feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*****************************************************************************\
2 * *
3 * Name : windoze_helper *
4 * Author : Chris Koeritz *
5 * *
6 *******************************************************************************
7 * Copyright (c) 1994-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can *
8 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
9 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
10 * the License or (at your option) any later version. This is online at: *
11 * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
12 * Please send any updates to: fred@gruntose.com *
13 \*****************************************************************************/
15 #include "windoze_helper.h"
22 /*
23 #ifdef __UNIX__
24  #include <limits.h>
25  #include <stdio.h>
26  #include <string.h>
27  #include <sys/poll.h>
28  #include <sys/times.h>
29  #include <sys/utsname.h>
30  #include <sys/wait.h>
31  #include <time.h>
32  #include <unistd.h>
33 #endif
34 #ifdef __XWINDOWS__
35 //hmmm: need code for the wait cursor stuff.
36 #endif
37 #ifdef __WIN32__
38  #include <mmsystem.h>
39  #include <process.h>
40  #include <shellapi.h>
41  #include <shlobj.h>
42 #endif
43 */
45 using namespace basis;
46 using namespace loggers;
47 using namespace structures;
48 using namespace configuration;
50 #undef static_class_name
51 #define static_class_name() "windoze_helper"
53 #define LOG(s) CLASS_EMERGENCY_LOG(program_wide_logger::get(), s)
55 /*
56 //#define DEBUG_PORTABLE
57  // uncomment for noisy debugging.
59 //#define DEBUG_UPTIME
60  // uncomment to get noisier reporting about system and rolling uptime.
62 //#define JUMP_TIME_49_DAYS
63  // uncomment to make our uptimes start just before the 32 bit uptime rollover.
64 //#define JUMP_TIME_497_DAYS
65  // uncomment to make our uptimes start just before the jiffies rollover.
68  // uncomment to get old behavior back where the uptime was not rolling
69  // over properly. this turns off our remainder calculation and leaves the
70  // conversion as a simple cast, which will fail and get stuck at 2^32-1.
73  // if this is not commented out, then the ShellExecute version of launch_
74  // -process() is available. when commented out, ShellExecute is turned off.
75  // disabling this support is the most common because the ShellExecute method
76  // in win32 was only supported for wk203 and wxp, that is only after
77  // windows2000 was already available. since nt and w2k don't support this,
78  // we just usually don't mess with it. it didn't answer a single one of our
79  // issues on windows vista (wfista) anyway, so it's not helping.
81 // ensure we always have debugging turned on if the jump is enabled.
82 #ifdef JUMP_TIME_49_DAYS
83  #undef DEBUG_UPTIME
84  #define DEBUG_UPTIME
85 #endif
86 #ifdef JUMP_TIME_497_DAYS
87  #undef DEBUG_UPTIME
88  #define DEBUG_UPTIME
89 #endif
90 // the JUMP..DAYS macros are mutually exclusive. use none or one, not both.
91 #ifdef JUMP_TIME_497_DAYS
92  #ifdef JUMP_TIME_49_DAYS
93  #error One cannot use both 497 day and 49 day bug inducers
94  #endif
95 #endif
96 #ifdef JUMP_TIME_49_DAYS
97  #ifdef JUMP_TIME_497_DAYS
98  #error One cannot use both 49 day and 497 day bug inducers
99  #endif
100 #endif
101 */
104 namespace application {
106 /*
107 mutex BASIS_EXTERN &__uptime_synchronizer();
108  // used by our low-level uptime methods to protect singleton variables.
109 mutex BASIS_EXTERN &__process_synchronizer();
110  // used for synchronizing our records of child processes.
111 #ifdef __UNIX__
112 int_set BASIS_EXTERN &__our_kids();
113  // the static list of processes we've started.
114 #endif
117  // maximum command line that we'll deal with here.
