feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 * Name : test_byte_array_amorph
3 * Author : Chris Koeritz
4 * Purpose:
5 * Puts the amorph object through its paces.
6 **
7 * Copyright (c) 2000-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can *
8 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
9 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
10 * the License or (at your option) any later version. This is online at: *
11 * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
12 * Please send any updates to: fred@gruntose.com *
13 */
15 #include "bogon.h"
18 #include <mathematics/chaos.h>
19 #include <basis/functions.h>
20 #include <basis/guards.h>
21 #include <structures/amorph.h>
22 #include <timely/time_stamp.h>
23 #include <loggers/file_logger.h>
24 #include <loggers/console_logger.h>
25 #include <loggers/combo_logger.h>
27 #include <unit_test/unit_base.h>
29 #include <memory.h>
30 #include <stdlib.h>
32 using namespace application;
33 using namespace basis;
34 using namespace mathematics;
35 using namespace filesystem;
36 using namespace loggers;
37 using namespace structures;
38 using namespace textual;
39 using namespace timely;
40 using namespace unit_test;
42 #define DEBUG_ARRAY
43  // uncomment to enable array debugging.
45 #define DEBUG_AMORPH
46  // uncomment to enable amorph debugging.
48 //#define DEBUG_TEST_AMORPH
49  // uncomment for this program to be noisier.
52  #define LOG(to_print) EMERGENCY_LOG(program_wide_logger::get(), to_print)
53 #else
54  #define LOG(to_print) {}
55 #endif
59 class t_amorph : virtual public unit_base, virtual public application_shell
60 {
61 public:
62  t_amorph() : unit_base() {}
63  DEFINE_CLASS_NAME("t_amorph");
64  int test_bogon_amorph();
65  int test_byte_array_amorph();
66  byte_array fake_pack(amorph<byte_array> &me);
67  int compare(amorph<byte_array> &one, amorph<byte_array> &two);
68  amorph<byte_array> *fake_amorph_unpack(byte_array &packed_amorph);
69  int compare(const amorph<bogon> &one, const amorph<bogon> &two);
71  struct blob_hold { int size; int offset; };
73  virtual int execute();
74 };
76 #define PACK_BLOB_SIZE(max_limbs) (max_limbs * sizeof(blob_hold))
78 HOOPLE_MAIN(t_amorph, );
84 const int MAX_LIMBS = 200;
85  // the highest number of items stored in the amorphs here.
87 const int MIN_CHUBBY = 60;
88  // the smallest chunk to allocate for storing text strings... all strings
89  // must therefore be shorter than this length.
90 const int MAX_RANDO = 275;
91  // the maximum amount of space to add when allocating a randomly sized chunk.
93 #define PROGRAM_NAME astring("test_amorph")
95 int t_amorph::compare(amorph<byte_array> &one, amorph<byte_array> &two)
96 {
97  FUNCDEF("compare amorph<byte_array>");
98  ASSERT_EQUAL(one.elements(), two.elements(), "elements comparison");
99  if (one.elements() != two.elements()) return false;
100  ASSERT_EQUAL(one.valid_fields(), two.valid_fields(), "valid fields comparison");
101  if (one.valid_fields() != two.valid_fields()) return false;
102  for (int i = 0; i < one.elements(); i++) {
103  if (!one.get(i) && !two.get(i)) continue;
104  ASSERT_FALSE(!one.get(i) || !two.get(i), "inequal emptiness");
105  ASSERT_EQUAL(one.get(i)->length(), two.get(i)->length(), "inequal sizes");
106  if (one.get(i)->length() > 0) {
107  ASSERT_INEQUAL(one[i]->observe(), two[i]->observe(), "pointer in use twice");
108  ASSERT_FALSE(memcmp(one[i]->observe(), two[i]->observe(), one[i]->length()),
109  "inequal contents");
110  }
111  }
112  return true;
113 }
115 byte_array t_amorph::fake_pack(amorph<byte_array> &me)
116 {
117  FUNCDEF("fake_pack");
118  // snagged from the packable_amorph pack function!
119  // count the whole size needed to store the amorph.
