feisty meow concerns codebase  2.140
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 * Name : test_tokenizer
3 * Author : Chris Koeritz
4 * Purpose: Puts the variable_tokenizer through some paces.
5 **
6 * Copyright (c) 1998-$now By Author. This program is free software; you can *
7 * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
8 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
9 * the License or (at your option) any later version. This is online at: *
10 * http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html *
11 * Please send any updates to: fred@gruntose.com *
12 */
15 #include <basis/astring.h>
16 #include <basis/byte_array.h>
17 #include <basis/functions.h>
18 #include <basis/guards.h>
20 #include <filesystem/byte_filer.h>
23 #include <textual/parser_bits.h>
24 #include <unit_test/unit_base.h>
26 using namespace application;
27 using namespace basis;
28 using namespace configuration;
29 using namespace filesystem;
30 using namespace loggers;
31 using namespace mathematics;
32 using namespace structures;
33 using namespace textual;
34 using namespace timely;
35 using namespace unit_test;
37 #define LOG(to_print) EMERGENCY_LOG(program_wide_logger::get(), astring(to_print))
39 const int MAX_LINE_SIZE = 1000;
40  // the largest line we will deal with in a file.
42 class test_tokenizer : public virtual unit_base, public virtual application_shell
43 {
44 public:
45  test_tokenizer() {}
46  DEFINE_CLASS_NAME("test_tokenizer");
47  virtual int execute();
48 };
52 int test_tokenizer::execute()
53 {
54  FUNCDEF("execute");
55  {
56  astring test_set_1 = "\n\
57 [frederick]\n\
58 samba=dance\n\
59 tantalus rex=gumby\n\
60 57 chevy heap=\"16 anagrams of misty immediately\"\n\
61 lingus distractus\n\
62 shouldus havus assignmentum=\n\
63 above better be parsed = 1\n\
64 ;and this comment too yo\n\
65 ted=agent 12\n";
67  astring TEST = "First Test: ";
68  astring testing = test_set_1;
69  LOG(astring("file before parsing:") + testing);
70  variable_tokenizer jed("\n\r", "=");
71  ASSERT_TRUE(jed.parse(testing), TEST + "jed should be parseable");
72  astring out;
73  jed.text_form(out);
74  variable_tokenizer gorp("\n\r", "=");
75  ASSERT_TRUE(gorp.parse(out), TEST + "gorp should be parseable");
76  LOG(astring("file after parsing:") + out);
77  LOG("and in tabular form:");
78  LOG(jed.table().text_form());
80 //for (int i = 0; i < gorp.table().symbols(); i++) {
81 //astring name, value;
82 //gorp.table().retrieve(i, name, value);
83 //LOG(a_sprintf("item %d: name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"", i, name.s(), value.s()));
84 //}
86  ASSERT_TRUE(jed.exists("[frederick]"), TEST + "jed section header was omitted!");
87  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("[frederick]"), astring(""),
88  TEST + "jed section header had unexpected contents!");
89  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("ted"), astring("agent 12"),
90  TEST + "jed's ted is missing or invalid!");
91  ASSERT_FALSE(jed.find("shouldus havus assignmentum").t(),
92  TEST + "jed's shouldus had contents but shouldn't!");
93  astring value = *jed.table().find("shouldus havus assignmentum");
