feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
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1 /*
2 * Name : t_stack
3 * Author : Chris Koeritz
4 * Purpose:
5 * Tests out the stack object with both flat objects (byte_array) but also
6 * deep objects (pointer to byte_array). Both bounded and unbounded stacks
7 * are tested for each.
8 **
9 * Copyright (c) 1992-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can *
10 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
11 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
12 * the License or (at your option) any later version. This is online at: *
13 * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
14 * Please send any updates to: fred@gruntose.com *
15 \*****************************************************************************/
18 #include <basis/byte_array.h>
19 #include <basis/guards.h>
20 #include <basis/astring.h>
22 #include <mathematics/chaos.h>
23 #include <structures/stack.h>
25 #include <unit_test/unit_base.h>
27 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
28  #define LOG(to_print) EMERGENCY_LOG(program_wide_logger::get(), to_print)
29 #endif
31 #include <stdlib.h>
32 #include <string.h>
34 using namespace application;
35 using namespace basis;
37 using namespace mathematics;
38 using namespace filesystem;
39 using namespace loggers;
40 using namespace structures;
41 using namespace textual;
42 using namespace timely;
43 using namespace unit_test;
47 //#define DEBUG_STACK
48  // uncomment for a noisier version.
50 const int test_iterations = 40;
53 class test_stack : public virtual unit_base, public virtual application_shell
54 {
55 public:
56  test_stack() {}
57  DEFINE_CLASS_NAME("test_stack");
58  int execute();
60  void test_stack_with_objects();
61  void test_stack_with_pointers();
63  void CHECK_STACK_RESULT(outcome retval, const astring &place);
64  byte_array generate_flat(const char *to_store);
65  byte_array *generate_deep(const char *to_store);
66  astring text_form(stack<byte_array *> &s);
67  astring text_form(stack<byte_array> &s);
68 };
70 // CHECK_STACK_RESULT: a function that takes care of error testing for a
71 // stack command. if executing the command ends in full or empty, then
72 // that is reported.
73 void test_stack::CHECK_STACK_RESULT(outcome retval, const astring &place)
74 {
75 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
76  if (retval == common::IS_FULL)
77  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "returned IS_FULL at %s", place.s()))
78  else if (retval == common::IS_EMPTY)
79  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "returned IS_EMPTY at %s", place.s()));
80 #else
81  if (retval.value() || !place) {}
82 #endif
83 }
85 byte_array test_stack::generate_flat(const char *to_store)
86 {
87  byte_array to_return = byte_array(int(strlen(to_store) + 1), (abyte *)to_store);
88  return to_return;
89 }
91 byte_array *test_stack::generate_deep(const char *to_store)
92 {
93  byte_array *to_return = new byte_array(int(strlen(to_store) + 1),
94  (abyte *)to_store);
95  return to_return;
96 }
98 astring test_stack::text_form(stack<byte_array *> &s)
99 {
100  astring to_return;
101  for (int i = 0; i < s.elements(); i++) {
102  to_return += astring(astring::SPRINTF, "#%d: %s\n", i, s[i]->observe());
103  }
104  return to_return;
105 }
107 astring test_stack::text_form(stack<byte_array> &s)
108 {
109  astring to_return;
110  for (int i = 0; i < s.elements(); i++) {
111  to_return += astring(astring::SPRINTF, "#%d: %s\n", i, s[i].observe());
112  }
113  return to_return;
114 }
116 void test_stack::test_stack_with_objects()
117 {
118  FUNCDEF("test_stack_with_objects");
119  for (int qq = 0; qq < test_iterations; qq++) {
120 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
121  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "index %d", qq));
122 #endif
123  stack<byte_array > bounded_stack(3);
124  stack<byte_array > unlimited_stack(0);
127  {
128 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
129  LOG("testing the bounded stack first:");
130 #endif
131  CHECK_STACK_RESULT(bounded_stack.push(generate_flat("the first line")), "first push");
132  CHECK_STACK_RESULT(bounded_stack.push(generate_flat("the second line")), "second push");
133  CHECK_STACK_RESULT(bounded_stack.push(generate_flat("the final and third")), "third push");
