feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*****************************************************************************\
2 * *
3 * Name : write_build_config *
4 * Author : Chris Koeritz *
5 * *
6 *******************************************************************************
7 * Copyright (c) 1995-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can *
8 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
9 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
10 * the License or (at your option) any later version. This is online at: *
11 * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
12 * Please send any updates to: fred@gruntose.com *
13 \*****************************************************************************/
15 #include "write_build_config.h"
19 #include <basis/functions.h>
21 #include <filesystem/byte_filer.h>
22 #include <filesystem/filename.h>
23 #include <loggers/console_logger.h>
25 #include <structures/set.h>
28 #include <versions/version_ini.h>
30 #include <stdio.h>
32 using namespace application;
33 using namespace basis;
34 using namespace configuration;
35 using namespace filesystem;
36 using namespace loggers;
37 using namespace structures;
38 using namespace textual;
39 using namespace versions;
41 const int MAX_LINE_SIZE = 2048;
44 const int MAX_HEADER_FILE = 128 * KILOBYTE;
50 const char *EXPORT_STATEMENT = "export ";
53 // make conditionals that we will eat.
54 const char *IFEQ_STATEMENT = "ifeq";
55 const char *IFNEQ_STATEMENT = "ifneq";
56 const char *ENDIF_STATEMENT = "endif";
58 #undef LOG
59 #define LOG(to_print) CLASS_EMERGENCY_LOG(program_wide_logger::get(), to_print)
63  _end_matter(new astring),
64  _ver(new version),
65  _nesting(0)
66 {}
69 {
70  WHACK(_end_matter);
71  WHACK(_ver);
72 }
75 {
76  static string_set _hidden;
77  static bool _initted = false;
78  if (!_initted) {
79  _hidden += "DEBUG";
80  _hidden += "OPTIMIZE";
81  _hidden += "STRICT_WARNINGS";
82  }
83  return _hidden;
84 }
86 // adds some more material to dump at the end of the file.
87 #define ADD_COMMENT_RETURN(sym, val) { \
88  *_end_matter += astring(" ") + sym + " = " + val + "\n"; \
89  return common::OKAY; \
90 }
93  const astring &value, astring &accumulator)
94 {
95  // drop any excluded items to avoid interfering with devstu solution.
96  if (exclusions().member(symbol))
97  ADD_COMMENT_RETURN(symbol, value);
98  // drop any malformed symbols or values.
99  if (symbol.contains("\"") || value.contains("\""))
100  ADD_COMMENT_RETURN(symbol, value);
101  accumulator += " #ifndef ";
102  accumulator += symbol;
103  accumulator += "\n";
104  accumulator += " #define ";
105  accumulator += symbol;
106  accumulator += " \"";
107  accumulator += value;
108  accumulator += "\"\n";
109  accumulator += " #endif\n";
110  return common::OKAY;
111 }
114  const astring &value)
115 {
116  if (symbol.equal_to("major"))
117  { _ver->set_component(version::MAJOR, value); return true; }
118  if (symbol.equal_to("minor"))
119  { _ver->set_component(version::MINOR, value); return true; }
120  if (symbol.equal_to("revision"))
121  { _ver->set_component(version::REVISION, value); return true; }
122  if (symbol.equal_to("build"))
123  { _ver->set_component(version::BUILD, value); return true; }
124  return false;
125 }
128 {
129  if (to_check.compare(IFEQ_STATEMENT, 0, 0, int(strlen(IFEQ_STATEMENT)), true)
130  || to_check.compare(IFNEQ_STATEMENT, 0, 0, int(strlen(IFNEQ_STATEMENT)), true)) {
131  _nesting++;
132  return true;
133  }
134  if (to_check.compare(ENDIF_STATEMENT, 0, 0, int(strlen(ENDIF_STATEMENT)), true)) {
135  _nesting--;
136  return true;
137  }
138  return false;
139 }
142  const astring &value, astring &cfg_accumulator, astring &ver_accumulator)
143 {
144  // make sure we catch any conditionals.