119 #ifdef __UNIX__
120  const char *UPTIME_REPORT_FILE = "/tmp/uptime_report.log";
121 #endif
122 #ifdef __WIN32__
123  const char *UPTIME_REPORT_FILE = "c:/uptime_report.log";
124 #endif
126 #undef LOG
127 #define LOG(s) STAMPED_EMERGENCY_LOG(program_wide_logger(), s);
129 #define COMPLAIN(to_print) { \
130  guards::write_to_console((isprintf("basis/portable::%s: ", func) + to_print).s()); \
131 }
133 static const double __rollover_point = 2.0 * double(MAXINT);
134  // this number is our rollover point for 32 bit integers.
136 double rolling_uptime()
137 {
138  auto_synchronizer l(__uptime_synchronizer());
139  // protect our rollover records.
141  static u_int __last_ticks = 0;
142  static int __rollovers = 0;
144  u_int ticks_up = system_uptime();
145  // acquire the current uptime as a 32 bit unsigned int.
147  if (ticks_up < __last_ticks) {
148  // rollover happened. increment our tracker.
149  __rollovers++;
150  }
151  __last_ticks = ticks_up;
153  double to_return = double(__rollovers) * __rollover_point + double(ticks_up);
155 #ifdef DEBUG_UPTIME
156  #ifdef __WIN32__
157  static FILE *__outfile = fopen(UPTIME_REPORT_FILE, "a+b");
158  static double old_value = 0;
159  if (absolute_value(old_value - to_return) > 9.9999) {
160  // only report when the time changes by more than 10 ms.
161  fprintf(__outfile, "-> uptime=%.0f\n", to_return);
162  fflush(__outfile);
163  old_value = to_return;
164  if (__rollover_point - to_return <= 40.00001) {
165  fprintf(__outfile, "---> MAXIMUM UPTIME SOON!\n");
166  fflush(__outfile);
167  }
168  }
169  #endif
170 #endif
172  return to_return;
173 }
175 u_int system_uptime()
176 {
177 #ifdef __WIN32__
178  return timeGetTime();
179 #else
180  auto_synchronizer l(__uptime_synchronizer());
182  static clock_t __ctps = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); // clock ticks per second.
183  static const double __multiplier = 1000.0 / double(__ctps);
184  // the multiplier gives us our full range for the tick counter.
186 #ifdef DEBUG_UPTIME
187  static FILE *__outfile = fopen(UPTIME_REPORT_FILE, "wb");
188  if (__multiplier - u_int(__multiplier) > 0.000001) {
189  fprintf(__outfile, "uptime multiplier is "
190  "non-integral (%f)!\n", __multiplier);
191  fflush(__outfile);
192  }
193 #endif
195  // read uptime info from the OS.
196  tms uptime;
197  u_int real_ticks = times(&uptime);
199 #ifdef JUMP_TIME_497_DAYS
200  static u_int old_value_497 = 0;
201  bool report_497 = (absolute_value(real_ticks - old_value_497) > 99);
202  if (report_497) {
203  old_value_497 = real_ticks; // update before changing it.
204  fprintf(__outfile, "pre kludge497 tix=%u\n", real_ticks);
205  fflush(__outfile);
206  }
207  real_ticks += u_int(49.0 * double(DAY_ms) + 17.0 * double(HOUR_ms));
208  if (report_497) {
209  fprintf(__outfile, "post kludge497 tix=%u\n", real_ticks);
210  fflush(__outfile);
211  }
212 #endif
214  // now turn this into the number of milliseconds.
215  double ticks_up = (double)real_ticks;
216  ticks_up = ticks_up * __multiplier; // convert to time here.
218 #ifdef JUMP_TIME_497_DAYS
220  // add in additional time so we don't have to wait forever. we make the
221  // big number above rollover, but that's still got 27.5 or so minutes before
222  // we really rollover. so we add that part of the fraction (lost in the
223  // haze of the multiplier) in here. we don't add this in unless they are
224  // not exercising the rollover bug, because we already know that the 497
225  // day bug will show without the addition. but when we're already fixing
226  // the uptime, we jump time a bit forward so we only have to wait a couple
227  // minutes instead of 27.