120  int amo_size = 0;
121  amorph<byte_array> hold_packed_bits(me.elements());
123  for (int i = 0; i < me.elements(); i++)
124  if (me.get(i) && me.get(i)->length()) {
125  byte_array packed_item;
126  attach(packed_item, *me[i]);
127  byte_array *to_stuff = new byte_array(packed_item);
128  hold_packed_bits.put(i, to_stuff);
129  amo_size += packed_item.length();
130  }
131  int len = amo_size + sizeof(int) + PACK_BLOB_SIZE(me.elements());
133  // allocate a storage area for the packed form.
134  byte_array to_return(len);
135  int temp = me.elements();
136  memcpy((int *)to_return.access(), &temp, sizeof(int));
137  // size of package is stored at the beginning of the memory.
139  int current_offset = sizeof(int);
140  // the indices into the packed form are located after the amorph header.
141  blob_hold *blob_array = (blob_hold *)(to_return.access() + current_offset);
142  current_offset += PACK_BLOB_SIZE(me.elements());
144  // the entire amorph is replicated into the new buffer.
145  for (int j = 0; j < me.elements(); j++) {
146  // the offset of this limb in the packed area is saved in the hold.
147  blob_array[j].size
148  = (hold_packed_bits[j]? hold_packed_bits[j]->length() : 0);
149  blob_array[j].offset = current_offset;
150  if (hold_packed_bits[j] && hold_packed_bits[j]->length()) {
151  // the actual data is copied....
152  memcpy(to_return.access() + current_offset,
153  (abyte *)hold_packed_bits[j]->observe(),
154  hold_packed_bits[j]->length());
155  // and the "address" is updated.
156  current_offset += hold_packed_bits[j]->length();
157  }
158  }
159  ASSERT_EQUAL(current_offset, len, "offset is incorrect after packing");
160  return to_return;
161 }
163 amorph<byte_array> *t_amorph::fake_amorph_unpack(byte_array &packed_amorph)
164 {
165  // snagged from the packable_amorph unpack function!
166  int max_limbs;
167  memcpy(&max_limbs, (int *)packed_amorph.access(), sizeof(max_limbs));
168  amorph<byte_array> *to_return = new amorph<byte_array>(max_limbs);
170  blob_hold *blob_array = new blob_hold[max_limbs];
171  memcpy(blob_array, (blob_hold *)(packed_amorph.access()
172  + sizeof(int)), PACK_BLOB_SIZE(max_limbs));
173  for (int i = 0; i < to_return->elements(); i++)
174  if (blob_array[i].size) {
175  abyte *source = packed_amorph.access() + blob_array[i].offset;
176  byte_array packed_byte_array(blob_array[i].size, source);
177  byte_array *unpacked = new byte_array;
178  detach(packed_byte_array, *unpacked);
179  to_return->put(i, unpacked);
180  }
181  delete [] blob_array;
182  return to_return;
183 }
185 int t_amorph::test_byte_array_amorph()
186 {
187  FUNCDEF("test_byte_array_amorph");
188  LOG("start of amorph of abyte array test");
189  for (int qq = 0; qq < default_test_iterations; qq++) {
190  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "index %d", qq));
191  {
192  // some simple creation and stuffing tests....
193  amorph<byte_array> fred(20);
194  amorph<byte_array> gen(10);
195  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) {
196  byte_array *gens = new byte_array(8, (abyte *)"goodbye");
197  gen.put(i, gens);
198  }
199  for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
200  byte_array *freds = new byte_array(6, (abyte *)"hello");
201  fred.put(j, freds);
202  }
203  amorph_assign(gen, fred);
204  LOG("done with fred & gen");
205  }
207  LOG("before fred creation");
209  amorph<byte_array> fred(MAX_LIMBS - 1);
210  fred.append(NULL_POINTER); // add one to make it max limbs big.
