feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 /*****************************************************************************\
5 * *
6 * Name : cromp_client *
7 * Author : Chris Koeritz *
8 * *
9 * Purpose: *
10 * *
11 * Supplies primitive operations for requesting services of a CROMP-based *
12 * server application. Tentacles in cromp clients are only used for *
13 * restoring original objects, but they are required for that. Keep in mind *
14 * that for communication to be possible, a cromp server and its cromp client *
15 * must possess tentacles that grok the same infotons. They do not need to *
16 * be the same objects and probably shouldn't be. It makes sense to *
17 * implement an unpacking / cloning tentacle and then derive the full-service *
18 * request processing tentacle from it. *
19 * *
20 *******************************************************************************
21 * Copyright (c) 2000-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can *
22 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
23 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
24 * the License or (at your option) any later version. This is online at: *
25 * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
26 * Please send any updates to: fred@gruntose.com *
27 \*****************************************************************************/
29 #include "cromp_common.h"
31 #include <crypto/blowfish_crypto.h>
33 #include <structures/roller.h>
37 #include <timely/time_stamp.h>
39 namespace cromp {
41 // forward:
42 class asynch_connection_thread;
44 class cromp_client : public cromp_common
45 {
46 public:
47  enum constraints {
49  // the server had better connect within this time limit or it will
50  // be considered missing in action.
52  // a server should be able to answer in this interval or something is
53  // really wrong with the system.
54  };
56  cromp_client(const sockets::internet_address &destination,
57  int connection_wait = DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECT_WAIT,
58  int max_per_ent = DEFAULT_MAX_ENTITY_QUEUE);
59  // will connect to a cromp_server on the host specified by "destination".
61  virtual ~cromp_client();
63  DEFINE_CLASS_NAME("cromp_client");
66  return basis::astring(class_name()) + ": " + entity().text_form();
67  }
69  const octopi::octopus_entity &entity() const;
70  // returns our identity within the octopus server.
72  void enable_encryption();
73  // this turns on the encryption. this should be done before the first
74  // connect or login invocations. once it's enabled, it stays enabled.
76  void reset(const sockets::internet_address &destination,
77  int connection_wait = DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECT_WAIT,
78  int max_per_ent = DEFAULT_MAX_ENTITY_QUEUE);
79  // disconnects from any previous server and reconstructs this client.
80  // the client will be left in an unconnected and unauthenticated state.
81  // any pre-existing tentacles will still be hooked up to the object.
82  // use connect() to re-establish the connection to the server.
85  // attempts to connect to the server. OKAY is returned if this succeeds.
87  static const basis::byte_array &blank_verification(); // empty verification.
90  // this is a non-blocking connect. it behaves like connect(), but should
91  // never take more than a few milliseconds to return. if the client is
92  // already connected, then nothing is done. otherwise no operations will
93  // be permitted until the reconnection has succeeded. a call to regular
94  // connect() cancels the asynchronous connect.
96  bool connected() const;
97  // returns true if we think we are connected to the server.
100  // disconnects from the cromp server and releases all connection resources.
102  virtual basis::outcome login();
103  // attempts to log in to the server. we must already have connected
104  // when this is called. the "verification" is a protocol specific
105  // package of info that can be used to validate the login.
110  int max_tries = 80);
111  // requests a transaction from the cromp_server described by "request".
112  // the return value is OKAY if the request was successfully sent or it
113  // will be another outcome that indicates a failure of transmission.
114  // the "max_tries" is the number of times to try getting the send out;
115  // if asynchronous sends are allowed to accumulate, then 1 works here.
118  int timeout = DEFAULT_MAX_RESPONSE_WAIT);
119  // attempts to receive a "response" to a previously submitted request
120  // with the "cmd_id". if "timeout" is non-zero, then the response will
121  // be awaited for "timeout" milliseconds. otherwise the function returns
122  // immediately. note that "response" will only be generated properly given
123  // a tentacle that knows the infoton type received. this requires the
124  // cromp_client to have tentacles registered for all of the types to be
125  // exchanged. this can be used for asynchronous retrieval if the timeout
126  // is zero and one knows a previously requested "cmd_id".
130  // grittier functions...
134  int timeout = DEFAULT_MAX_RESPONSE_WAIT);
135  // submits the infoton "to_send" and waits for the reply. if there is
136  // a reply in the allotted time, then "received" is set to that. the
137  // "item_id" is set to the request id assigned to the request.
140  int timeout = DEFAULT_MAX_RESPONSE_WAIT);
141  // a request to retrieve any waiting data for the client. similar to
142  // acquire above, but does not require one to know the command id.
145  // generates the next identifier. this can be used as a unique identifier
146  // for derived objects since the id is issued from our server. it is
147  // not unique across different types of cromp servers though, nor across
148  // cromp servers running on different hosts.
150  void decrypt_package_as_needed(basis::outcome &to_return, octopi::infoton * &response,
151  const octopi::octopus_request_id &cmd_id);
152  // this ensures that if the "response" is encrypted, it will be decrypted
153  // and replaced with the real object intended. this method is invoked
154  // automatically by acquire(), but if the cromp_common retrieve methods are
155  // used directly, this should be done to the response before using it.
