a_sprintf is a specialization of astring that provides printf style support.
Provides a dynamically resizable ASCII character string.
Defines the base class for all string processing objects in hoople.
virtual base_string & assign(const base_string &s)=0
Sets the contents of this string to "s".
A base class for objects that can provide a synopsis of their current state.
Models an OS-level event so we can represent activities occurring there.
basis::astring text_form() const
virtual void text_form(basis::base_string &fill) const
Provides a text view of all the important info owned by this object.
OS_event(int event_type, basis::un_int message, basis::un_int parm1, basis::un_int parm2)
A virtual base class for pieces of "mail". Used by the mailbox object.
unsigned int un_int
Abbreviated name for unsigned integers.