211  LOG("after append nil");
212  {
213  for (int i = 0; i < fred.elements(); i++) {
214  int size = MIN_CHUBBY + randomizer.inclusive(0, MAX_RANDO);
215  astring text("bogus burfonium nuggets");
216  astring burph(astring::SPRINTF, " ung %d ", i);
217  text += burph;
218  abyte *temp = new abyte[size];
219  text.stuff((char *)temp, text.length()+1);
220  byte_array *to_stuff = new byte_array(size, temp);
221  fred.put(i, to_stuff);
222  delete [] temp;
223  }
224  }
225  LOG("after first loop");
226  {
227  amorph<byte_array> bungee3;
228  amorph_assign(bungee3, fred);
229  amorph<byte_array> burglar2;
230  amorph_assign(burglar2, bungee3);
231  amorph<byte_array> trunklid;
232  amorph_assign(trunklid, burglar2);
233  ASSERT_INEQUAL(trunklid.elements(), 0, "const constructor test - no elements!");
234  }
235  LOG("after copies performed");
236  {
237  astring text;
238  text = "hello this is part one.";
239  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "len is %d, content is %s",
240  text.length(), text.observe()));
241  char *tadr = text.access();
242  abyte *badr = (abyte *)tadr;
243  byte_array *to_stuff = new byte_array(text.length() + 1, badr);
244  fred.put(183, to_stuff);
245  text = "wonky tuniea bellowbop";
246  byte_array *to_stuff1 = new byte_array(text.length()+1, (abyte *)text.s());
247  fred.put(90, to_stuff1);
249  text = "frunkwioioio";
250  byte_array *to_stuff2 = new byte_array(text.length()+1, (abyte *)text.s());
251  fred.put(12, to_stuff2);
253  fred.clear(98); fred.clear(122); fred.clear(123);
254  fred.clear(256);
255  fred.clear(129);
256  fred.zap(82, 90);
257  fred.zap(93, 107);
258  }
259  LOG("after second loop");
260  {
261  byte_array packed = fake_pack(fred);
262  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "done packing in %s, pack has %d "
263  "elems.", class_name(), packed.length()));
264  amorph<byte_array> *new_fred = fake_amorph_unpack(packed);
265  LOG("done unpacking in test_amorph");
266  ASSERT_TRUE(compare(fred, *new_fred), "first pack test, amorphs not the same");
267  abyte *cont1
268  = (new_fred->get(14)? (*new_fred)[14]->access() : (abyte *)"NULL_POINTER");
269  abyte *cont2
270  = (new_fred->get(20)? (*new_fred)[20]->access() : (abyte *)"NULL_POINTER");
271  abyte *cont3
272  = (new_fred->get(36)? (*new_fred)[36]->access() : (abyte *)"NULL_POINTER");
274  if (cont1) LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "14: %s", cont1));
275  if (cont2) LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "20: %s", cont2));
276  if (cont3) LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "36: %s", cont3));
277  LOG("fields all compare identically after pack and unpack");
278  byte_array packed_second = fake_pack(*new_fred);
279  delete new_fred;
280  amorph<byte_array> *newer_fred = fake_amorph_unpack(packed_second);
281  ASSERT_TRUE(compare(*newer_fred, fred), "second pack test, amorphs not the same");
282  delete newer_fred;
283  }
285  {
286  amorph<byte_array> fred(randomizer.inclusive(20, 30));
287  int size = MIN_CHUBBY + randomizer.inclusive(0, MAX_RANDO);
288  astring text("bogus burfonium nuggets");
289  astring burph(astring::SPRINTF, " ung %d ", 2314);
290  text += burph;
291  byte_array intermed(size);
293  for (int i = 0; i < fred.elements(); i += 5) {
294  byte_array *to_stuff = new byte_array(size, intermed.access());
295  memcpy(intermed.access(), (abyte *)text.s(), text.length() + 1);
296  fred.put(i, to_stuff);
297  }
298  fred.clear_all();
299  for (int j = 0; j < fred.elements(); j += 5) {
300  byte_array *to_stuff = new byte_array(size, intermed.access());
301  memcpy(intermed.access(), (abyte *)text.s(), text.length() + 1);
302  fred.put(j, to_stuff);
303  }
304  text = "frunkwioioio";