228  ticks_up += 25.0 * MINUTE_ms;
229  #endif
230 #endif
232 #ifdef JUMP_TIME_49_DAYS
233  static u_int old_value_49 = 0;
234  bool report_49 = (absolute_value(u_int(ticks_up) - old_value_49) > 999);
235  if (report_49) {
236  old_value_49 = u_int(ticks_up); // update before changing it.
237  fprintf(__outfile, "pre kludge49 up=%f\n", ticks_up);
238  fflush(__outfile);
239  }
240  ticks_up += 49.0 * double(DAY_ms) + 17.0 * double(HOUR_ms);
241  if (report_49) {
242  fprintf(__outfile, "post kludge49 up=%f\n", ticks_up);
243  fflush(__outfile);
244  }
245 #endif
248  // fix the return value if is has actually gone over the 2^32 limit for uint.
249  // casting a double larger than 2*MAXINT to a u_int on some platforms does
250  // not calculate a rolled-over value, but instead leaves the int at 2*MAXINT.
251  // thus we make sure it will be correct, as long as there are no more than
252  // 2^32-1 rollovers, which would be about 584,542 millenia. it's unlikely
253  // earth will last that long, so this calculation seems safe.
254  u_int divided = u_int(ticks_up / __rollover_point);
255  double to_return = ticks_up - (double(divided) * __rollover_point);
256 #else
257  // we use the previous version of this calculation, which expected a u_int
258  // to double conversion to provide a modulo operation rather than just leaving
259  // the u_int at its maximum value (2^32-1). however, that expectation is not
260  // guaranteed on some platforms (e.g., ARM processor with floating point
261  // emulation) and thus it becomes a bug around 49 days and 17 hours into
262  // OS uptime because the value gets stuck at 2^32-1 and never rolls over.
263  double to_return = ticks_up;
264 #endif
266 #ifdef DEBUG_UPTIME
267  static u_int old_value = 0;
268  int to_print = int(u_int(to_return));
269  if (absolute_value(int(old_value) - to_print) > 9) {
270  // only report when the time changes by more than 10 ms.
271  fprintf(__outfile, "-> uptime=%u\n", to_print);
272  fflush(__outfile);
273  old_value = u_int(to_print);
274  if (__rollover_point - to_return <= 40.00001) {
275  fprintf(__outfile, "---> MAXIMUM UPTIME SOON!\n");
276  fflush(__outfile);
277  }
278  }
279 #endif
281  return u_int(to_return);
282 #endif
283 }
285 void sleep_ms(u_int msec)
286 {
287 #ifdef __UNIX__
288  usleep(msec * 1000);
289 #endif
290 #ifdef __WIN32__
291  Sleep(msec);
292 #endif
293 }
295 istring null_device()
296 {
297 #ifdef __WIN32__
298  return "null:";
299 #else
300  return "/dev/null";
301 #endif
302 }
304 #ifdef __WIN32__
305 bool event_poll(MSG &message)
306 {
307  message.hwnd = 0;
308  message.message = 0;
309  message.wParam = 0;
310  message.lParam = 0;
311  if (!PeekMessage(&message, NULL_POINTER, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
312  return false;
313  TranslateMessage(&message);
314  DispatchMessage(&message);
315  return true;
316 }
317 #endif
319 // makes a complaint about a failure.
320 #ifndef EMBEDDED_BUILD
321  #define COMPLAIN_QUERY(to_print) { \
322  unlink(tmpfile.s()); \
323  COMPLAIN(to_print); \
324  }
325 #else
326  #define COMPLAIN_QUERY(to_print) { \
327  COMPLAIN(to_print); \
328  }
329 #endif
331 #ifdef __UNIX__
332 istring get_cmdline_from_proc()
333 {
334  FUNCDEF("get_cmdline_from_proc");
335  isprintf cmds_filename("/proc/%d/cmdline", portable::process_id());
336  FILE *cmds_file = fopen(cmds_filename.s(), "r");
337  if (!cmds_file) {
338  COMPLAIN("failed to open our process's command line file.\n");
339  return "unknown";
340  }
341  size_t size = 2000;
342  char *buff = new char[size + 1];
343  ssize_t chars_read = getline(&buff, &size, cmds_file);
344  // read the first line, giving ample space for how long it might be.