145  if (check_nesting(symbol_in))
146  ADD_COMMENT_RETURN(symbol_in, value);
147  // toss out any exclusions.
148  if (exclusions().member(symbol_in))
149  ADD_COMMENT_RETURN(symbol_in, value);
150  if (symbol_in.contains("\"") || value.contains("\""))
151  ADD_COMMENT_RETURN(symbol_in, value);
152  if (symbol_in[0] == '[')
153  ADD_COMMENT_RETURN(symbol_in, value);
154  if (_nesting)
155  ADD_COMMENT_RETURN(symbol_in, value);
156  // switch the output stream based on whether its a version component or not.
157  astring *the_accumulator = &cfg_accumulator;
158  if (process_version_parts(symbol_in, value)) {
159  the_accumulator = &ver_accumulator;
160  }
161  // add a special tag so that we won't be colliding with other names.
162  astring symbol = astring("__build_") + symbol_in;
163  return output_macro(symbol, value, *the_accumulator);
164 }
167  (const astring &embedded_value, astring &accumulator)
168 {
169  FUNCDEF("output_definition_macro");
170 //LOG(astring("into output def with: ") + embedded_value);
172  t.parse(embedded_value);
173  if (!t.symbols())
174  ADD_COMMENT_RETURN("bad definition", embedded_value);
175  if (exclusions().member(t.table().name(0)))
176  ADD_COMMENT_RETURN(t.table().name(0), t.table()[0]);
177  if (_nesting)
178  ADD_COMMENT_RETURN(t.table().name(0), t.table()[0]);
179  return output_macro(t.table().name(0), t.table()[0], accumulator);
180 }
183  const astring &new_contents)
184 {
185  FUNCDEF("write_output_file");
186  // now read the soon-to-be output file so we can check its current state.
187  bool write_header = true;
188  byte_filer check_header(filename, "rb");
189  if (check_header.good()) {
190  byte_array file_contents;
191  int read = check_header.read(file_contents, MAX_HEADER_FILE);
192 if (read < 1) LOG("why is existing header contentless?");
193  if (read > 0) {
194  astring found(astring::UNTERMINATED, (char *)file_contents.observe(),
195  read);
196 //LOG(astring("got existing content:\n-----\n") + found + "\n-----\n");
197 //LOG(astring("new_content has:\n-----\n") + new_contents + "\n-----\n");
198  if (found == new_contents) {
199  write_header = false;
200  }
201  }
202  }
203  // writing only occurs when we know that the build configurations have
204  // changed. if the file is the same, we definitely don't want to write
205  // it because pretty much all the other files depend on it.
206  if (write_header) {
207  // we actually want to blast out a new file.
208  byte_filer build_header(filename, "wb");
209  if (!build_header.good()) {
210  continuable_error(static_class_name(), func, astring("could not create "
211  "build header file in ") + build_header.name());
212  return false;
213  } else {
214  build_header.write(new_contents);
215  LOG(astring(static_class_name()) + ": wrote config to "
216  + build_header.name());
217  }
218  } else {
219  // nothing has changed.
220 // LOG(astring(static_class_name()) + ": config already up to date in "
221 // + filename);
222  }
223  return true;
224 }
227 {
228  FUNCDEF("execute");
229  SETUP_CONSOLE_LOGGER; // override the file_logger from app_shell.
231  // find our build ini file.
232  astring repodir = environment::get("FEISTY_MEOW_APEX");
234  // the below code should never be needed for a properly configured build.
235 #ifdef __WIN32__
236  if (!repodir) repodir = "l:";
237 #else // unix and other locations.
238  if (!repodir)
239  repodir = environment::get("HOME") + "/hoople";
240 #endif
242  astring fname;
243  // where we seek out our build settings.
244  astring parmfile = environment::get("BUILD_PARAMETER_FILE");
245  if (parmfile.t()) fname = parmfile;
246  else fname = repodir + "/build.ini";
248  // find our storage area for the build headers. we know a couple build
249  // configurations by now, but this should really be coming out of a config
250  // file instead.