94  ASSERT_EQUAL(value, astring(" "), TEST + "jed shouldus had wrong contents, not special!");
95  ASSERT_TRUE(gorp.exists("[frederick]"), TEST + "gorp section header was omitted!");
96  ASSERT_EQUAL(gorp.find("[frederick]"), astring(""),
97  TEST + "gorp section header had unexpected contents!");
98  ASSERT_EQUAL(gorp.find("ted"), astring("agent 12"),
99  TEST + "gorp's ted is missing or invalid!");
100  ASSERT_FALSE(gorp.find("shouldus havus assignmentum").t(),
101  TEST + "gorp's shouldus had contents but shouldn't!");
102  value = *gorp.table().find("shouldus havus assignmentum");
103  ASSERT_EQUAL(value, astring(" "), TEST + "gorp shouldus had wrong contents, not special!");
104  }
105  {
106  astring test_set_2 = "Name=SRV, Parent=, Persist=Y, Entry=Y, Required=Y, Desc=Server, Tbl=Server";
108  astring TEST = "Second Test: ";
109  astring testing = test_set_2;
110  LOG(astring("file before parsing:") + testing);
111  variable_tokenizer jed(",", "=");
112  ASSERT_TRUE(jed.parse(testing), TEST + "jed should be parseable");
113  astring out;
114  jed.text_form(out);
115  LOG(astring("file after parsing:") + out);
116  LOG("and in tabular form:");
117  LOG(jed.table().text_form());
118  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("Name"), astring("SRV"), TEST + "Name is missing or invalid!");
119  ASSERT_FALSE(jed.find("Parent").t(), TEST + "Parent had contents but shouldn't!");
120  astring value = *jed.table().find("Parent");
121  ASSERT_EQUAL(value, astring(" "), TEST + "Parent had wrong contents, not special!");
122  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("Persist"), astring("Y"), TEST + "Persist is missing or invalid!");
123  }
125  {
126  astring test_set_3 = "\n\
127 [frederick]\n\
128 samba=dance\n\
129 tantalus rex=gumby \"don#t\n\n'play'\nthat\" homey '\n\ndog\n\n yo \"\ncreen\" arf'\n\
130 57 chevy heap=\"16 anagrams of misty immediately\"\n\
131 lingus distractus\n\
132 shouldus havus assignmentum=\n\
133 above better be parsed = 1\n\
134 ;and this comment too yo\n\
135 ted=agent 12\n";
137  astring TEST = "Third Test: ";
138  astring testing = test_set_3;
139  LOG(astring("file before parsing:") + testing);
140  variable_tokenizer jed("\n\r", "=", "\'\"");
141  ASSERT_TRUE(jed.parse(testing), TEST + "jed should be parseable");
142  astring out;
143  jed.text_form(out);
144  variable_tokenizer gorp("\n\r", "=", "\'\"");
145  ASSERT_TRUE(gorp.parse(out), TEST + "gorp should be parseable");
146  LOG(astring("file after parsing:") + out);
147  LOG("and in tabular form:");
148  LOG(jed.table().text_form());
149  ASSERT_TRUE(jed.exists("[frederick]"), TEST + "jed section header was omitted!");
150  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("[frederick]"), astring(""),
151  TEST + "jed section header had unexpected contents!");
152  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("ted"), astring("agent 12"), TEST + "jed ted is missing or invalid!");
153  ASSERT_FALSE(jed.find("shouldus havus assignmentum").t(),
154  TEST + "jed shouldus had contents but shouldn't!");
155  astring value = *jed.table().find("shouldus havus assignmentum");
156  ASSERT_EQUAL(value, astring(" "), TEST + "jed shouldus had wrong contents, not special!");
