feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 * Name : test_hash_table
3 * Author : Chris Koeritz
4 * Purpose:
5 * Tests out the hash_table abstract data type.
6 **
7 * Copyright (c) 2001-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can *
8 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
9 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
10 * the License or (at your option) any later version. This is online at: *
11 * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
12 * Please send any updates to: fred@gruntose.com *
13 */
16 #include <basis/guards.h>
17 #include <basis/astring.h>
18 #include <loggers/console_logger.h>
19 #include <loggers/file_logger.h>
20 #include <mathematics/chaos.h>
21 #include <structures/byte_hasher.h>
22 #include <structures/hash_table.h>
23 #include <structures/set.h>
26 #include <timely/time_stamp.h>
27 #include <unit_test/unit_base.h>
29 using namespace application;
30 using namespace basis;
31 using namespace mathematics;
32 using namespace filesystem;
33 using namespace loggers;
34 using namespace structures;
35 using namespace textual;
36 using namespace timely;
37 using namespace unit_test;
39 //#define DEBUG_HASH_TABLE
40  // uncomment for noisier run.
42 const double TEST_DURATION = 0.014 * MINUTE_ms;
43 //const double TEST_DURATION = 20 * SECOND_ms;
45 const int MAX_ELEMENTS = 8;
46  // we start low since we will rehash occasionally.
51 {
52  FIRST_TEST = 38, // place-holder.
53  ADD = FIRST_TEST, // adds an item that is probably new.
54  ADD_ADD, // adds a probably new item, then adds different item under same key id to test overwriting.
55  ZAP, // finds an item we know is in the list and whacks it.
56  ADD_ZAP, // adds a new item and immediately finds and zaps it.
57  ZAP_ADD, // zaps an item that we know about and then adds a new item with the same identifier.
58  FIND, // locates an item in the list which we know should exist.
59  ACQUIRE, // grabs an item out of the list (and tosses it).
60  FIND_ZAP_ADD, // finds an item we know should exist, zaps it out of the list, then adds a new item with the same id.
61  ACQUIRE_ADD_ZAP, // removes an item from the list that we know should be there, adds it back in, and then whacks it.
62  FIND_ADD_FIND, // finds item with particular id, adds different item using same id, refinds new item.
63  RESET, // tosses all data out of the hash table. not done very often.
64  CHECK_SANITY, // look for any problems or irregularities; print the contents of the list if any are found.
65  REHASH, // resizes the hash table.
66  COPY, // copies a hash table to another hash table.
67  LAST_TEST = COPY // place-holder; must equal test just prior.
68 };
72 // a simple object that is used as the contents of the hash_table.
74 class data_shuttle
75 {
76 public:
77  int food_bar;
78  astring snacky_string;
79  bool hungry;
80  byte_array chunk;
81  chaos chao;
83  data_shuttle()
84  : snacky_string(string_manipulation::make_random_name()),
85  chunk(chao.inclusive(100, 10000)), food_bar(0), hungry(false) {}
86 };
90 class test_hash_table : virtual public unit_base, virtual public application_shell
91 {
92 public:
93  test_hash_table();
95  DEFINE_CLASS_NAME("test_hash_table");
97  int raw_random_id();
100  int unused_random_id();
102  int execute();
103  // the main startup for the test.
105  bool perform_a_test(test_actions test_type);
106  // carries out the specifics of the "test_type".
108  bool pick_a_test();
109  // randomly picks one of the test types and performs it.
111  static const char *test_name(test_actions test_type);
113  // these functions each perform one type of test, which their names indicate.
114  bool test_add();
115  bool test_add_add();
116  bool test_zap();
117  bool test_add_zap();
118  bool test_zap_add();
119  bool test_find();
120  bool test_acquire();
121  bool test_find_zap_add();
122  bool test_acquire_add_zap();
123  bool test_find_add_find();
124  bool test_reset(bool always_run = false);
125  bool test_check_sanity();
126  bool test_copy();
127  bool test_rehash();
129  static bool equivalence_applier(const int &key, data_shuttle &item, void *dlink);
131 private:
132  int_set _keys_in_use; // keys that we think are stored in the table.
133  hash_table<int, data_shuttle> _the_table; // our table under test.
134  int _hits[LAST_TEST - FIRST_TEST + 1]; // tracks our testing activities.
135  int _tested; // simple counter of number of test calls.
136 };
140 typedef hash_table<int, data_shuttle> our_hash; // cleans up somewhat.