251  astring versions_directory = environment::get("FEISTY_MEOW_GENERATED_STORE");
252  // we keep our version files one level below the top of the generated store.
253  versions_directory += "/versions";
254  if (!filename(versions_directory).good()) {
256  astring("failed to locate the library folder storing the generated files."));
257  }
259  // these are very specific paths, but they really are where we expect to
260  // see the headers.
262  astring cfg_header_filename = versions_directory + "/__build_configuration.h";
263  astring ver_header_filename = versions_directory + "/__build_version.h";
265  // open the ini file for reading.
266  byte_filer ini(fname, "r");
267  if (!ini.good())
268  non_continuable_error(static_class_name(), func, astring("failed to open "
269  "build configuration file for reading at ") + ini.name());
270 //hmmm: parameterize the build ini thing above!
272  // now we build strings that represents the output files we want to create.
273  astring cfg_accumulator;
274  astring ver_accumulator;
276  // odd indentation below comes from the strings being c++ code that will be
277  // written to a file.
278 //hmmm: another location to fix!!!
279  cfg_accumulator += "\
282  // This file provides all of the code flags which were used when this build\n\
283  // was generated. Some of the items in the build configuration have been\n\
284  // stripped out because they are not used.\n\n";
285  ver_accumulator += "\
288  // This file provides the version macros for this particular build.\n\n";
290  // iterate through the entries we read in earlier and generate our header.
291  astring symbol, value;
292  astring buffer;
293  while (!ini.eof()) {
294  int chars = ini.getline(buffer, MAX_LINE_SIZE);
295  if (!chars) continue; // hmmm: what does no chars mean?
298  t.parse(buffer);
299  if (!t.symbols()) continue; // not so good.
301  // pull out the first pair we found and try to parse it.
302  symbol = t.table().name(0);
303  value = t.table()[0];
304  symbol.strip_spaces(astring::FROM_BOTH_SIDES);
306  // clean out + characters that can come from += declarations.
307  while ( (symbol[symbol.end()] == '+') || (symbol[symbol.end()] == ':') ) {
308  symbol.zap(symbol.end(), symbol.end());
309  symbol.strip_spaces(astring::FROM_END);
310  }
312  if (symbol[0] == '#') continue; // toss out any comments.
314  if (!symbol) continue; // seems like that one didn't work out so well.
316  if (symbol.compare(EXPORT_STATEMENT, 0, 0, int(strlen(EXPORT_STATEMENT)), true)) {
317  // clean out export statements in front of our variables.
318  symbol.zap(0, int(strlen(EXPORT_STATEMENT) - 1));
319  }
321  // check for a make-style macro definition.
322  if (symbol.compare(DEFINITIONS_STATEMENT, 0, 0, int(strlen(DEFINITIONS_STATEMENT)), true)) {
323  // found a macro definition. write that up after pulling the real
324  // contents out.
325  output_definition_macro(value, cfg_accumulator);
326  } else {
327  // this one is hopefully a very tasty specialized macro. we will
328  // show it with added text to make it unique.
329  output_decorated_macro(symbol, value, cfg_accumulator, ver_accumulator);
330  }
331  }
333  // write some calculated macros now.
334  ver_accumulator += "\n";
335  ver_accumulator += " // calculated macros are dropped in here.\n\n";
337  // we write our version in a couple forms. hopefully we accumulated it.
339  // this one is the same as the file version currently (below), but may go to
340  // a different version at some point.
341  ver_accumulator += " #define __build_SYSTEM_VERSION \"";
342  ver_accumulator += _ver->flex_text_form();
343  ver_accumulator += "\"\n\n";
345  // we drop in the version as numbers also, since the version RC wants that.
346  ver_accumulator += " #define __build_FILE_VERSION_COMMAS ";
347  ver_accumulator += _ver->flex_text_form(version::COMMAS);
348  ver_accumulator += "\n";
349  // another form of the file version for dotted notation.
350  ver_accumulator += " #define __build_FILE_VERSION \"";
351  ver_accumulator += _ver->flex_text_form();
352  ver_accumulator += "\"\n";
354  // product version is just the first two parts.