345  fclose(cmds_file); // drop the file again.
346  if (!chars_read || negative(chars_read)) {
347  COMPLAIN("failed to get any characters from our process's cmdline file.\n");
348  return "unknown";
349  }
350  istring buffer = buff;
351  delete [] buff;
352  // clean out quote characters from the name.
353  for (int i = buffer.length() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
354  if (buffer[i] == '"') buffer.zap(i, i);
355  }
356  return buffer;
357 }
359 // deprecated; better to use the /proc/pid/cmdline file.
360 istring query_for_process_info()
361 {
362  FUNCDEF("query_for_process_info");
363  istring to_return = "unknown";
364  // we ask the operating system about our process identifier and store
365  // the results in a temporary file.
366  chaos rando;
367  isprintf tmpfile("/tmp/proc_name_check_%d_%d.txt", portable::process_id(),
368  rando.inclusive(0, 128000));
369  isprintf cmd("ps h --format \"%%a\" %d >%s", portable::process_id(),
370  tmpfile.s());
371  // run the command to locate our process info.
372  int sysret = system(cmd.s());
373  if (negative(sysret)) {
374  COMPLAIN_QUERY("failed to run ps command to get process info");
375  return to_return;
376  }
377  // open the output file for reading.
378  FILE *output = fopen(tmpfile.s(), "r");
379  if (!output) {
380  COMPLAIN_QUERY("failed to open the ps output file");
381  return to_return;
382  }
383  // read the file's contents into a string buffer.
384  char buff[MAXIMUM_COMMAND_LINE];
385  size_t size_read = fread(buff, 1, MAXIMUM_COMMAND_LINE, output);
386  if (size_read > 0) {
387  // success at finding some text in the file at least.
388  while (size_read > 0) {
389  const char to_check = buff[size_read - 1];
390  if ( !to_check || (to_check == '\r') || (to_check == '\n')
391  || (to_check == '\t') )
392  size_read--;
393  else break;
394  }
395  to_return.reset(istring::UNTERMINATED, buff, size_read);
396  } else {
397  // couldn't read anything.
398  COMPLAIN_QUERY("could not read output of process list");
399  }
400  unlink(tmpfile.s());
401  return to_return;
402 }
403 #endif
405 istring module_name(const void *module_handle)
406 {
407 #ifdef __UNIX__
408 //hmmm: implement module name for linux if that makes sense.
409  if (module_handle) {}
410  return application_name();
411 #elif defined(__WIN32__)
412  flexichar low_buff[MAX_ABS_PATH + 1];
413  GetModuleFileName((HMODULE)module_handle, low_buff, MAX_ABS_PATH - 1);
414  istring buff = from_unicode_temp(low_buff);
415  buff.to_lower();
416  return buff;
417 #else
418  #pragma message("module_name unknown for this operating system.")
419  return application_name();
420 #endif
421 }
423 u_int system_error()
424 {
425 #if defined(__UNIX__)
426  return errno;
427 #elif defined(__WIN32__)
428  return GetLastError();
429 #else
430  #pragma error("hmmm: no code for error number for this operating system")
431  return 0;
432 #endif
433 }
435 istring system_error_text(u_int to_name)
436 {
437 #if defined(__UNIX__)
438  return strerror(to_name);
439 #elif defined(__WIN32__)
440  char error_text[1000];
443  sizeof(error_text) - 1, NULL_POINTER);
444  istring to_return = error_text;
445  // trim off the ridiculous carriage return they add.