134  byte_array gend = generate_flat("this shouldn't work");
135  ASSERT_EQUAL(bounded_stack.push(gend).value(), common::IS_FULL,
136  "the bounded stack push should catch IS_FULL");
137 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
138  LOG("pushing worked successfully...");
139  LOG("printing the stack in element order");
140 #endif
141  for (int i = 0; i < bounded_stack.size(); i++) {
142 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
143  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "depth %d has %s.", i,
144  bounded_stack[i].observe()));
145 #endif
146  }
147 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
148  LOG("now popping the stack all the way back.");
149 #endif
150  int full_size = bounded_stack.size();
151  for (int j = 0; j < full_size; j++) {
152 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
153  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "pop %d, stack size is %d, has %s", j+1,
154  bounded_stack.size(), bounded_stack.top().observe()));
155 #endif
156  byte_array found;
157  bounded_stack.acquire_pop(found);
158  astring got((char *)found.observe());
159  switch (j) {
160  case 0:
161  ASSERT_EQUAL(got, astring("the final and third"),
162  "acquire_pop should have right contents at 2");
163  break;
164  case 1:
165  ASSERT_EQUAL(got, astring("the second line"),
166  "acquire_pop should have right contents at 1");
167  break;
168  case 2:
169  ASSERT_EQUAL(got, astring("the first line"),
170  "acquire_pop should have right contents at 0");
171  break;
172  }
173  }
174  ASSERT_EQUAL(bounded_stack.pop().value(), common::IS_EMPTY,
175  "bounded pop should have right outcome");
176  }
178  {
179 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
180  LOG("testing the unbounded stack now:");
181 #endif
182  for (int j = 0; j < 24; j++) {
183  astring line(astring::SPRINTF, "{posn %d here}", j);
184  CHECK_STACK_RESULT(unlimited_stack.push(generate_flat(line.s())), "unbound push");
185  }
186 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
187  LOG("unbounded stack in element order:");
188 #endif
189  for (int k = 0; k < unlimited_stack.size(); k++) {
190 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
191  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "#%d is %s", k, unlimited_stack[k].observe()));
192 #endif
193  }
194 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
195  LOG("now popping fresh order:");
196 #endif
197  while (unlimited_stack.size()) {
198 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
199  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "size %d, content %s",
200  unlimited_stack.size(), unlimited_stack.top().observe()));
201 #endif
202  unlimited_stack.pop();
203  }
204 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
205  LOG("");
206 #endif
207  ASSERT_EQUAL(unlimited_stack.pop().value(), common::IS_EMPTY,
208  "unlimited pop should return empty as expected");
209 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
210  LOG("\
211 ----------------------------------------------\n\
212 both types of stack exercises were successful.\n\
213 ----------------------------------------------");
214 #endif
215  }
217 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
218  LOG("now setting up some simple stacks...");
219 #endif
221  {
222 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
223  LOG("bounded first...");
224 #endif
225  stack<byte_array > bounder(randomizer.inclusive(30, 80));
226 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
227  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "length of bounder is max %d, curr %d", bounder.elements(), bounder.size()));
228 #endif
229  int max = bounder.elements();
230  for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
231  ASSERT_EQUAL(bounder.size(), i, "the bounder size should be in step with loop");
232  int byte_array_size = randomizer.inclusive(259, 287);
233  byte_array to_stuff(byte_array_size);
234  astring visible(astring::SPRINTF, "entry %d...", i);
235  visible.stuff((char *)to_stuff.access(), visible.length() + 1);
236  for (int j = visible.length() + 1; j < to_stuff.length(); j++)
237  *(to_stuff.access() + j) = '\0';
238 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
239  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "pushing index %d", i));
240 #endif
241  outcome ret = bounder.push(to_stuff);