305  byte_array *to_stuff = new byte_array(text.length()+1, (abyte *)text.s());
306  fred.put(12, to_stuff);
307  fred.clear_all();
308  }
309  LOG("survived the clear_alls");
310  {
312  amorph_assign(*ted, fred);
313  ASSERT_TRUE(compare(*ted, fred), "ted and fred aren't the same");
314  {
315  amorph<byte_array> *george = new amorph<byte_array>(0);
316  amorph_assign(*george, fred);
317  ASSERT_TRUE(compare(*george, fred), "fred and george aren't the same");
318  ted->zap(3, 20);
319  george->zap(3, 10);
320  george->zap(3, 12);
321  ASSERT_TRUE(compare(*ted, *george), "after zap, ted and george aren't the same");
322  ted->adjust(ted->elements() - 20);
323  george->adjust(george->elements() - 5);
324  george->adjust(george->elements() - 5);
325  george->adjust(george->elements() - 5);
326  george->adjust(george->elements() - 5);
327  ASSERT_TRUE(compare(*ted, *george), "after adjust, ted and george aren't the same");
328  delete george;
329  }
330  delete ted;
331  }
332  }
333  return 0;
334 }
336 int t_amorph::compare(const amorph<bogon> &one, const amorph<bogon> &two)
337 {
338  FUNCDEF("compare amorph<bogon>");
339  if (one.elements() != two.elements()) return false;
340  for (int i = 0; i < one.elements(); i++) {
341  if (!one.get(i) && !two.get(i)) continue;
342  ASSERT_FALSE(!one.get(i) || !two.get(i), "both should be non-nil");
343  ASSERT_EQUAL(one.get(i)->size(), two.get(i)->size(), "sizes should be equal");
344  if (one.get(i)->size() > 0) {
345  ASSERT_INEQUAL(one.get(i)->held(), two.get(i)->held(), "pointer should not be in use twice");
346  ASSERT_FALSE(memcmp(one.get(i)->held(), two.get(i)->held(), one.get(i)->size()),
347  "contents should be equal");
348  }
349  }
350  return true;
351 }
353 int t_amorph::test_bogon_amorph()
354 {
355  FUNCDEF("test_bogon_amorph");
356  LOG("start of amorph of bogon test");
357  for (int qq = 0; qq < default_test_iterations; qq++) {
358  LOG(astring(astring::SPRINTF, "index %d", qq));
359  {
360  // some simple creation and stuffing tests....
361  amorph<bogon> fred(20);
362  amorph<bogon> gen(10);
363  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
364  bogon *gens = new bogon((abyte *)"goodbye");
365  gen.put(i, gens);
366  }
367  for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
368  bogon *freds = new bogon((abyte *)"hello");
369  fred.put(j, freds);
370  }
371  ASSERT_FALSE(compare(fred, gen), "fred and gen ARE the same");
372  amorph_assign(gen, fred);
373  ASSERT_TRUE(compare(fred, gen), "fred and gen aren't the same");
374  }
378  amorph<bogon> fred(MAX_LIMBS);
380  LOG("after append nil");
381  {
382  for (int i = 0; i < fred.elements(); i++) {
383  int size = MIN_CHUBBY + randomizer.inclusive(0, MAX_RANDO);
384  astring text("bogus burfonium nuggets");
385  astring burph(astring::SPRINTF, " ung %d ", i);
386  text += burph;
387  abyte *temp = new abyte[size];
388  text.stuff((char *)temp, text.length()+1);
389  bogon *to_stuff = new bogon(temp);
390  fred.put(i, to_stuff);
391  delete [] temp;
392  }
393  }
395  LOG("after first loop");
396  {
397  amorph<bogon> bungee3;
398  amorph_assign(bungee3, fred);
399  amorph<bogon> burglar2;
400  amorph_assign(burglar2, bungee3);
401  amorph_assign(burglar2, bungee3);
402  amorph<bogon> trunklid;
403  amorph_assign(trunklid, burglar2);
404  ASSERT_TRUE(trunklid.elements(), "const constructor test: no elements!");
405  }
406  {
407  astring text;
408  text = "hello this is part one.";
409  bogon *to_stuff = new bogon((abyte *)text.s());
410  fred.put(32, to_stuff);
412  text = "wonky tuniea bellowbop";
413  bogon *to_stuff1 = new bogon((abyte *)text.s());
414  fred.put(84, to_stuff1);
416  text = "frunkwioioio";