144 test_hash_table::test_hash_table()
146  _the_table(rotating_byte_hasher(), MAX_ELEMENTS),
147  _tested(0)
148 {
149  for (int i = FIRST_TEST; i <= LAST_TEST; i++)
150  _hits[i - FIRST_TEST] = 0;
151 }
153 int test_hash_table::raw_random_id()
154 {
155  return randomizer().inclusive(-MAXINT32 / 4, MAXINT32 / 4);
156 }
158 int test_hash_table::unused_random_id()
159 {
160  while (true) {
161  int checking = raw_random_id();
162  if (!_keys_in_use.member(checking)) return checking; // got one.
163  } // keep going until we find unused id.
164  return -1; // this is a failure, but we will never get here.
165 }
167 int test_hash_table::execute()
168 {
169  time_stamp exit_time((int)TEST_DURATION);
170  while (time_stamp() < exit_time) {
171  pick_a_test();
172  }
173  test_reset(true); // force it to run at least once.
176  log(a_sprintf("did %d tests.\n", _tested));
177  log(astring("Test Activity:"));
178  for (int i = 0; i < LAST_TEST - FIRST_TEST + 1; i++)
179  log(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "%d (%s): %d hits", i + FIRST_TEST,
180  test_name(test_actions(i + FIRST_TEST)), _hits[i]));
181  log(a_sprintf("note that test %d will seldom be executed.", RESET));
182 #endif
183  return final_report();
184 }
186 const char *test_hash_table::test_name(test_actions test_type)
187 {
188  switch (test_type) {
189  case ADD: return "ADD";
190  case ADD_ADD: return "ADD_ADD";
191  case ZAP: return "ZAP";
192  case ADD_ZAP: return "ADD_ZAP";
193  case ZAP_ADD: return "ZAP_ADD";
194  case FIND: return "FIND";
195  case ACQUIRE: return "ACQUIRE";
196  case FIND_ZAP_ADD: return "FIND_ZAP_ADD";
197  case ACQUIRE_ADD_ZAP: return "ACQUIRE_ADD_ZAP";
198  case FIND_ADD_FIND: return "FIND_ADD_FIND";
199  case RESET: return "RESET";
200  case COPY: return "COPY";
201  case REHASH: return "REHASH";
202  case CHECK_SANITY: return "CHECK_SANITY";
203  default: return "UnknownTest";
204  }
205 }
207 bool test_hash_table::perform_a_test(test_actions test_type)
208 {
209  FUNCDEF("perform_a_test");
211 // log(astring(test_name(test_type)) + " ");
213  switch (test_type) {
214  case ADD: return test_add();
215  case ADD_ADD: return test_add_add();
216  case ZAP: return test_zap();
217  case ADD_ZAP: return test_add_zap();
218  case ZAP_ADD: return test_zap_add();
219  case FIND: return test_find();
220  case ACQUIRE: return test_acquire();
221  case FIND_ZAP_ADD: return test_find_zap_add();
222  case ACQUIRE_ADD_ZAP: return test_acquire_add_zap();
223  case FIND_ADD_FIND: return test_find_add_find();
224  case RESET: return test_reset();
225  case COPY: return test_copy();
226  case REHASH: return test_rehash();
227  case CHECK_SANITY: return test_check_sanity();
228  default:
229  ASSERT_TRUE(false, "should not see any missing cases");
230  return false; // never gets here.
231  }
232 }
234 bool test_hash_table::pick_a_test()
235 {
236  _tested++;
237  return perform_a_test(test_actions(randomizer().inclusive(FIRST_TEST,
238  LAST_TEST)));
239 }
241 bool test_hash_table::test_add()
242 {
243  FUNCDEF("test_add");
244  _hits[ADD - FIRST_TEST]++;
245  int random_id = raw_random_id();
246  data_shuttle *to_add = new data_shuttle;
247  to_add->snacky_string = string_manipulation::make_random_name();
248  to_add->food_bar = random_id;
249  outcome expected = common::IS_NEW;
250  // make sure it doesn't exist already.
251  if (_keys_in_use.member(random_id)) return false;
252  ASSERT_EQUAL(_the_table.add(random_id, to_add).value(), expected.value(),
253  "add should give proper outcome based on expectation");
254  if (_keys_in_use.member(random_id))
255  return true; // already was there so we replaced.
256  _keys_in_use.add(random_id);
257  return true;
258 }
263  // must be set before calling the apply method.
