNIX__
76  filename pat(path());
77 #else
78  filename pat(path().lower());
79 #endif
80  return a_sprintf("%s: pid=%u refs=%u thrd=%u par=%u mod16=%u path=%s",
83 }
85 } //namespace.
a_sprintf is a specialization of astring that provides printf style support.
Definition: astring.h:440
Provides a dynamically resizable ASCII character string.
Definition: astring.h:35
const char * s() const
synonym for observe. the 's' stands for "string", if that helps.
Definition: astring.h:113
Defines the base class for all string processing objects in hoople.
Definition: base_string.h:28
Provides operations commonly needed on file names.
Definition: filename.h:64
const basis::astring & raw() const
returns the astring that we're holding onto for the path.
Definition: filename.cpp:97
filename dirname() const
returns the directory for the filename.
Definition: filename.cpp:393
filename basename() const
returns the base of the filename; no directory.
Definition: filename.cpp:385
Encapsulates information about OS processes.
Definition: process_entry.h:28
basis::un_int _parent_process_id
the process id of the owning process.
Definition: process_entry.h:33
basis::un_int _references
the number of references to (users of) this process.
Definition: process_entry.h:31
basis::un_int _process_id
the OS identifier of this process.
Definition: process_entry.h:30
basis::astring text_form() const
returns a descriptive string for the information here.
basis::un_short _module16
non-zero if this process is a 16-bit application.
Definition: process_entry.h:34
process_entry & operator=(const process_entry &to_copy)
const basis::astring & path() const
basis::un_int _threads
the number of threads in use by this process.
Definition: process_entry.h:32
The guards collection helps in testing preconditions and reporting errors.
Definition: array.h:30
void WHACK(contents *&ptr)
deletion with clearing of the pointer.
Definition: functions.h:121
A platform independent way to obtain the timestamp of a file.
Definition: byte_filer.cpp:37