157  void keep_alive_pause(int duration = 0, int interval = 40);
158  // pauses this thread but keeps calling into the cromp support to ensure
159  // items get delivered or received when possible. the call will snooze
160  // for at least "duration" milliseconds with individual sleeps being
161  // allowed the "interval" milliseconds.
163  const basis::byte_array &verification() const;
164  // returns the verification token held currently, if it's been set.
166 private:
167  bool _encrypting; // true if this connection should be encrypted.
168  int _connection_wait; // the length of time we'll allow a connection.
169  basis::mutex *_lock; // protects our data members below.
170  octopi::octopus_entity *_ent; // our identity within the octopus server.
171  structures::int_roller *_req_id; // the numbering of our nth request is depicted here.
172  bool _identified; // true if our initial identifier verification succeeded.
173  bool _authorized; // true if our login was successful.
174  bool _disallowed; // nothing is allowed right now except asynch connecting.
175  friend class asynch_connection_thread; // solely so it can use r_p_c method.
176  asynch_connection_thread *_asynch_connector; // b-ground connection thread.
177  bool _channel_secured; // true if an encrypted connection has been made.
178  crypto::blowfish_crypto *_crypto; // tracks our key, once we have one.
179  octopi::encryption_tentacle *_encrypt_arm; // processes encryption for us.
180  octopi::blank_entity_registry *_guardian; // simple security support.
181  basis::byte_array *c_verification; // verification token we were given.
183  void stop_asynch_thread(); // stops the background connector.
185  basis::outcome locked_connect();
186  // called by the other types of connection processes to get the work done.
188  octopi::octopus_entity randomize_entity() const;
189  // provides a junk entity for our temporary identifier that we'll use
190  // until the server gives us a new one.
192  basis::outcome locked_disconnect();
193  // assumes that the client is locked. this is the real disconnect.
195  bool wrap_infoton(const octopi::infoton &request, octopi::encryption_wrapper &wrapped);
196  // wraps an infoton for sending over an encrypted connection.
197 };
199 } //namespace.
201 #endif
Provides a dynamically resizable ASCII character string.
Definition: astring.h:35
A very common template for a dynamic array of bytes.
Definition: byte_array.h:36
Outcomes describe the state of completion for an operation.
Definition: outcome.h:31
virtual basis::outcome login()
bool connected() const
octopi::octopus_request_id next_id()
basis::outcome connect(const basis::byte_array &verification=blank_verification())
basis::outcome submit(const octopi::infoton &request, octopi::octopus_request_id &item_id, int max_tries=80)
static const basis::byte_array & blank_verification()
const octopi::octopus_entity & entity() const
basis::outcome acquire(octopi::infoton *&response, const octopi::octopus_request_id &cmd_id, int timeout=DEFAULT_MAX_RESPONSE_WAIT)
cromp_client(const sockets::internet_address &destination, int connection_wait=DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECT_WAIT, int max_per_ent=DEFAULT_MAX_ENTITY_QUEUE)
const basis::byte_array & verification() const
void keep_alive_pause(int duration=0, int interval=40)
basis::outcome synchronous_request(const octopi::infoton &to_send, octopi::infoton *&received, octopi::octopus_request_id &item_id, int timeout=DEFAULT_MAX_RESPONSE_WAIT)
basis::outcome disconnect()
friend class asynch_connection_thread
Definition: cromp_client.h:175
basis::outcome acquire_any(octopi::infoton *&response, octopi::octopus_request_id &cmd_id, int timeout=DEFAULT_MAX_RESPONSE_WAIT)
basis::astring instance_name() const
Definition: cromp_client.h:65
basis::outcome asynch_connect()
void reset(const sockets::internet_address &destination, int connection_wait=DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECT_WAIT, int max_per_ent=DEFAULT_MAX_ENTITY_QUEUE)
void decrypt_package_as_needed(basis::outcome &to_return, octopi::infoton *&response, const octopi::octopus_request_id &cmd_id)
A few common features used by both CROMP clients and servers.
Definition: cromp_common.h:36
Provides BlowFish encryption on byte_arrays using the OpenSSL package.
the blank_entity_registry can be used when security is not an issue.
Processes the encryption_infoton object for setting up an encrypted channel.
Wraps an encrypted infoton when the octopus is in an encrypted mode.
An infoton is an individual request parcel with accompanying information.
Definition: infoton.h:32
Provides a way of identifying users of an octopus object.
Definition: entity_defs.h:35
basis::astring text_form() const
returns a readable form of the identifier.
Identifies requests made on an octopus by users.
Definition: entity_defs.h:114
this type of address describes a destination out on the internet.
A roller that's based on integers. This is the most common type so far.
Definition: roller.h:79
const int SECOND_ms
Number of milliseconds in a second.
Definition: definitions.h:120
const int MINUTE_ms
Number of milliseconds in a minute.
Definition: definitions.h:121
the default size we allow per each entity.
Definition: cromp_common.h:28