266 #define UNIT_BASE_THIS_OBJECT (*dynamic_cast<unit_base *>(application_shell::single_instance()))
268 bool test_hash_table::equivalence_applier(const int &key, data_shuttle &item, void *dlink)
269 {
270  FUNCDEF("equivalence_applier");
271  ASSERT_NON_NULL(dlink, "should have been given name");
272  if (!dlink) return false; // fail.
273  astring test_name = (char *)dlink;
275 //application_shell::single_instance()->log(astring("after name check"));
277  data_shuttle *found = _hang_on->find(key);
278  ASSERT_NON_NULL(found, test_name + ": should find equivalent entry in second list");
279  if (!found) return false; // bail or we'll crash.
281 //application_shell::single_instance()->log(astring("after finding"));
283  ASSERT_EQUAL(item.food_bar, found->food_bar, test_name + ": food_bar should not differ");
284  ASSERT_EQUAL(item.snacky_string, found->snacky_string, test_name + ": snacky_string should not differ");
285  ASSERT_EQUAL(item.hungry, found->hungry, test_name + ": hungry should not differ");
286  return true;
287 }
290 #define UNIT_BASE_THIS_OBJECT (*this)
294 bool test_hash_table::test_rehash()
295 {
296  FUNCDEF("test_rehash");
297  _hang_on = &_the_table; // must happen first.
299  // we don't want to rehash too often; it is expensive.
300  int maybe = randomizer().inclusive(1, 50);
301  if (maybe < 32) return true; // not this time.
303  _hits[REHASH - FIRST_TEST]++;
306  _the_table.estimated_elements());
308 //log("copying table...");
309  copy_hash_table(table_copy, _the_table);
310  // make a copy of the table.
312 //log("rehashing table...");
313  _the_table.rehash(randomizer().inclusive(1, 20));
314 //hmmm: need test of non-existent dehash function that reduces max_bits.
316 //log("comparing table...");
317  table_copy.apply(equivalence_applier, (void*)func);
318 //log("done copy and compare.");
320  return true;
321 }
323 bool test_hash_table::test_copy()
324 {
325  FUNCDEF("test_copy");
326  _hang_on = &_the_table; // must happen first.
328  // we don't want to copy too often. it's a heavy operation.
329  int maybe = randomizer().inclusive(1, 50);
330  if (maybe > 16) return true; // not this time.
332  _hits[COPY - FIRST_TEST]++;
336 //log("copying table...");
337  copy_hash_table(table_copy, _the_table);
338  // make a copy of the table.
340 //log("comparing table...");
341  table_copy.apply(equivalence_applier, (void*)func);
342 //log("done copy and compare.");
344  return true;
345 }
349 bool test_hash_table::test_add_add()
350 {
351  FUNCDEF("test_add_add");
352  _hits[ADD_ADD - FIRST_TEST]++;
353  int random_id = unused_random_id();
354  data_shuttle *to_add = new data_shuttle;
355  to_add->snacky_string = string_manipulation::make_random_name();
356  to_add->food_bar = random_id;
357  ASSERT_EQUAL(_the_table.add(random_id, to_add).value(), common::IS_NEW,
358  "new addition should be seen as such");
359  // add the new key if it's really new.
360  _keys_in_use.add(random_id);
362  // second add on same id.
363  data_shuttle *next_add = new data_shuttle;
364  next_add->snacky_string = string_manipulation::make_random_name();
365  next_add->food_bar = random_id;
366  ASSERT_EQUAL(_the_table.add(random_id, next_add).value(), our_hash::EXISTING,
367  "second add should not say first failed");
369  return true;
370 }
372 bool test_hash_table::test_zap()
373 {
374  FUNCDEF("test_zap");
375  int maybe = randomizer().inclusive(1, 1000);
376  if (maybe > 50) return true;
377  if (!_keys_in_use.elements()) return false; // can't do it yet.
378  _hits[ZAP - FIRST_TEST]++;
379  int rand_indy = randomizer().inclusive(0, _keys_in_use.elements() - 1);
380  int dead_key = _keys_in_use[rand_indy];
381  _keys_in_use.remove(dead_key); // remove the record of that key.
382  ASSERT_TRUE(_the_table.zap(dead_key), "key should be present in table");
383  return true;
384 }
386 bool test_hash_table::test_add_zap()
387 {
388  FUNCDEF("test_add_zap");
389  // add.