355  _ver->set_component(version::REVISION, "0");
356  _ver->set_component(version::BUILD, "0");
357  // product version as a list of numbers.
358  ver_accumulator += " #define __build_PRODUCT_VERSION_COMMAS ";
359  ver_accumulator += _ver->flex_text_form(version::COMMAS);
360  ver_accumulator += "\n";
361  // another form of the product version for use as a string.
362  ver_accumulator += " #define __build_PRODUCT_VERSION \"";
363  ver_accumulator += _ver->flex_text_form(version::DOTS, version::MINOR);
364  ver_accumulator += "\"\n";
366  // write a blob of comments at the end with what we didn't use.
367  cfg_accumulator += "\n";
368  cfg_accumulator += "/*\n";
369  cfg_accumulator += "These settings were not used:\n";
370  cfg_accumulator += *_end_matter;
371  cfg_accumulator += "*/\n";
372  cfg_accumulator += "\n";
373  cfg_accumulator += "#endif /* outer guard */\n\n";
375  // finish up the version file also.
376  ver_accumulator += "\n";
377  ver_accumulator += "#endif /* outer guard */\n\n";
379  if (!write_output_file(cfg_header_filename, cfg_accumulator)) {
380  LOG(astring("failed writing output file ") + cfg_header_filename);
381  }
382  if (!write_output_file(ver_header_filename, ver_accumulator)) {
383  LOG(astring("failed writing output file ") + ver_header_filename);
384  }
386  return 0;
387 }
392  // static dependencies found by buildor_gen_deps.sh:
396  #include <basis/astring.cpp>
397  #include <basis/common_outcomes.cpp>
398  #include <basis/environment.cpp>
399  #include <basis/guards.cpp>
400  #include <basis/mutex.cpp>
401  #include <basis/utf_conversion.cpp>
408  #include <filesystem/byte_filer.cpp>
409  #include <filesystem/directory.cpp>
410  #include <filesystem/filename.cpp>
411  #include <loggers/combo_logger.cpp>
412  #include <loggers/console_logger.cpp>
413  #include <loggers/critical_events.cpp>
414  #include <loggers/file_logger.cpp>
416  #include <structures/bit_vector.cpp>
417  #include <structures/checksums.cpp>
421  #include <structures/string_table.cpp>
423  #include <textual/byte_formatter.cpp>
424  #include <textual/parser_bits.cpp>
426  #include <timely/earth_time.cpp>
427  #include <timely/time_stamp.cpp>
428  #include <versions/version_ini.cpp>
#define read
Definition: Xos2defs.h:38
The application_shell is a base object for console programs.
const contents * observe() const
Returns a pointer to the underlying C array of data.
Definition: array.h:172
Provides a dynamically resizable ASCII character string.
Definition: astring.h:35
bool t() const
t() is a shortcut for the string being "true", as in non-empty.
Definition: astring.h:97
virtual void zap(int start, int end)
Deletes the characters between "start" and "end" inclusively.
Definition: astring.cpp:521
void strip_spaces(how_to_strip way=FROM_BOTH_SIDES)
removes excess space characters from string's beginning, end or both.
Definition: astring.h:325
bool equal_to(const char *that) const
returns true if "that" is equal to this.
Definition: astring.cpp:159
int end() const
returns the index of the last (non-null) character in the string.
Definition: astring.h:86
bool compare(const astring &to_compare, int start_first, int start_second, int count, bool case_sensitive) const
Compares "this" string with "to_compare".
Definition: astring.cpp:810
bool contains(const astring &to_find) const
Returns true if "to_find" is contained in this string or false if not.
Definition: astring.cpp:162
A very common template for a dynamic array of bytes.
Definition: byte_array.h:36
Outcomes describe the state of completion for an operation.
Definition: outcome.h:31
Manages a bank of textual definitions of variables.
const structures::string_table & table() const
provides a constant peek at the string_table holding the values.
int symbols() const
returns the number of entries in the variable_tokenizer.
bool parse(const basis::astring &to_tokenize)
parses the string using our established sentinel characters.