446  while ( (to_return[to_return.end()] == '\r')
447  || (to_return[to_return.end()] == '\n') )
448  to_return.zap(to_return.end(), to_return.end());
449  return to_return;
450 #else
451  #pragma error("hmmm: no code for error text for this operating system")
452  return "";
453 #endif
454 }
456 #ifdef __WIN32__
458 bool is_address_valid(const void *address, int size_expected, bool writable)
459 {
460  return address && !IsBadReadPtr(address, size_expected)
461  && !(writable && IsBadWritePtr((void *)address, size_expected));
462 }
464 #endif // win32
466 version get_OS_version()
467 {
468  version to_return;
469 #ifdef __UNIX__
470  utsname kernel_parms;
471  uname(&kernel_parms);
472  to_return = version(kernel_parms.release);
473 #elif defined(__WIN32__)
475  info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
476  ::GetVersionEx(&info);
477  to_return = version(isprintf("%u.%u.%u.%u", u_short(info.dwMajorVersion),
478  u_short(info.dwMinorVersion), u_short(info.dwPlatformId),
479  u_short(info.dwBuildNumber)));
480 #elif defined(EMBEDDED_BUILD)
481  // no version support.
482 #else
483  #pragma error("hmmm: need version info for this OS!")
484 #endif
485  return to_return;
486 }
488 // for non-win32 and non-unix OSes, this might not work.
489 #if defined(__UNIX__) || defined(__WIN32__)
490  u_int process_id() { return getpid(); }
491 #else
492  #pragma error("hmmm: need process id implementation for this OS!")
493  u_int process_id() { return 0; }
494 #endif
496 istring current_directory()
497 {
498  istring to_return;
499 #ifdef __UNIX__
500  char buff[MAX_ABS_PATH];
501  getcwd(buff, MAX_ABS_PATH - 1);
502  to_return = buff;
503 #elif defined(__WIN32__)
504  flexichar low_buff[MAX_ABS_PATH + 1];
505  GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_ABS_PATH, low_buff);
506  to_return = from_unicode_temp(low_buff);
507 #else
508  #pragma error("hmmm: need support for current directory on this OS.")
509  to_return = ".";
510 #endif
511  return to_return;
512 }
514 timeval fill_timeval_ms(int duration)
515 {
516  timeval time_out; // timeval has tv_sec=seconds, tv_usec=microseconds.
517  if (!duration) {
518  // duration is immediate for the check; just a quick poll.
519  time_out.tv_sec = 0;
520  time_out.tv_usec = 0;
522 // LOG("no duration specified");
523 #endif
524  } else {
525  // a non-zero duration means we need to compute secs and usecs.
526  time_out.tv_sec = duration / 1000;
527  // set the number of seconds from the input in milliseconds.
528  duration -= time_out.tv_sec * 1000;
529  // now take out the chunk we've already recorded as seconds.
530  time_out.tv_usec = duration * 1000;
531  // set the number of microseconds from the remaining milliseconds.
533 // LOG(isprintf("duration of %d ms went to %d sec and %d usec.", duration,
534 // time_out.tv_sec, time_out.tv_usec));
535 #endif
536  }
537  return time_out;
538 }
540 //hmmm: this doesn't seem to account for quoting properly at all?
541 basis::char_star_array break_line(istring &app, const istring &parameters)
542 {
543  basis::char_star_array to_return;
544  int_array posns;
545  int num = 0;
546  // find the positions of the spaces and count them.
547  for (int j = 0; j < parameters.length(); j++) {
548  if (parameters[j] == ' ') {
549  num++;
550  posns += j;
551  }
552  }
553  // first, add the app name to the list of parms.
554  to_return += new char[app.length() + 1];
555  app.stuff(to_return[0], app.length());
556  int last_posn = 0;
557  // now add each space-separated parameter to the list.
558  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
559  int len = posns[i] - last_posn;
560  to_return += new char[len + 1];
561  parameters.substring(last_posn, posns[i] - 1).stuff(to_return[i + 1], len);
562  last_posn = posns[i] + 1;
563  }
564  // catch anything left after last separator.
565  if (last_posn < parameters.length() - 1) {
566  int len = parameters.length() - last_posn;
567  to_return += new char[len + 1];
568  parameters.substring(last_posn, parameters.length() - 1)
569  .stuff(to_return[to_return.last()], len);
570  }
571  // add the sentinel to the list of strings.