390  _hits[ADD_ZAP - FIRST_TEST]++;
391  int random_id = unused_random_id();
392  data_shuttle *to_add = new data_shuttle;
393  to_add->snacky_string = string_manipulation::make_random_name();
394  to_add->food_bar = random_id;
395  ASSERT_EQUAL(_the_table.add(random_id, to_add).value(), common::IS_NEW,
396  "putting new item in should be seen as new");
397  // zap.
398  ASSERT_TRUE(_the_table.zap(random_id), "key should be present after add");
399  return true;
400 }
402 bool test_hash_table::test_zap_add()
403 {
404  FUNCDEF("test_zap_add");
405  if (!_keys_in_use.elements()) return false; // can't do it yet.
406  _hits[ZAP_ADD - FIRST_TEST]++;
407  int rand_indy = randomizer().inclusive(0, _keys_in_use.elements() - 1);
408  // in the end, the key list state won't be changed unless the test fails.
409  int dead_key = _keys_in_use[rand_indy];
410  ASSERT_TRUE(_the_table.zap(dead_key), "key should be there when we look");
412  data_shuttle *to_add = new data_shuttle;
413  to_add->snacky_string = string_manipulation::make_random_name();
414  to_add->food_bar = dead_key;
415  outcome ret = _the_table.add(dead_key, to_add);
416  ASSERT_EQUAL(ret.value(), our_hash::IS_NEW, "key should not be present already");
417  return true;
418 }
420 bool test_hash_table::test_find()
421 {
422  FUNCDEF("test_find");
423  if (!_keys_in_use.elements()) return false; // can't do it yet.
424  _hits[FIND - FIRST_TEST]++;
425  int rand_indy = randomizer().inclusive(0, _keys_in_use.elements() - 1);
426  int find_key = _keys_in_use[rand_indy];
427  data_shuttle *found = NULL_POINTER;
428  ASSERT_TRUE(_the_table.find(find_key, found), "key should be there as expected");
429  ASSERT_NON_NULL(found, "contents should not be null");
430  ASSERT_EQUAL(found->food_bar, find_key, "stored key should be same as real key");
431  ASSERT_TRUE(found->snacky_string.length(), "stored string should have length");
432  return true;
433 }
435 bool test_hash_table::test_acquire()
436 {
437  FUNCDEF("test_acquire");
438  int maybe = randomizer().inclusive(1, 1000);
439  if (maybe > 150) return true;
440  if (!_keys_in_use.elements()) return false; // can't do it yet.
441  _hits[ACQUIRE - FIRST_TEST]++;
442  int rand_indy = randomizer().inclusive(0, _keys_in_use.elements() - 1);
443  int find_key = _keys_in_use[rand_indy];
444  _keys_in_use.remove(find_key); // remove the record of that key.
445  data_shuttle *found = _the_table.acquire(find_key);
446  ASSERT_NON_NULL(found, "key should be present when expected");
447  ASSERT_EQUAL(found->food_bar, find_key, "stored key should be same as real key");
448  ASSERT_TRUE(found->snacky_string.length(), "stored string should not have zero length");
449  WHACK(found);
450  found = _the_table.acquire(find_key);
451  ASSERT_NULL(found, "key should not be there after zap");
452  return true;
453 }
455 bool test_hash_table::test_find_zap_add()
456 {
457  FUNCDEF("test_find_zap_add");
458  // find.
459  if (!_keys_in_use.elements()) return false; // can't do it yet.
460  _hits[FIND_ZAP_ADD - FIRST_TEST]++;
461  int rand_indy = randomizer().inclusive(0, _keys_in_use.elements() - 1);
462  // this is another key list invariant function, if it works.
463  int find_key = _keys_in_use[rand_indy];
464  data_shuttle *found = NULL_POINTER;
465  ASSERT_TRUE(_the_table.find(find_key, found), "key should be locateable");
466  ASSERT_NON_NULL(found, "key should not have null contents");
467  ASSERT_EQUAL(found->food_bar, find_key, "stored key should be equal to real key");
468  ASSERT_TRUE(found->snacky_string.length(), "stored string should not have zero length");
469  // zap.
470  ASSERT_TRUE(_the_table.zap(find_key), "should be able to zap the item we had found");
471  // add.
472  data_shuttle *to_add = new data_shuttle;
473  to_add->snacky_string = string_manipulation::make_random_name();
474  to_add->food_bar = find_key;
475  ASSERT_EQUAL(_the_table.add(find_key, to_add).value(), our_hash::IS_NEW,
476  "the item we zapped should be gone");
477  return true;
478 }
480 bool test_hash_table::test_reset(bool always_run)
481 {
482  FUNCDEF("test_reset");
483  if (!always_run) {
484  int maybe = randomizer().inclusive(1, 1000);
485  // this is hardly ever hit, but it loses all contents too often otherwise.
