Provides various functions for massaging strings.
static char hex_to_char(basis::abyte to_convert)
Converts a byte between 0 and 15 into a corresponding hexadecimal character.
static basis::byte_array string_to_hex(const basis::astring &character_form)
Turns a string form of a set of hex numbers into an array of bytes.
static void split_lines(const basis::astring &input, basis::astring &output, int min_column=0, int max_column=79)
formats blocks of text for a maximum width.
static basis::astring long_line(char line_item='/', int repeat=76)
produces a long line of "line_item" characters.
static void carriage_returns_to_spaces(basis::astring &to_strip)
converts carriage returns in "to_strip" into spaces.
static basis::astring hex_to_string(const basis::byte_array &byte_form)
The inverse of string_to_hex prints "byte_form" as text.
static basis::astring make_random_name(int min=1, int max=64)
creates a random name, where the letters are between 'a' and 'z'.
static basis::abyte char_to_hex(char to_convert)
Converts a single character into the corresponding hex nibble.
static basis::astring indentation(int spaces)
Returns a string made of white space that is "spaces" long.