feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cbasis::auto_synchronizerAuto_synchronizer simplifies concurrent code by automatically unlocking
 Cmathematics::averager< contents >Maintains a list of numbers and provides the average for them
 Cmathematics::averager< int >
 Corg.feistymeow.algorithms.BinarySearchTree< K extends Comparable
 Cstructures::bit_vectorAn array of bits with operations for manipulating and querying individual bits
 Cfilesystem::byte_filerProvides file managment services using the standard I/O support
 Cprocesses::callback_data_blockSimple place-holder that anonymizes the type passed to the callback
 Cgeometric::circleRepresents a geometric circle
 Cbasis::common"common" class defines our common_outcomes
 Csockets::communication_commonsDefines our communication related outcome values
 Cconfiguration::config_watcherObject that watches the contents of a configurator for changes
 Cprocesses::configured_applicationsManages the initialization file for a set of registered applications
 Cnodes::doubly_linked_listImplements a guarded, doubly linked list structure
 Cgeometric::ellipseRepresents a geometric ellipse
 Coctopi::entity_data_binStores a set of infotons grouped by the entity that owns them
 Coctopi::entity_registryProvides a security model for the octopus
 Calgorithms::heap< type >
 Cfilesystem::huge_fileSupports reading and writing to very large files, > 4 gigabytes
 Cstructures::internal_pointer_hider< contents >
 Cstructures::internal_symbol_info< contents >
 Cnodes::doubly_linked_list::iteratorIterators allow the list to be traversed
 Cgeometric::line< numeric_type >Represents a geometric line segment
 Cgeometric::line< double >
 Ctextual::list_parsingA set of functions that help out with parsing lists of things
 Cmathematics::math_opsA grab-bag of mathematical functions that are frequently useful
 Cstructures::memory_limiterTracks memory currently in use by memory manager objects
 Coctopi::octenc_key_recordTracks the keys that have been assigned for a secure channel
 Cbasis::outcomeOutcomes describe the state of completion for an operation
 Ctextual::parser_bitsWarehouses some functions that are often useful during text parsing
 Cprocesses::post_officeManages a collection of mailboxes and implements delivery routes for mail
 Cloggers::program_wide_loggerA class that provides logging facilities vertically to all of hoople
 Csockets::range_limiterMechanism for restricting access to a resource by the client's IP address
 Cgeometric::rectangle_warper< numeric_type >
 Coctopi::recursive_file_copyCopies entire hierarchies in the file system from one place to another
 Cstructures::roller< contents >Maintains a pseudo-unique identifier number and issues a new one on demand
 Cstructures::roller< int >
 Cprocesses::safe_callbackA reasonably easy way to make callbacks safe from shutdown ordering issues
 Cprocesses::safe_rollerImplements a thread-safe roller object
 Csockets::span_managerManages lists of numbers representing the completion of some activity
 Cstructures::stack< contents >An abstraction that represents a stack data structure
 Cstructures::stack< astring >
 Cstructures::stack< node * >
 Cstructures::stack< tag_info >
 Ctextual::string_manipulationProvides various functions for massaging strings
 Cstructures::sym_tab_apply_data< contents >
 Cstructures::symbol_table< contents >Maintains a list of names, where each name has a type and some contents
 Cstructures::symbol_table< basis::astring >
 Cstructures::symbol_table< byte_array >
 Cstructures::symbol_table< int >
 Cstructures::symbol_table< item_record >
 Cstructures::symbol_table< octopi::octenc_key_record >
 Cstructures::symbol_table< search_record >
 Cstructures::symbol_table< string_table >
 Cstructures::symbol_table< symbol_tree * >
 Cstructures::symbol_table< test_content >
 Cprocesses::thread_cabinetManages a collection of threads
 Csockets::throughput_counterReports on average bandwidth of the transfers being measured
 Corg.gffs.cache.TimedOutLRUCache< KeyType, DataType >
 Cgeometric::triangleRepresents a geometric triangle
 Cmathematics::averager< contents >::weighted_entryStructure holding a weighted chunk of the average
 Ctextual::xml_generatorSupports simple XML output with consistency checking
 Ctextual::xml_parserParses XML input and invokes a callback for the different syntactic pieces
 Corg.feistymeow.example.ZSorter< T extends Comparable