157  ASSERT_TRUE(gorp.exists("[frederick]"), TEST + "gorp section header was omitted!");
158  ASSERT_EQUAL(gorp.find("[frederick]"), astring(""),
159  TEST + "gorp section header had unexpected contents!");
160  ASSERT_EQUAL(gorp.find("ted"), astring("agent 12"), TEST + "gorp second ted is missing or invalid!");
161  ASSERT_FALSE(gorp.find("shouldus havus assignmentum").t(),
162  TEST + "gorp shouldus had contents but shouldn't!");
163  value = *gorp.table().find("shouldus havus assignmentum");
164  ASSERT_EQUAL(value, astring(" "), TEST + "gorp shouldus wrong contents, was not special!");
165  ASSERT_TRUE(gorp.exists("tantalus rex"), TEST + "gorp tantalus rex is missing!");
166  ASSERT_EQUAL(gorp.find("tantalus rex"),
167  astring("gumby \"don#t\n\n'play'\nthat\" homey '\n\ndog\n\n yo "
168  "\"\ncreen\" arf'"),
169  TEST + "gorp tantalus rex has incorrect contents!");
170  }
171  {
172  astring test_set_4 = "\n\
173 [garfola]\n\
174 treadmill=\"this ain't the place\nwhere'n we been done\nseein' no quotes\"\n\
175 borfulate='similarly \"we\" do not like\nthe \" quote \" type thing here'\n\
176 ";
178  astring TEST = "Fourth Test: ";
179  astring testing = test_set_4;
180  LOG(astring("file before parsing:\n") + testing);
181  variable_tokenizer jed("\n\r", "=", "\'\"", false);
182  ASSERT_TRUE(jed.parse(testing), TEST + "jed should be parseable");
183  astring out;
184  jed.text_form(out);
185  variable_tokenizer gorp("\n\r", "=", "\'\"", false);
186  ASSERT_TRUE(gorp.parse(out), TEST + "gorp should be parseable");
187  LOG(astring("file after parsing:\n") + out);
188  LOG("and in tabular form:");
189  LOG(jed.table().text_form());
190  ASSERT_TRUE(gorp.exists("[garfola]"), TEST + "section header was omitted!");
191  ASSERT_EQUAL(gorp.find("[garfola]"), astring(""),
192  TEST + "section header had unexpected contents!");
193  ASSERT_TRUE(gorp.exists("treadmill"), TEST + "treadmill is missing!");
194  ASSERT_EQUAL(gorp.find("treadmill"),
195  astring("\"this ain't the place\nwhere'n we been done\nseein' no quotes\""),
196  TEST + "treadmill has incorrect contents!");
197  ASSERT_TRUE(gorp.exists("borfulate"), TEST + "borfulate is missing!");
198  ASSERT_EQUAL(gorp.find("borfulate"),
199  astring("'similarly \"we\" do not like\nthe \" quote \" type thing here'"),
200  TEST + "borfulate has incorrect contents!");
201  }
202  {
203  astring test_set_5 = "\n\
204  x~35; y~92 ;#comment ; d ~83 ; e~ 54 ; ? new comment ;sud ~ xj23-8 ; nigh ~2";
206  astring TEST = "Fifth Test: ";
207  astring testing = test_set_5;
208  LOG(astring("file before parsing:\n") + testing);
209  variable_tokenizer jed(";", "~");
210  jed.set_comment_chars("#?");
211  ASSERT_TRUE(jed.parse(testing), TEST + "jed should be parseable");
212  astring out;
213  jed.text_form(out);
214  LOG(astring("file after parsing:\n") + out);
215  LOG("and in tabular form:");
216  LOG(jed.table().text_form());
218  variable_tokenizer gorp(";", "~");
219  gorp.set_comment_chars("#?");
220  ASSERT_TRUE(gorp.parse(out), TEST + "gorp should be parseable");
221  LOG("gorp in tabular form:");
222  LOG(gorp.table().text_form());
223 //hmmm: need equalizable/orderable on table?