417  bogon *to_stuff2 = new bogon((abyte *)text.s());
418  fred.put(27, to_stuff2);
420  fred.clear(98); fred.clear(122); fred.clear(123);
421  fred.clear(256);
422  fred.clear(129);
423  fred.zap(82, 90);
424  fred.zap(93, 107);
425  }
426  LOG("after second loop");
427  {
428  amorph<bogon> fred(randomizer.inclusive(20, 30));
429  astring text("bogus burfonium nuggets");
430  astring burph(astring::SPRINTF, " ung %d ", 2314);
431  text += burph;
433  for (int i = 0; i < fred.elements(); i += 5) {
434  bogon *to_stuff = new bogon((abyte *)text.s());
435  fred.put(i, to_stuff);
436  }
437  fred.clear_all();
438  for (int j = 0; j < fred.elements(); j += 5) {
439  bogon *to_stuff = new bogon((abyte *)text.s());
440  fred.put(j, to_stuff);
441  }
442  text = "frunkwioioio";
443  bogon *to_stuff = new bogon((abyte *)text.s());
444  fred.put(6, to_stuff);
445  fred.clear_all();
446  }
447  LOG("survived the clear_alls");
448  {
449  amorph<bogon> *ted = new amorph<bogon>();
450  amorph_assign(*ted, fred);
451  ASSERT_TRUE(compare(*ted, fred), "after assign, ted and fred aren't the same");
452  {
453  amorph<bogon> *george = new amorph<bogon>();
454  amorph_assign(*george, fred);
455  ASSERT_TRUE(compare(*george, fred), "pre-zap, george and fred aren't the same");
456  ted->zap(3, 20);
457  george->zap(3, 10);
458  george->zap(3, 12);
459  ASSERT_TRUE(compare(*ted, *george), "after zap, ted and george aren't the same");
460  ted->adjust(ted->elements()-20);
461  george->adjust(george->elements()-5);
462  george->adjust(george->elements()-5);
463  george->adjust(george->elements()-5);
464  george->adjust(george->elements()-5);
465  ASSERT_TRUE(compare(*ted, *george), "after more zaps, ted and george aren't the same");
466  delete george;
467  }
468  delete ted;
469  }
470  }
471  return 0;
472 }
474 const int MAX_TEST_DURATION = 1 * MINUTE_ms;
475  // each of the tests calling on the templated tester will take this long.
477 const int MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_OBJECTS = 42; // the maximum length tested.
479 //hmmm: this test_amorph_of is not completed.
481 template <class contents>
482 int test_amorph_of(const contents &bogus)
483 {
484  chaos rando;
486  // these are the actions we try on the amorph during the test.
487  // the first and last elements must be identical to the first and last
488  // tests to perform.
489  enum actions { first, do_zap = first, do_adjust, do_assign,
492  do_borrow, last = do_borrow};
494  time_stamp exit_time(::MAX_TEST_DURATION);
495  while (time_stamp() < exit_time) {
496  int index = rando.inclusive(0, ::MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_OBJECTS - 1);
497  int choice = rando.inclusive(first, last);
498  switch (choice) {
499  case do_zap: {
501  break;
502  }
503  case do_adjust: {
505  break;
506  }
507  case do_assign: {
509  break;
510  }
511  case do_borrow: {
513  break;
514  }
515  }
516  }
517  return 0;
518 }
520 int t_amorph::execute()
521 {
523  int errs = 0;
524  int retval = test_byte_array_amorph();
525  if (retval != 0) errs += retval;
526  retval = test_bogon_amorph();
527  if (retval != 0) errs += retval;
529 //incorporate these errors somehow also.
531 // if (retval == 0)
532 // critical_events::alert_message("amorph:: works for those functions tested.");
533 // else
534 // critical_events::alert_message("amorph:: there were errors!");
535  return final_report();
536 }
The application_shell is a base object for console programs.
contents * access()
A non-constant access of the underlying C-array. BE REALLY CAREFUL.
Definition: array.h:175
int length() const
Returns the current reported length of the allocated C array.
Definition: array.h:115
Provides a dynamically resizable ASCII character string.