242  ASSERT_EQUAL(ret.value(), common::OKAY, "pushing should not fail in simple test");
243  }
244  ASSERT_EQUAL(bounder.elements(), bounder.size(), "bounder set should see size and max same");
245 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
246  LOG("inverting:");
247 #endif
248  bounder.invert();
249 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
250  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "inverted is:\n%s", text_form(bounder).s()));
251 #endif
252  while (bounder.size()) bounder.pop();
253  }
254  }
255 }
257 void test_stack::test_stack_with_pointers()
258 {
259  FUNCDEF("test_stack_with_pointers")
260  for (int qq = 0; qq < test_iterations; qq++) {
261 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
262  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "index %d", qq));
263 #endif
264  stack<byte_array *> bounded_stack(3);
265  stack<byte_array *> unlimited_stack(0);
268  {
269 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
270  LOG("testing the bounded stack first:");
271 #endif
272  CHECK_STACK_RESULT(bounded_stack.push(generate_deep("the first line")), "first push");
273  CHECK_STACK_RESULT(bounded_stack.push(generate_deep("the second line")), "second push");
274  CHECK_STACK_RESULT(bounded_stack.push(generate_deep("the final and third")), "third push");
275  byte_array *gend = generate_deep("this shouldn't work");
276  ASSERT_EQUAL(bounded_stack.push(gend).value(), common::IS_FULL,
277  "the bounded stack push should catch IS_FULL");
278  delete gend;
279 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
280  LOG("pushing worked successfully...");
281  LOG("printing the stack in element order");
282 #endif
283  for (int i = 0; i < bounded_stack.size(); i++) {
284 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
285  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "depth %d has: %s", i, bounded_stack[i]->observe()));
286 #endif
287  }
288 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
289  LOG("now popping the stack all the way back.");
290 #endif
291  int full_size = bounded_stack.size();
292  for (int j = 0; j < full_size; j++) {
293 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
294  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "pop %d, stack size is %d, has %s", j+1, bounded_stack.size(), bounded_stack.top()->observe()));
295 #endif
296  byte_array *found;
297  bounded_stack.acquire_pop(found);
298  ASSERT_TRUE(found, "acquire_pop test should not return nil");
299  ASSERT_TRUE(found->observe(), "acquire_pop test should have non-nil observe");
300  astring got((char *)found->observe());
301  switch (j) {
302  case 0:
303  ASSERT_EQUAL(got, astring("the final and third"),
304  "popping should have right contents at 2");
305  break;
306  case 1:
307  ASSERT_EQUAL(got, astring("the second line"),
308  "popping should have right contents at 1");
309  break;
310  case 2:
311  ASSERT_EQUAL(got, astring("the first line"),
312  "popping should have right contents at 0");
313  break;
314  }
315  delete found;
316  }
317  ASSERT_EQUAL(bounded_stack.pop().value(), common::IS_EMPTY,
318  "bounded pop failure in result");
319  }
321  {
322 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
323  LOG("testing the unbounded stack now:");
324 #endif
325  for (int j = 0; j < 24; j++) {
326  astring line(astring::SPRINTF, "{posn %d here}", j);
327  CHECK_STACK_RESULT(unlimited_stack.push(generate_deep(line.s())), "unbound push");
328  }
329 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
330  LOG("unbounded stack in element order:");
331 #endif
332  for (int k = 0; k < unlimited_stack.size(); k++) {
333 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
334  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "#%d is %s", k, unlimited_stack[k]->observe()));
335 #endif
336  }
337 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
338  LOG("\nnow popping order:");
339 #endif
340  while (unlimited_stack.size()) {
341 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
342  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "size %d, content %s", unlimited_stack.size(), unlimited_stack.top()->observe()));
343 #endif
344  byte_array *to_zap = unlimited_stack.top();
345  unlimited_stack.pop();
346  delete to_zap;
347  // okay because the pointer was copied, and the reference from top
348  // is not being relied on.