572  to_return += NULL_POINTER;
574  for (int q = 0; to_return[q]; q++) {
575  printf("%d: %s\n", q, to_return[q]);
576  }
577 #endif
578  // now a special detour; fix the app name to remove quotes, which are
579  // not friendly to pass to exec.
580  if (app[0] == '"') app.zap(0, 0);
581  if (app[app.end()] == '"') app.zap(app.end(), app.end());
582  return to_return;
583 }
585 #ifdef __UNIX__
587 void exiting_child_signal_handler(int sig_num)
588 {
589  FUNCDEF("exiting_child_signal_handler");
590  if (sig_num != SIGCHLD) {
591  // uhhh, this seems wrong.
592  }
593  auto_synchronizer l(__process_synchronizer());
594  for (int i = 0; i < __our_kids().length(); i++) {
595  int status;
596  pid_t exited = waitpid(__our_kids()[i], &status, WNOHANG);
597  if ( (exited == -1) || (exited == __our_kids()[i]) ) {
598  // negative one denotes an error, which we are going to assume means the
599  // process has exited via some other method than our wait. if the value
600  // is the same as the process we waited for, that means it exited.
601  __our_kids().zap(i, i);
602  i--;
603  } else if (exited != 0) {
604  // zero would be okay; this result we do not understand.
606  printf("unknown result %d waiting for process %d", exited,
607  __our_kids()[i]);
608 #endif
609  }
610  }
611 }
612 #endif
614 u_int launch_process(const istring &app_name_in, const istring &command_line,
615  int flag, u_int &child_id)
616 {
617  child_id = 0;
618  istring app_name = app_name_in;
619  if (app_name[0] != '"')
620  app_name.insert(0, "\"");
621  if (app_name[app_name.end()] != '"')
622  app_name += "\"";
623 #ifdef __UNIX__
624  // unix / linux implementation.
625  if (flag & RETURN_IMMEDIATELY) {
626  // they want to get back right away.
627  pid_t kid_pid = fork();
629  printf("launch fork returned %d\n", kid_pid);
630 #endif
631  if (!kid_pid) {
632  // this is the child; we now need to launch into what we were asked for.
634  printf((isprintf("process %d execing ", process_id()) + app_name
635  + " parms " + command_line + "\n").s());
636 #endif
637  basis::char_star_array parms = break_line(app_name, command_line);
638  execv(app_name.s(), parms.observe());
639  // oops. failed to exec if we got to here.
641  printf((isprintf("child of fork (pid %d) failed to exec, "
642  "error is ", process_id()) + system_error_text(system_error())
643  + "\n").s());
644 #endif
645  exit(0); // leave since this is a failed child process.
646  } else {
647  // this is the parent. let's see if the launch worked.
648  if (kid_pid == -1) {
649  // failure.
650  u_int to_return = system_error();
652  printf((isprintf("parent %d is returning after failing to create, "
653  "error is ", process_id()) + system_error_text(to_return)
654  + "\n").s());
655 #endif
656  return to_return;
657  } else {
658  // yes, launch worked okay.
659  child_id = kid_pid;
660  {
661  auto_synchronizer l(__process_synchronizer());
662  __our_kids() += kid_pid;
663  }
664  // hook in our child exit signal handler.
665  signal(SIGCHLD, exiting_child_signal_handler);
668  printf((isprintf("parent %d is returning after successfully "
669  "creating %d ", process_id(), kid_pid) + app_name
670  + " parms " + command_line + "\n").s());
671 #endif
672  return 0;
673  }
674  }
675  } else {
676  // assume they want to wait.
677  return system((app_name + " " + command_line).s());
678  }
679 #elif defined(__WIN32__)
681 //checking on whether we have admin rights for the launch.