486  if ( (maybe > 372) || (maybe < 368) ) return true;
487  }
489  // we hit the big time; we will reset now.
490  _hits[RESET - FIRST_TEST]++;
491  _the_table.reset();
492  for (int i = _keys_in_use.elements() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
493  int dead_key = _keys_in_use[i];
494  ASSERT_FALSE(_the_table.acquire(dead_key), "after reset, we should not find item");
495  _keys_in_use.remove(dead_key);
496  }
497  return true;
498 }
500 //hmmm: implement these tests!
502 bool test_hash_table::test_acquire_add_zap()
503 {
505 return false;
506 }
508 bool test_hash_table::test_find_add_find()
509 {
510  _hits[FIND_ADD_FIND - FIRST_TEST]++;
511 return false;
512 }
514 bool test_hash_table::test_check_sanity()
515 {
516  _hits[CHECK_SANITY - FIRST_TEST]++;
517 return false;
518 }
522 HOOPLE_MAIN(test_hash_table, )
The application_shell is a base object for console programs.
a_sprintf is a specialization of astring that provides printf style support.
Definition: astring.h:440
Provides a dynamically resizable ASCII character string.
Definition: astring.h:35
A very common template for a dynamic array of bytes.
Definition: byte_array.h:36
Outcomes describe the state of completion for an operation.
Definition: outcome.h:31
int value() const
Definition: outcome.h:51
a platform-independent way to acquire random numbers in a specific range.
Definition: chaos.h:51
int inclusive(int low, int high) const
< Returns a pseudo-random number r, such that "low" <= r <= "high".
Definition: chaos.h:88
void apply(apply_function *to_apply, void *data_link)
Invokes the function "to_apply" on every entry in the table.
Definition: hash_table.h:543
bool find(const key_type &key, contents *&item_found) const
locates the item specified by the "key", if possible.
Definition: hash_table.h:460
A simple object that wraps a templated set of ints.
Definition: set.h:156
Implements a hashing algorithm based on the contents stored in an object.
Definition: byte_hasher.h:36
Represents a point in time relative to the operating system startup time.
Definition: time_stamp.h:38
The value representing a pointer to nothing.
Definition: definitions.h:32
#define MAXINT32
Maximum 32-bit integer value.
Definition: definitions.h:75
#define DEFINE_CLASS_NAME(objname)
Defines the name of a class by providing a couple standard methods.
Definition: enhance_cpp.h:45
#define FUNCDEF(func_in)
FUNCDEF sets the name of a function (and plugs it into the callstack).
Definition: enhance_cpp.h:57
Provides macros that implement the 'main' program of an application.
#define HOOPLE_MAIN(obj_name, obj_args)
options that should work for most unix and linux apps.
Definition: hoople_main.h:61
Implements an application lock to ensure only one is running at once.
The guards collection helps in testing preconditions and reporting errors.
Definition: array.h:30
void WHACK(contents *&ptr)
deletion with clearing of the pointer.
Definition: functions.h:121
const int MINUTE_ms
Number of milliseconds in a minute.
Definition: definitions.h:121
A platform independent way to obtain the timestamp of a file.
Definition: byte_filer.cpp:37
A logger that sends to the console screen using the standard output device.
An extension to floating point primitives providing approximate equality.
Definition: averager.h:21
A dynamic container class that holds any kind of object via pointers.
Definition: amorph.h:55
void copy_hash_table(hash_table< key_type, contents > &target, const hash_table< key_type, contents > &source)
Copies the entire hash table, given a contents type that supports copying.
Definition: hash_table.h:292
#include <time.h>
Definition: earth_time.cpp:37
Useful support functions for unit testing, especially within hoople.
Definition: unit_base.cpp:35
#define randomizer()
const int MAX_ELEMENTS
hash_table< int, data_shuttle > * _hang_on
const double TEST_DURATION
hash_table< int, data_shuttle > our_hash
#define test_name()
#define ASSERT_EQUAL(a, b, test_name)
Definition: unit_base.h:38
#define ASSERT_TRUE(a, test_name)
Definition: unit_base.h:46
#define ASSERT_NULL(x, y)
Definition: unit_base.h:55
#define ASSERT_FALSE(a, test_name)
Definition: unit_base.h:50
#define ASSERT_NON_NULL(x, y)
Definition: unit_base.h:56