224  ASSERT_TRUE(gorp.table() == jed.table(), TEST + "gorp text not same as jed!");
226  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("x"), astring("35"), TEST + "value for x missing or invalid");
227  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("y"), astring("92"), TEST + "value for y missing or invalid");
228  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("d"), astring("83"), TEST + "value for d missing or invalid");
229  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("e"), astring("54"), TEST + "value for e missing or invalid");
230  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("sud"), astring("xj23-8"), TEST + "value for sud missing or invalid");
231  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("nigh"), astring("2"), TEST + "value for nigh missing or invalid");
232  }
233  {
234  astring test_set_6 = "\r\n\r\n\r\
235 # this is yet another test with comments.\r\n\
236 ; we want to be sure stuff works right.\r\n\
237 crumpet=tempest\r\n\
238  moomar=18\r\n\
239 shagbot =once upon a time there was a man \r\n\
240 \t\t\tpunzola megamum =brandle the handle \r\n\
241 trapzoot= uhhh\r\n\
242 mensch = racer X\r\n\
243 \r\n\r\n\r\n";
245  astring TEST = "Sixth Test: ";
246  astring testing = test_set_6;
247  LOG(astring("file before parsing:\n===========\n") + testing + "\n===========");
248  variable_tokenizer jed("\n\r", "=");
249  jed.set_comment_chars("#;");
250  ASSERT_TRUE(jed.parse(testing), TEST + "jed should be parseable");
251  astring out;
252  jed.text_form(out);
253  LOG(astring("file after parsing:\n===========\n") + out + "\n===========");
254  LOG("and in tabular form:");
255  LOG(jed.table().text_form());
257  variable_tokenizer gorp("\n\r", "=");
258  gorp.set_comment_chars("#;");
259  ASSERT_TRUE(gorp.parse(out), TEST + "gorp should be parseable");
260  LOG("gorp in tabular form:");
261  LOG(gorp.table().text_form());
262 LOG(a_sprintf("gorp has %d fields, jed has %d fields", gorp.symbols(), jed.symbols()));
263  ASSERT_TRUE(gorp.table() == jed.table(), TEST + "gorp text not same as jed!");
265  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("crumpet"), astring("tempest"),
266  TEST + "value for crumpet missing or invalid");
267  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("moomar"), astring("18"),
268  TEST + "value for moomar missing or invalid");
269  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("shagbot"), astring("once upon a time there was a man"),
270  TEST + "value for shagbot missing or invalid");
271  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("trapzoot"), astring("uhhh"),
272  TEST + "value for trapzoot missing or invalid");
273  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("punzola megamum"), astring("brandle the handle"),
274  TEST + "value for punzola missing or invalid");
275  ASSERT_EQUAL(jed.find("mensch"), astring("racer X"),
276  TEST + "value for mensch missing or invalid");
277  }
279  return final_report();
280 }
284 HOOPLE_MAIN(test_tokenizer, );
The application_shell is a base object for console programs.
a_sprintf is a specialization of astring that provides printf style support.
Definition: astring.h:440
Provides a dynamically resizable ASCII character string.
Definition: astring.h:35
virtual void text_form(base_string &state_fill) const
Provides a text view of all the important info owned by this object.
Definition: astring.cpp:130
int find(char to_find, int position=0, bool reverse=false) const
Locates "to_find" in "this".
Definition: astring.cpp:574
Manages a bank of textual definitions of variables.
#define DEFINE_CLASS_NAME(objname)
Defines the name of a class by providing a couple standard methods.
Definition: enhance_cpp.h:45
#define FUNCDEF(func_in)
FUNCDEF sets the name of a function (and plugs it into the callstack).
Definition: enhance_cpp.h:57
Provides macros that implement the 'main' program of an application.
Implements an application lock to ensure only one is running at once.
The guards collection helps in testing preconditions and reporting errors.
Definition: array.h:30
A platform independent way to obtain the timestamp of a file.
Definition: byte_filer.cpp:37
A logger that sends to the console screen using the standard output device.
An extension to floating point primitives providing approximate equality.
Definition: averager.h:21
A dynamic container class that holds any kind of object via pointers.
Definition: amorph.h:55
#include <time.h>
Definition: earth_time.cpp:37
Useful support functions for unit testing, especially within hoople.
Definition: unit_base.cpp:35
#define TEST
#define LOG(to_print)
const int MAX_LINE_SIZE
#define ASSERT_EQUAL(a, b, test_name)
Definition: unit_base.h:38
#define ASSERT_TRUE(a, test_name)
Definition: unit_base.h:46
#define ASSERT_FALSE(a, test_name)
Definition: unit_base.h:50