349  }
350 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
351  LOG("");
352 #endif
353  ASSERT_EQUAL(unlimited_stack.pop().value(), common::IS_EMPTY,
354  "unlimited pop should return empty as expected");
355 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
356  LOG("\n\
357 ----------------------------------------------\n\
358 both types of stack exercises were successful.\n\
359 ----------------------------------------------");
360 #endif
361  }
363 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
364  LOG("now setting up some simple stacks...");
365 #endif
367  {
368 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
369  LOG("bounded first...");
370 #endif
371  stack<byte_array *> bounder(randomizer.inclusive(30, 80));
372 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
373  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "length of bounder is max %d, curr %d",
374  bounder.elements(), bounder.size()));
375 #endif
376  int max = bounder.elements();
377  for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
378  ASSERT_EQUAL(bounder.size(), i, "bounder size should remain in step with loop");
379  int byte_array_size = randomizer.inclusive(259, 287);
380  byte_array *to_stuff = new byte_array(byte_array(byte_array_size));
381  astring visible(astring::SPRINTF, "entry %d...", i);
382  visible.stuff((char *)to_stuff->observe(), visible.length() + 1);
383  for (int j = visible.length() + 1; j < to_stuff->length(); j++)
384  *(to_stuff->access() + j) = '\0';
385  ASSERT_EQUAL(bounder.push(to_stuff).value(), common::OKAY,
386  "pushing should not fail in bound simple test");
387  }
388  ASSERT_EQUAL(bounder.elements(), bounder.size(), "bounder set must have size and max agree");
389 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
390  LOG("inverting:");
391 #endif
392  bounder.invert();
393 #ifdef DEBUG_STACK
394  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "inverted is:\n%s", text_form(bounder).s()));
395 #endif
396  while (bounder.size()) {
397  byte_array *to_zap = bounder.top();
398  bounder.pop();
399  delete to_zap;
400  }
401  }
402  }
403 }
405 int test_stack::execute()
406 {
407  test_stack_with_objects();
408  test_stack_with_pointers();
409  return final_report();
410 }
412 HOOPLE_MAIN(test_stack, )
#define LOG(s)
The application_shell is a base object for console programs.
const contents * observe() const
Returns a pointer to the underlying C array of data.
Definition: array.h:172
contents * access()
A non-constant access of the underlying C-array. BE REALLY CAREFUL.
Definition: array.h:175
Provides a dynamically resizable ASCII character string.
Definition: astring.h:35
const char * s() const
synonym for observe. the 's' stands for "string", if that helps.
Definition: astring.h:113
A very common template for a dynamic array of bytes.
Definition: byte_array.h:36
the "common" class defines our common_outcomes.
Outcomes describe the state of completion for an operation.
Definition: outcome.h:31
int value() const
Definition: outcome.h:51
a platform-independent way to acquire random numbers in a specific range.
Definition: chaos.h:51
An abstraction that represents a stack data structure.
Definition: stack.h:30
int elements() const
Returns the number of elements used by the stack.
Definition: stack.h:136
#define DEFINE_CLASS_NAME(objname)
Defines the name of a class by providing a couple standard methods.
Definition: enhance_cpp.h:45
#define FUNCDEF(func_in)
FUNCDEF sets the name of a function (and plugs it into the callstack).
Definition: enhance_cpp.h:57
Provides macros that implement the 'main' program of an application.
#define HOOPLE_MAIN(obj_name, obj_args)
options that should work for most unix and linux apps.
Definition: hoople_main.h:61
Implements an application lock to ensure only one is running at once.
The guards collection helps in testing preconditions and reporting errors.
Definition: array.h:30
unsigned char abyte
A fairly important unit which is seldom defined...
Definition: definitions.h:51
A platform independent way to obtain the timestamp of a file.
Definition: byte_filer.cpp:37
A logger that sends to the console screen using the standard output device.
An extension to floating point primitives providing approximate equality.
Definition: averager.h:21
A dynamic container class that holds any kind of object via pointers.
Definition: amorph.h:55
#include <time.h>
Definition: earth_time.cpp:37
Useful support functions for unit testing, especially within hoople.
Definition: unit_base.cpp:35
#define randomizer()
const int test_iterations
Definition: test_stack.cpp:50
#define ASSERT_EQUAL(a, b, test_name)
Definition: unit_base.h:38
#define ASSERT_TRUE(a, test_name)
Definition: unit_base.h:46