Provides file managment services using the standard I/O support.
Definition: byte_filer.h:32
int getline(basis::abyte *buffer, int desired_size)
reads a line of text (terminated by a return) into the "buffer".
Definition: byte_filer.cpp:201
int write(const basis::abyte *buffer, int buffer_size)
writes "buffer_size" bytes into the file from "buffer".
Definition: byte_filer.cpp:126
const basis::astring & name() const
returns the file name that the object is operating on.
Definition: byte_filer.cpp:82
int read(basis::abyte *buffer, int buffer_size)
reads "buffer_size" bytes from the file into "buffer".
Definition: byte_filer.cpp:123
bool eof()
returns true if the cursor is at (or after) the end of the file.
Definition: byte_filer.cpp:121
bool good()
returns true if the file seems to be in the appropriate desired state.
Definition: byte_filer.cpp:103
Provides operations commonly needed on file names.
Definition: filename.h:64
A simple object that wraps a templated set of strings.
Definition: set.h:168
const basis::astring & name(int index) const
returns the name held at the "index".
Definition: symbol_table.h:272
Holds a file's version identifier.
void set_component(int index, const basis::astring &to_set)
sets the component at "index" to "to_set".
basis::astring flex_text_form(version_style style=DOTS, int including=-1) const
returns a textual form of the version number.
const structures::string_set & exclusions()
returns the set of symbols that we will not include in the header.
bool write_output_file(const basis::astring &filename, const basis::astring &contents)
writes "contents" to "filename" if it differs from current contents.
basis::outcome output_macro(const basis::astring &symbol, const basis::astring &value, basis::astring &accumulator)
sends a macro definition for "symbol" with "value" to "accumulator".
basis::outcome output_definition_macro(const basis::astring &embedded_value, basis::astring &accumulator)
parses a 'name=value' pair out of "embedded_value" and writes a macro.
bool check_nesting(const basis::astring &to_check)
if "to_check" is a make conditional, the nesting level is adjusted.
basis::outcome output_decorated_macro(const basis::astring &symbol, const basis::astring &value, basis::astring &cfg_accumulator, basis::astring &ver_accumulator)
produces a new macro by adding a uniquifying string to "symbol".
int execute()
performs the main action of creating our build configuration header.
bool process_version_parts(const basis::astring &symbol, const basis::astring &value)
checks on "symbol" to see if it's a version component. stores if so.
< a macro that retasks the program-wide logger as a console_logger.
#define continuable_error(c, f, i)
#define non_continuable_error(c, f, i)
an extra piece of information used, if available, in bounds_halt below.
#define FUNCDEF(func_in)
FUNCDEF sets the name of a function (and plugs it into the callstack).
Definition: enhance_cpp.h:57
Provides macros that implement the 'main' program of an application.
#define HOOPLE_MAIN(obj_name, obj_args)
options that should work for most unix and linux apps.
Definition: hoople_main.h:61
Implements an application lock to ensure only one is running at once.
The guards collection helps in testing preconditions and reporting errors.
Definition: array.h:30
void WHACK(contents *&ptr)
deletion with clearing of the pointer.
Definition: functions.h:121
const int KILOBYTE
Number of bytes in a kilobyte.
Definition: definitions.h:134
A platform independent way to obtain the timestamp of a file.
Definition: byte_filer.cpp:37
A logger that sends to the console screen using the standard output device.
A dynamic container class that holds any kind of object via pointers.
Definition: amorph.h:55
#define static_class_name()
Aids in achievement of platform independence.
a tag we see on variables to be inherited by subshells
an excessively long allowance for the maximum generated header size.
the tag we see in the config file for directly compatible macros.
const char * IFNEQ_STATEMENT
const char * ENDIF_STATEMENT
#define LOG(to_print)
const int MAX_LINE_SIZE
we should never see an ini line longer than this.
#define ADD_COMMENT_RETURN(sym, val)
const char * IFEQ_STATEMENT