682 //if (IsUserAnAdmin()) {
683 // MessageBox(0, (istring("IS admin with ") + app_name_in + " " + command_line).s(), "launch process", MB_OK);
684 //} else {
685 // MessageBox(0, (istring("NOT admin for ") + app_name_in + " " + command_line).s(), "launch process", MB_OK);
686 //}
688  PROCESS_INFORMATION process_info;
689  ZeroMemory(&process_info, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION));
692  if (flag & SHELL_EXECUTE) {
693  // new code for using shell execute method--required on vista for proper
694  // launching with the right security tokens.
695  int show_cmd = 0;
696  if (flag & HIDE_APP_WINDOW) {
697  // magic that hides a console window for mswindows.
698  show_cmd = SW_HIDE;
699  } else {
700  show_cmd = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
701  }
703  SHELLEXECUTEINFO exec_info;
704  ZeroMemory(&exec_info, sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO));
705  exec_info.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO);
706  exec_info.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS // get the process info.
707  | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI; // turn off any visible error dialogs.
708  exec_info.hwnd = GetDesktopWindow();
709 //hmmm: is get desktop window always appropriate?
710  to_unicode_persist(temp_verb, "open");
711 //does "runas" work on xp also? or anywhere?
712  exec_info.lpVerb = temp_verb;
713  to_unicode_persist(temp_file, app_name);
714  exec_info.lpFile = temp_file;
715  to_unicode_persist(temp_parms, command_line);
716  exec_info.lpParameters = temp_parms;
717  exec_info.nShow = show_cmd;
718 // exec_info.hProcess = &process_info;
720  BOOL worked = ShellExecuteEx(&exec_info);
721  if (!worked)
722  return system_error();
723  // copy out the returned process handle.
724  process_info.hProcess = exec_info.hProcess;
725  process_info.dwProcessId = GetProcessId(exec_info.hProcess);
726  } else {
727 #endif //shell exec
728  // standard windows implementation using CreateProcess.
729  STARTUPINFO startup_info;
730  ZeroMemory(&startup_info, sizeof(STARTUPINFO));
731  startup_info.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
732  int create_flag = 0;
733  if (flag & HIDE_APP_WINDOW) {
734  // magic that hides a console window for mswindows.
735 // version ver = portable::get_OS_version();
736 // version vista_version(6, 0);
737 // if (ver < vista_version) {
738 // // we suspect that this flag is hosing us in vista.
739  create_flag = CREATE_NO_WINDOW;
740 // }
741  }
742  istring parms = app_name + " " + command_line;
743  bool success = CreateProcess(NULL_POINTER, to_unicode_temp(parms), NULL_POINTER, NULL_POINTER, false,
744  create_flag, NULL_POINTER, NULL_POINTER, &startup_info, &process_info);
745  if (!success)
746  return system_error();
747  // success then, merge back into stream.
750  }
751 #endif //shell exec
753  // common handling for CreateProcess and ShellExecuteEx.
754  child_id = process_info.dwProcessId;
755  u_long retval = 0;
756  if (flag & AWAIT_VIA_POLLING) {
757  // this type of waiting is done without blocking on the process.
758  while (true) {
759  MSG msg;
760  event_poll(msg);
761  // check if the process is gone yet.
762  BOOL ret = GetExitCodeProcess(process_info.hProcess, &retval);
763  if (!ret) {
764  break;
765  } else {
766  // if they aren't saying it's still active, then we will leave.
767  if (retval != STILL_ACTIVE)
768  break;
769  }
770  sleep_ms(14);
771  }
772  } else if (flag & AWAIT_APP_EXIT) {
773  // they want to wait for the process to exit.
774  WaitForInputIdle(process_info.hProcess, INFINITE);
775  WaitForSingleObject(process_info.hProcess, INFINITE);
776  GetExitCodeProcess(process_info.hProcess, &retval);
777  }
778  // drop the process and thread handles.
779  if (process_info.hProcess)
780  CloseHandle(process_info.hProcess);
781  if (process_info.hThread)
782  CloseHandle(process_info.hThread);
783  return (u_int)retval;
784 #else
785  #pragma error("hmmm: launch_process: no implementation for this OS.")