Definition: astring.h:35
const char * s() const
synonym for observe. the 's' stands for "string", if that helps.
Definition: astring.h:113
void stuff(char *to_stuff, int count) const
a synonym for copy().
Definition: astring.h:216
int length() const
Returns the current length of the string.
Definition: astring.cpp:132
virtual char * access()
provides access to the actual string held.
Definition: astring.cpp:136
virtual const char * observe() const
observes the underlying pointer to the zero-terminated string.
Definition: astring.cpp:140
A very common template for a dynamic array of bytes.
Definition: byte_array.h:36
Definition: bogon.h:30
a platform-independent way to acquire random numbers in a specific range.
Definition: chaos.h:51
int inclusive(int low, int high) const
< Returns a pseudo-random number r, such that "low" <= r <= "high".
Definition: chaos.h:88
int elements() const
the maximum number of elements currently allowed in this amorph.
Definition: amorph.h:66
basis::outcome put(int field, const contents *data)
Enters an object into the field at index "field" in the amorph.
Definition: amorph.h:370
basis::outcome zap(int start, int end)
Removes a range of indices from the amorph.
Definition: amorph.h:357
void adjust(int new_max)
Changes the maximum number of elements for this amorph.
Definition: amorph.h:321
const contents * get(int field) const
Returns a constant pointer to the information at the index "field".
Definition: amorph.h:312
int valid_fields() const
Returns the number of fields that have non-null contents.
Definition: amorph.h:69
Represents a point in time relative to the operating system startup time.
Definition: time_stamp.h:38
a macro that retasks the program-wide logger as a combo_logger.
Definition: combo_logger.h:49
The value representing a pointer to nothing.
Definition: definitions.h:32
#define DEFINE_CLASS_NAME(objname)
Defines the name of a class by providing a couple standard methods.
Definition: enhance_cpp.h:45
#define FUNCDEF(func_in)
FUNCDEF sets the name of a function (and plugs it into the callstack).
Definition: enhance_cpp.h:57
Provides macros that implement the 'main' program of an application.
Implements an application lock to ensure only one is running at once.
The guards collection helps in testing preconditions and reporting errors.
Definition: array.h:30
unsigned char abyte
A fairly important unit which is seldom defined...
Definition: definitions.h:51
void attach(byte_array &packed_form, const char *to_attach)
Packs a character string "to_attach" into "packed_form".
Definition: astring.cpp:1015
bool detach(byte_array &packed_form, astring &to_detach)
Unpacks a character string "to_attach" from "packed_form".
Definition: astring.cpp:1023
const int MINUTE_ms
Number of milliseconds in a minute.
Definition: definitions.h:121
A platform independent way to obtain the timestamp of a file.
Definition: byte_filer.cpp:37
A logger that sends to the console screen using the standard output device.
An extension to floating point primitives providing approximate equality.
Definition: averager.h:21
A dynamic container class that holds any kind of object via pointers.
Definition: amorph.h:55
void amorph_assign(amorph< contents > &to_assign, const amorph< contents > &to_copy)
This can be used when the templated object has a copy constructor.
Definition: amorph.h:503
#include <time.h>
Definition: earth_time.cpp:37
Useful support functions for unit testing, especially within hoople.
Definition: unit_base.cpp:35
#define randomizer()
#define PACK_BLOB_SIZE(max_limbs)
Definition: test_amorph.cpp:76
const int MIN_CHUBBY
Definition: test_amorph.cpp:87
const int default_test_iterations
Definition: test_amorph.cpp:82
const int MAX_RANDO
Definition: test_amorph.cpp:90
#define LOG(to_print)
Definition: test_amorph.cpp:54
const int MAX_LIMBS
Definition: test_amorph.cpp:84
int test_amorph_of(const contents &bogus)
void bogon(byte_array *fred)
Definition: test_node.cpp:53
chaos rando
#define ASSERT_EQUAL(a, b, test_name)
Definition: unit_base.h:38
#define ASSERT_TRUE(a, test_name)
Definition: unit_base.h:46
#define ASSERT_FALSE(a, test_name)
Definition: unit_base.h:50
#define ASSERT_INEQUAL(a, b, test_name)
Definition: unit_base.h:42