786 #endif
787  return 0;
788 }
792 #ifdef __UNIX__
794 char *itoa(int to_convert, char *buffer, int radix)
795 {
796  // slow implementation; may need enhancement for serious speed.
797  // ALSO: only supports base 10 and base 16 currently.
798  const char *formatter = "%d";
799  if (radix == 16) formatter = "%x";
800  isprintf printed(formatter, to_convert);
801  printed.stuff(buffer, printed.length() + 1);
802  return buffer;
803 }
805 #endif
806 */
808 #ifdef __WIN32__
810 /*
811 void show_wait_cursor() { SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); }
813 void show_normal_cursor() { SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); }
815 istring rc_string(UINT id, application_instance instance)
816 {
817  flexichar temp[MAX_ABS_PATH + 1];
818  int ret = LoadString(instance, id, temp, MAX_ABS_PATH);
819  if (!ret) return istring();
820  return istring(from_unicode_temp(temp));
821 }
823 istring rc_string(u_int id) { return rc_string(id, GET_INSTANCE_HANDLE()); }
824 */
826 const char *opsystem_name(known_operating_systems which)
827 {
828  switch (which) {
829  case WIN_95: return "WIN_95";
830  case WIN_NT: return "WIN_NT";
831  case WIN_2K: return "WIN_2K";
832  case WIN_XP: return "WIN_XP";
833  case WIN_SRV2K3: return "WIN_SRV2K3";
834  case WIN_VISTA: return "WIN_VISTA";
835  case WIN_7: return "WIN_7";
836  case WIN_8: return "WIN_8";
837  case WIN_10: return "WIN_10";
838  default: return "UNKNOWN_OS";
839  }
840 }
842 known_operating_systems determine_OS()
843 {
844  FUNCDEF("determine_OS");
845  version osver = application_configuration::get_OS_version();
846  if ( (osver.v_major() == 4) && (osver.v_minor() == 0) ) {
847  if (osver.v_revision() == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) return WIN_95;
848  if (osver.v_revision() == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) return WIN_NT;
849  } else if ( (osver.v_major() == 5) && (osver.v_minor() == 0) ) {
850  return WIN_2K;
851  } else if ( (osver.v_major() == 5) && (osver.v_minor() == 1) ) {
852  return WIN_XP;
853  } else if ( (osver.v_major() == 5) && (osver.v_minor() == 2) ) {
854  return WIN_SRV2K3;
855  } else if ( (osver.v_major() == 6) && (osver.v_minor() == 0) ) {
856  return WIN_VISTA;
857 // } else if ( (osver.v_major() == 6) && (osver.v_minor() == 1) ) {
858 // return WIN_SRV2K8;
859  } else if ( (osver.v_major() == 6) && (osver.v_minor() == 1) ) {
860  return WIN_7;
861  } else if ( (osver.v_major() == 6) && (osver.v_minor() == 2) ) {
862  return WIN_8;
863  } else if ( (osver.v_major() == 10) && (osver.v_minor() == 0) ) {
864  return WIN_10;
865  }
867 //temp
868 LOG(a_sprintf("got a major OS of %d and minor OS of %d", osver.v_major(), osver.v_minor()));
870  return UNKNOWN_OS;
871 }
873 #endif // win32
875 } // namespace.
877 #undef static_class_name
a_sprintf is a specialization of astring that provides printf style support.
Definition: astring.h:440
Holds a file's version identifier.
int v_minor() const
minor version number.
int v_major() const
major version number.
int v_revision() const
revision level.
#define FUNCDEF(func_in)
FUNCDEF sets the name of a function (and plugs it into the callstack).
Definition: enhance_cpp.h:57
Implements an application lock to ensure only one is running at once.
The guards collection helps in testing preconditions and reporting errors.
Definition: array.h:30
A logger that sends to the console screen using the standard output device.
A dynamic container class that holds any kind of object via pointers.
Definition: amorph.h:55
#define LOG(s)
Aids in achievement of platform independence.